Chapter 71

Taemin Kang frowned at the overlapping space created by the destruction of the core.

The appearance of the cellar disappeared, revealing a gloomy crypt. In the darkness where the light was blocked, I could feel things moving slowly.

‘Did you mean it?’

It’s not a mistake.

The guy who shot the core from the ground didn’t seem to be on the same team as these mercenaries. If they were on the same side, they would have chosen to retreat.

“Uh, it’s an earth worm!”


Instead of screaming and dying like that. Judging from the scattered metal bodies, it wouldn’t have been a very comfortable death.

‘He’s probably an agent of Ubermensch.’

That’s the only reason why he intentionally explodes his core and buries his comrades. There was a lot of intention to bury all the evidence left in the workshop.

Naturally, Kang Tae-min had no intention of playing around with that intention.

Even the screams of the mercenaries died down and there was only darkness everywhere, but he did not worry.

‘I have to deal with the tribes I see anyway.’

Instead of turning on the suit’s built-in flash, he emitted an aura over his entire body. As he absorbed Leviathan’s soul and part of Vernon’s soul, his mana overflowed.

The aura that was emitted in this way dispelled the darkness and radiated light. It was a situation where the once popular line from a cartoon, ‘Power makes light’ became a reality.

The serrated sword in his both hands, the rip-and-tear, made a noise and showed off his presence.



Between the corpses of the mercenaries of the gruesome mogol, beetles the size of large dogs were chewing bloodstained flesh while spitting strange sounds.

Taemin Kang ran without hesitation cutting them off.

‘It will disappear with time… .’

Boss monsters do not exist in the dungeon break due to the core runaway. This was because the core was broken by impact.

Therefore, when mana is depleted, the stacking phenomenon disappears. The problem was that before that, when the monsters left the space, the damage spread.

‘Fortunately, it’s a quiet place… .’

There was no reason not to stop what could be stopped. Kang Tae-min went to the ground and collapsed the passage.

Since it was a monster that lived underground, even if it was impossible to block the source, it would be enough to buy time.

Kang Tae-min literally broke through.

* * *

Edwin was momentarily stunned.

“What is this… .”

I couldn’t believe it even when I saw it with my own eyes. It must have overlapped with the space where the monsters nested, not on the ground, but how did this speed come about?

‘It’s not something I can deal with… !’

He immediately retrieved his equipment and climbed on his bike.

Although he belonged to the Ubermensch, he was a skilled mercenary enough to rise to the position of branch manager. The senses he had spent as a mercenary decided to run away.

The bike roared down the road with a roaring sound. It was a quiet road, so there was no hesitation in speeding up.

‘The hunters in charge will stop him.’

The association should have already detected a dungeon break. Accordingly, a hunter must have been dispatched from the guild in charge of this side.

It was clear that they would hold on to Kang Tae-min even for the sake of listening to the circumstances.

‘Come… !’

As expected, a series of lights were visible from the downtown side. Edwin hurriedly turned his bike around and hid himself in the dark.

After they passed, I was thinking of going back to the city center. However, the situation that followed was far beyond his expectations.

“What… ?!”

The parked bike was stretched like candy in an instant. A net of wire spewed from the bike and flew towards him.

‘Suddenly what… ?!’

Edwin quickly manifested his ability and transformed the net into a spirit body. A translucent net passed through his body.

Edwin hurriedly distanced himself from the broken bike, and in the meantime, hunters’ vehicles passed on the road.

“It’s like that.”

Suddenly, a voice was heard from above. Edwin averted his eyes in amazement.

“You… .”

Before he could say anything, the metal frame flew towards him. Edwin evaded again with his ability.

‘Damn, I can’t help it… !’

The sniper rifle went to shit with the bike. As soon as he drew the mana pistol from his holster, he pulled the trigger.

Originally, the Mana Pistol did not require ammunition, but Edwin used bullets imprinted with spells to use his abilities.

Kang Tae-min did not bother to block or avoid it. The spiritualized bullets penetrated his body and found his body again.

‘done… !’

Edwin, unaware of his intention, sang for joy inwardly. Since the place he was aiming for was the heart, it was thanks to his expectation that Kang Tae-min would collapse right away.

However, Kang Tae-min landed leisurely and walked towards Edwin.

“What, what… ?”

“Looking for this?”

As if being pushed out of Kang Tae-min’s suit, the bullet came out and floated. It was brand new with no blemishes.

Edwin’s eyes twitched. My head didn’t turn properly in the unbelievable reality.

In the meantime, Kang Tae-min removed the gloves from his suit and exposed his bare hands.

‘I can’t change living things.’

If I could have changed, I would have changed myself. That side had the advantage whether they fled or fought.

Kang Tae-min decided to subdue him with his bare fists.

‘How stupid! A mercenary with bare-handed fighting… !’

After joining the specialist, he mastered not only shooting but also close combat and CQC.

