"Dugarella is dead. If you don't want to die, then all of you will kneel down and surrender!"

After killing Dugarella, Lin Jin looked back at the battlefield and scanned the countless legions on the battlefield.

Isolated outside the barrier, there were still a large number of legions and a large number of heroes, and most of them were Du. Garella's subordinates.

Now that Dugarella is dead, Lin Jin has also made plans to conquer them.

Dugarella's power is still very powerful. If Dugarella's power can be directly absorbed, then Lin Jin's His strength will also be rapidly improved.

Now in the race against time, now that the rest of the undead lords have gone, Lin Jin needs to end the battle faster. The domineering words resounded throughout the audience, and everyone looked at the sharp and high-altitude figure. Lin Jin, and the Death Angels whose names all exuded a strong dark aura, felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

It was really just relying on 3000 legions to smash the abyss trap of the undead lord Abyss Weaver head-on. And he killed the Abyss Weaver.

This kind of power was like a god.

It was hard to imagine who else could be his opponent. Even though Lin Jin had fought many battles in the underworld before, with outstanding results, but He has never truly killed any undead lord.

This makes it impossible for people to truly judge his power.

It was only now that an undead lord died in his hands, and everyone realized that Yong Ye What does the word"King" mean?

Doesn't the strong dragon suppress the local snake?

No, the strong dragon suppresses the local snake, and directly tramples the local snake to death with his feet.

In the long time to come, regardless of whether Lin Jin succeeds or not, He will also become a legend in the underworld

"I am willing to surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

Looking back at the battlefield, I saw all the undead heroes with complicated faces, but they still fell to their knees on the ground.

Not only them, but also their legions, all the undead legions also knelt down in groups.

In the underworld, the strong are respected.

In order to survive, the weak undead heroes can only rely on the stronger undead lords and undead great lords.

Since Dugarella is dead, their souls are also free.

In order to survive , they had just surrendered to Dugarella in the past. Now in order to survive, there is nothing wrong with surrendering to Lin Jin.

As if it caused a chain effect, after seeing so many undead heroes kneeling on the ground, more and more Many undead heroes looked at them and knelt down one after another, choosing to surrender.

Once Dugarella died, they had become a piece of scattered sand.

Although there were many people, they were useless.

If they resisted like this, they might become those who surrendered.

It’s better to surrender! Anyway

, so many people have surrendered, so it’s no big deal for them to surrender.

More and more undead heroes are kneeling on the ground. With this barrier as the center, countless undead soldiers on the periphery are also They all fell to their knees.

Countless undead heroes in the sky and on the earth were all worshiping their new king.

"King of Eternal Night, sooner or later I will avenge Lord Dugarella!"

An undead hero, still looking at Lin Jin with a look of hatred on his face, planned to evacuate here with his legion.

He was still loyal to Dugarella. Since Dugarella was dead, he planned to join the rest of the undead. The lords and even the undead lords continued to be enemies of Lin Jin.

But when he retreated, a black shadow appeared behind him, and the giant sword in his hand also cut off his head.

It was Al.!

With so many people kneeling down and surrendering, those who don’t surrender naturally seem very abrupt.

What Lin Jin said is, those who don’t want to die, kneel down and surrender.

Then those who don’t kneel down and surrender, naturally they are seeking death, Angel of Death He would not let them go.

Seeing that some people were being killed, the remaining undead heroes not only had no temper at all, but also accelerated their choice of surrender. More and more hesitant undead heroes chose to surrender without thinking too much..

Those who surrender will not be killed!

This almost made them think that Lin Jin was kind.

But in fact, the other party had nothing to do with kindness. Their hearts trembled when they thought of how Lin Jin was crossing the battlefield just now, killing decisively.

Barrier It began to dissipate, and the death angels in the barrier also dispersed, occupying various areas, and cleaning up those enemies who were unwilling to surrender.

Not long after, the last bit of chaos was over.

At this moment, Lin Jin began to check his losses..

This sight also made his eyes sink slightly.

Although he won, he also suffered a lot. There are only less than 1,800 Death Angels left in the sky now!

This loss is already considered a lot. Big!

You know, these are not ordinary death angels, but elites among death angels, all of extremely high quality.

If they stay in the realm of God, the strength of these death angels will be improved, and there will even be Many death angels have been promoted to heroes, and now, even these top-quality elites have killed more than 1,200 people.

This also shows how powerful the enemy is.

On the battlefield, Lin Jin himself has protected him with his strong strength. He killed a lot of Death Angels, but it was still not enough. The enemy also used powerful magic and strategic magic. The spider silk controlled by Dugarella was difficult to guard against, and many Death Angels were caught.

Lin Jin never looked back. , he only rushed forward bravely, but the casualties suffered by his Death Angel were still unavoidable.

In fact, these losses were considered not bad.

He also had the assistance of the Nine Netherworld Phoenix, and the Nine Netherworld Phoenix followed among the Death Angels. The constant recovery of the Death Angel's health, coupled with their respective resurrection effects, reduced the losses a lot.

Otherwise, the real losses would only be more severe.

On the battlefield, the Death Angel who ended the battle again killed the tribesmen. The corpses were restrained, and some death angels began to use resurrection techniques to resurrect the death angels who were still qualified to be resurrected.

This resurrection resurrected more than 200 death angels.

Calculated in this way, the number of death angels lost by Lin Jin was also 1,000!

As for the enemies, it goes without saying.

The number of the Fateweaver Spider Queens alone who died in the battle is more than 5,000, and the ghost dragons, rotten poison Lamasu, terrifying knights and great corpse witches are even more numerous. Between heaven and earth Among the countless wreckage, most of them belong to the enemy.

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