Iron Germany

Chapter 233 The Bait Appears

"General, will the Germans be fooled this time?" On the battlecruiser 'Tiger', a staff officer asked Lieutenant General David Beatty.

"The Germans should be fooled! If they want to attack the British Empire, they must prevent us from obtaining resources from the colonies everywhere. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for them to defeat the British Empire." David Lieutenant General Betty said.

Now he has come out of the shadow of the battlecruiser 'Lion' being sunk. Although, the loss of the battlecruiser 'Lion' was a stain on him. But Lieutenant General David Beatty believed that, with the strength of the British Empire, he would be able to use German warships to wash away this stain. He has always believed in this.

The "Tiger" battlecruiser under his feet is the strongest battlecruiser of the British Navy, although it generally continues the design ideas and plans of the "Lion-class" battlecruiser. However, many internal improvements have been made, making the performance of the "Tiger" battlecruiser a lot better than that of the "Lion-class" battlecruiser. It is precisely because of this that the "Tiger" battleship, which was originally the fourth "Lion-class" battlecruiser, was specially listed by the Royal Navy as a first-class battleship.

However, Lieutenant General David Beatty was a little worried that even the battlecruiser "Tiger" under his feet might not be the opponent of the "Moltke-class" battlecruiser of the German Navy. In that battle, the battlecruiser 'Moltke' was hit, but nothing happened. Its solid defense gave Lieutenant General David Beatty a great shock. Despite the battlecruiser 'Tiger''s performance is very strong, but the defense is still its biggest weakness. In this regard, it cannot be compared with the battlecruisers of the German Navy. Once the two sides are at war, this may become the main weakness of the battlecruiser 'Tiger'.

However, there is nothing Lieutenant General David Beatty can do about it. Who made the British Navy's shipbuilding thinking like this? Emphasis on firepower and speed, despise defense. Now even if he understands that underestimating defense will bring serious consequences, if he wants to change it, it will not be possible in a short while.

"Hmph! The defense of the German battlecruisers is very strong, but so what? This time, we will definitely win. There are 'Iron Duke' class battleships and 'King George V class' battleships joining us , plus nine battlecruisers, we have already assembled 17 capital ships. The Germans broke through with only six battlecruisers. With a threefold advantage, the victory must belong to us!" David Lieutenant General Betty thought secretly.

"Victory will definitely belong to the British Empire. It is delusional for the British to challenge the British Empire." The staff officer also echoed.

Obviously, the last time the battlecruiser "Lion" was sunk, it has been regarded as a great shame by these officers of the Royal Navy. All the time they wanted to seek revenge from the Germans. This time is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for them.

"Let the 'Invincible-class' battlecruisers and the 'Indefatigable-class' battlecruisers separate, and keep a two-hour voyage with us. Be careful not to be discovered by the Germans. In addition, let the 'Iron Duke' class Battleship formation, speed up." Lieutenant General David Beatty ordered.

"Yes, General." The staff officer immediately went to give the order.

The British Navy's forces this time were divided into five formations, large and small, namely three battlecruiser formations and two battleship formations. Except for the formation composed of four "King George V-class" battleships that accompanied the merchant ships, the rest of the formations were prepared to wait for the appearance of the German Navy's breaking fleet for ambushes.

In order to deal with the German Navy's breaking fleet, the British Navy has done its best this time.

On the vast Atlantic Ocean, a huge fleet is sailing on the ocean. More than 20 large but slow merchant ships are in the middle of the formation. In front of the formation were four huge battleships that looked like hills. In the other direction, the British Navy's light battleships.

This fleet is exactly the fleet sailing from Canada to the British mainland. It is the four "King George V-class" battleships of the British Navy that provide escort for these merchant ships.

On the battleship 'King George V', a middle-aged admiral was smoking a cigar and observing the sea ahead with a telescope.

"Have you found anything?" the general asked.

"General, nothing has been found so far. The Germans seem to have disappeared." A staff officer said with a smile.

"Haha! I knew that the Germans were as cowardly as mice. They didn't dare to attack us at all. The 'King George V' class battleship is a powerful battleship second only to the 'Iron Duke class' battleship, the Germans If our battlecruisers dare to come, they will definitely be blown to pieces." The general smiled contemptuously.

"General, General Betty has a telegram asking if we've spotted the Germans," a communications officer reported.

"Tell General Betty that no Germans have been found yet, and I don't think we will encounter Germans in the future. I'm afraid the plan this time will fail. Because the Germans simply don't have the guts to deal with us." The general smiled. Said.

"Yes, General." The communications officer immediately went to call back.

This middle-aged general is named Carroll, a rear admiral of the British Royal Navy. Although he is not young, he is still the main combat faction in the Royal Navy. Of course, the pride of the Royal Navy being number one in the world is unmatched by anyone.

However, what Rear Admiral Carroll didn't know was that less than half an hour after their fleet sailed, a submarine surfaced debris from the sea. On the side of the submarine, its hull number is marked in paint - U-48.

The submarine reported the speed and course of the British fleet to the German Ministry of the Navy through wireless telegraphy. The Ministry of the Navy immediately notified the news to the fleet in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Has the British bait finally appeared? Send a telegram to the 1st and 2nd Battlecruiser Squadrons, the bait has appeared, and launch an attack immediately. Try to get rid of the four British ships in the shortest possible time. 'King George V-class' battleship." Admiral Reinhard Scheer gave the order.

Considering that the British still have ambushes, it is best for the battlecruiser detachment 1 and the battlecruiser detachment 2 to be able to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time. In this way, they will have enough strength to deal with the British ambush.

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