Because of this, Edwin tried to counterattack while shedding ridicule.

“Knock… !”

When a fist flew in an instant and hit his chin, he fell forward. It wasn’t even a movement that he would react to in the first place.

Taking off the glove did not mean that his physical ability was diminished, and the experience Kang Tae-min had accumulated was beyond Edwin’s imagination.

Fortunately, it was the fact that Kang Tae-min moderated his strength for the interrogation.

“Ha, surrender… ! surrender… !”

Thanks to this, there was no problem in talking even if the body did not move properly.

“Anything, anything, we will cooperate… !”

Unlike other members of the Ubermensch, Edwin was not deeply influenced by ideology.

‘What’s the point if I go after this, and what’s the matter?’

He was a person who pursued practicality, and chose the path of a mercenary rather than a regular hunter. And he was resourceful enough to rise to the position of branch manager.

In other words, the reason why I got to the executive position at Ubermensch was because I showed a good side that the upper line liked.

‘I thought it would be a little safer if I became an executive… !’

Following the Ubermensch was also a kind of insurance. I wanted to keep a spot in order to jump on the bandwagon if the Ubermensch prevailed.

He could immediately throw away anything that would harm him, and it was clear what he had to throw away now.

“yes? Save me, just save me for now.”

Edwin barely managed to keep himself on his knees. Taemin Kang looked at him silently.

As a result of checking with the karma log, his words were true.

* * *

A few days later.

Guild Avalon Headquarters, Guild Leader’s Office.

<… Companies that smuggled dungeon cores to be destroyed after extracting mana, as well as officials who knew about it and ignored it, were caught in droves. It was revealed that the officials received money and valuables from the president of the company and neglected management. Accordingly, the Hunter Association announced a severe punishment… >

Pyo Ji-hoon sighed briefly and turned off the news. And he said to the smartphone in his hand.

“The association seems to have stopped the core runaway and the workshop.”

<That’s something you don’t have to reveal.>

Pyo Ji-hoon received information from the mysterious collaborator and passed it on to Bae Seung-ju. The result was news a little while ago.

“It’s being delivered anonymously anyway, so is there any reason I should do it?”

He asked, frowning slightly. He was completely unaware of this incident, and had no contribution to solving it.

Why did he tell it through himself when he should have conveyed it himself?

<For later.>


<The sword lord, a beggar for the honor of Pyo Ji-hun.>

Pyo Ji-hoon’s face hardened at the unexpected answer.

“… Is it my honor?”

<Even if it’s a delay to reach a sponsor, only you and I know that.>

This was the story after removing the scaler.

<Once you become the leader, everyone will try to bite you.>

“I was willing to accept that much.”

<If it were you, it would be. But it won’t be a Pyosuho.>

Then, when his son’s name was mentioned, Pyo Ji-hoon unknowingly clenched his fist.

“… What do you mean?”

<Pyo Soo-ho sees you as a role model. If you become the leader of the Ubermensch, you will be in shock.>

“Suho… You will trust me.”

<I guess so. But isn’t it better to be certain?>

“Are you sure?”

<When the truth is revealed later, the records you delivered to Bae Seung-ju will guarantee its authenticity.>

Pyo Ji-hoon’s eyes widened. The tightly clenched fists were gently released.

‘Did you think of me and Suho… .’

I don’t know if it was just a façade. It could have been hiding behind him, lest his true identity be revealed.

But even so, that explanation was not wrong. If it was profitable, it was beneficial, but it wasn’t. Because of this, Pyo Ji-hoon erased his doubts.

“The manager said thank you. I said it to an anonymous renegade anyway, but I have to return it to you.”

<I didn’t mean to ask for thanks.>

“Indeed, it is. How did you know about this plan anyway?”

<I met a renegade during the investigation.>

“turncoat? Was there anyone else like me?”

Pyo Ji-hoon stroked my chin. It’s good to contribute to the plan, but if you know a lot of people, there’s a big risk of leaking out.

<Strictly speaking, this one is closer to a ‘renegade’ that makes more sense.>

Pyo Ji-hun was able to hear a brief explanation about the new defector, Edwin.

<Since you disagreed with the terrorist organization from the beginning.>

“Did that mean… .”

<Sooner or later, Scaler’s whereabouts will be found. You’d better be prepared.>

“It is. Oh, one more moment.”

Pyo Ji-hoon, who was about to end the call, said with a sorry face.

<What is it?>

“The courtiers are showing interest in Ubermensch again. He contacted me after a long time asking if he knew anything. Of course, I was consistent with ignorance.”

<Is that so? It won’t interfere with your plan.>

Despite the name of the royal palace, the opponent did not take it seriously.

I hung up and the call was disconnected.

‘The 5th guild, the strongest man, now it was a facade.’

It wasn’t a long call, but Pyo Ji-hun had no choice but to re-evaluate the collaborator.

* * *

Kang Tae-min found Edwin. He looked haggard like before, but he didn’t lose his smile.

“Oh, you’re here.”

It was a small prison made entirely of metal. It was a closed space with no windows or doors, but there was a vent located at a high place.

Edwin was given only one light to illuminate the inside.

“I wanted a safe place, but I never thought I would have to stay in a place like this forever.”

“To prevent escape.”

Kang Tae-min lightly rotated his finger and punched a hole in the wall. Water gushed out through the holes.

This was a prison built under the sea, below Crown Island. It was a perfect place because people stopped walking after the incident.

Even if Edwin transforms the wall into a spirit body, he has no choice but to drown under the sea.

“You don’t have to tell me again.”

As Edwin laughed helplessly, Taemin Kang closed the hole again. He stumbled and leaned his back against the wall.

“If it were just a prison, I would have filed a lawsuit for human rights violations.”

“There is no reason to guarantee human rights to criminals.”

Edwin raised both hands at Kang Tae-min’s cool tone.

“Okay, I got it. I thought I was going crazy because I was alone, so I tried to say something. Let’s make a deal.”

Kang Tae-min threw the bread he had brought onto the floor. In the meantime, Kang Tae-min and Edwin have been exchanging information and food.

Thanks to that, I was able to convey the location of the other workshop to Pyo Ji-hun.

“It’s just bread, I was thinking of telling you the name of the scaler… .”

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“No, no. Ubermensch must be destroyed soon so that I can find my freedom.”

Edwin rolled his hair. The information trade was once a day, because of the judgment that Kang Tae-min might kill himself.

I endured for several days, but the days in this prison where there was nothing were more horrific than I could have imagined.

“The scaler’s name is ‘Eunseong’. It’s a pretty common name, isn’t it?”

“What is your last name?”

“I don’t even know that. It’s real.”

Kang Tae-min confirmed that his words were true and immediately disappeared. Edwin rolled his eyes as he ate the bread.

‘I’m slowly running out of information. Before that, I have to get out of here somehow.’

Information about the scaler still remained. With that as an excuse, he had no choice but to raise the terms of the deal.

It was in the midst of rolling my head.

Kang Tae-min appeared again through the iron wall.

“What, what?”

Anxiety crept up in Edwin’s heart. Until now, Kang Tae-min had never violated the terms of the transaction.

“Why why?”

And usually the uneasy premonition was not wrong.

“The deal is suspended.”

“What… ! Do you think I gave away even false information?!”

Kang Tae-min knows that he only revealed the truth. Still, there is one reason to stop trading.

“I found the whereabouts of Scaler.”

“… what?”

Suddenly, the bag of bread fell to the floor. Edwin’s eyes twitched. Maybe you’re thinking about yourself right now.

‘Are you trying to extort more information by scaring me?’

It was a thought Edwin had because he did not know about Miss Backdoor’s abilities. With only the information Kang Tae-min delivered, she tracked down Scaler.

“All that remains is to pay for your sins.”

Edwin was no longer valuable as an informant. Kang Tae-min checked his karma log again.

[Karma Log]

[Name – Edwin Brooke]

[Alignment – Evil (-1527)]

[Evil Karma Activities (in descending order)]

[> Murder for Pleasure (-200)]

Edwin has regarded the act of sniping by combining his abilities as if it were a game. He became intoxicated with himself for achieving accurate trajectory and precise aim, and committed murder.

“what… ! Your promise is wrong!”

Edwin screamed in fright. However, instead of answering, Kang Tae-min released the suit’s glove.

Edwin had to choose his own end. Will I go through the wall and drown myself, or will I be beaten to death?

Taemin Kang kindly solved the problem.

“Shut up… !”

His choice was both.

The wall disappeared and the sea water poured out. Kang Tae-min grabbed Edwin, who had been swept away, and punched him.

Edwin had to be beaten until he drowned.

Kang Tae-min, who confirmed that the blood flow had stopped, threw the body away and came up on land.

“Did you find it?”

He immediately contacted Miss Backdoor.

<The QR code page, Edwin’s call log, and even his name. Combining everything gave me the answer.>

she answered confidently.

The sender was found by tracing the log of the QR code page obtained from the workshop and backtracking the call records left on Edwin’s smartphone.

Of course, Scaler wasn’t an idiot, so he wouldn’t be staying in that position.

<I made a QR code in the area and asked for the exact location of a person named ‘Eunseong’ who spoke to Edwin.>

But all the backdoor needed was a rough location. And by combining information that could identify the scaler, a bypass transaction was attempted.

“Only results.”

<Ah, you should know that I tried hard too.>


<Ehh, okay. Scaler… >

The words were cut off for a moment.

A small cat’s cry came over the phone. It must have brought abandoned animals from somewhere else.

Soon after, a hissing sound came. Looks like Mr. Rock got rid of the cat.

<… I am in North Korea now.>

The answer Kang Taemin wanted came out.

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