Iron Germany

Chapter 494 Crossing the River (1900 votes plus updates)

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it would be eight o'clock in the morning in five minutes.

"When will the aviation team arrive at the battlefield?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Highness, each of the four air teams has dispatched a fighter brigade and a bomber brigade, and the planes have already taken off. Calculate the time, they should not be far from the battlefield, and they will arrive at the battlefield in a few minutes at most." Manstein Major General Yin reported.

In order to minimize the casualties caused by the troops when crossing the Marne River, and to ensure that the crossing operation can successfully break through the defense lines of the British and French allied forces, the German army has made careful planning. Not only has adequate firepower preparation been made, but it is also planned that when crossing the river, the fighter planes of the air force can fly in time to support. In this case, it can undoubtedly effectively reduce the casualties of the troops.

Qin Tian nodded: "We have already prepared what we should do. Next, it's up to the warriors. I hope God can bless us!"

"Your Highness, we will definitely win this time." Major General Manstein was convinced of this.

When the hour hand on the watch pointed to eight o'clock, the German bombardment began to extend to the deep positions of the British and French allied forces. At the same time, on the front line, mortars, grenade launchers, and light and heavy machine guns were set up door by door, ready to fire at any time. More German soldiers, carrying the boats that had been prepared long ago, rushed to the Marne River.

Although the Marne is not wide, the river is not deep. However, if you want to wade directly across the river, it will undoubtedly be very difficult. Therefore, in the past two months, the engineers of the German army have prepared a large number of small boats for the army to use to cross the river in advance.

The British and French allied forces on the other side of the river also noticed the change in the German shelling.

"Quickly, enter the position, the Germans are going to attack!" The officers of the British and French allied forces ordered loudly.

A large number of soldiers of the British and French allied forces drilled out of the anti-gun holes and entered the position, preparing to resist the German attack. At the same time, soldiers deployed in the rear also moved to the front line through the communication trenches. It's just that the soldiers of these British and French allied forces must first go through the German artillery blockade. Under the fierce shelling of the German army, it is unknown how many soldiers of the British and French allied forces died under the heavy shelling of the German army before reaching the front line.

"Your Excellency Marshal, the German attack has begun." A general reported to Marshal Joffre.

"May God bless the French Republic, and hope that we can resist the German attack!" Marshal Joffre closed his eyes and prayed to God.

On the front line of the Marne River, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th armies of the German Central Group launched an attack on the positions of the British and French allied forces on a line of defense that was hundreds of kilometers long. In the first wave of offensive, the German army chose six landing points and invested as many as 150,000 people to launch the attack. This is not counting the troops who provide fire support for them on the ground.


With the order of the frontline commander, the German defense line began to shoot violently. A bunch of heavy machine guns, light machine guns, mortars, and grenades all began to fire crazily at the positions of the British and French coalition forces on the other side of the river.

The dense shells slammed into the positions of the British and French coalition forces like rain, and many shells fell directly into the trenches, causing heavy losses to the British and French coalition forces who hurried into the trenches.

The dense machine gun bullets hit the soldiers of the British and French coalition forces so hard that they couldn't even raise their heads. Everyone could only shrink their heads into the trenches, acting as turtles with their heads shrunk. No matter how scolded by the officers, they were unwilling to stick their heads out to fight. After all, those bodies that have fallen in the trenches and are still warm are the best role models.

"Cowards, you cowards, raise your heads and fire! Otherwise, the Germans will fight across the Marne River. At that time, everyone will have a dead end!" A second lieutenant officer of the French army scolded loudly.

But in the next second, his roar stopped abruptly. A stray bullet hit his head and shattered his entire head, just like a watermelon shattered.

On the north bank of the Marne, many German soldiers rushed down the Marne carrying wooden boats. These tall German soldiers can carry a small wooden boat with two people. After the wooden boat was placed on the river, the soldiers jumped on it immediately, then vigorously rowed the oars, and rushed to the other side of the river. The Marne River is only a few tens of meters wide, and the current is not too fast. If there is no disturbance, the river can be crossed in a minute.

Despite the strong firepower of the German army, there are still many soldiers of the British and French allied forces resisting. Especially those firepower points that were not destroyed by the German shelling and bombing began to shoot violently.

"Da da da!"

The French Hotchkiss machine guns and the British Brent machine guns deployed in the firing point were all firing. The dense bullets hit the river surface, splashing one after another.

The small wooden boat has almost no defense, and the wooden hull is easily pierced once it is hit. Therefore, many German soldiers were hit by bullets from the British and French allied forces, and fell into the Marne Hanoi screaming. Their bodies flowed down the river, and finally flowed to the Seine, and then to Paris. Blood flowed from these corpses, staining the waters of the Marne red.

"Fire and destroy the firepower of the French!" A German officer ordered.

A 120mm heavy mortar aimed at a French bunker on the other side of the river.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two shells flew out. Although one shell missed, it fell into the trench and killed many French soldiers. Another shell hit the French bunker and blew up the whole bunker.

When the German soldiers crossed the river, they were undoubtedly the most vulnerable time. Facing the fierce firepower of the British and French allied forces, they could only bear it silently. At this time, there is no doubt that they can only count on the firepower from the rear, which can suppress the firepower of the British and French coalition forces and provide them with protection.

"Order the artillery to fire immediately!"

Admiral Decasy Terno, commander of the 2nd French Army, ordered with a dark face.

The firepower of the German army was very strong, so strong that it exceeded their expectations. So much so that their line of defense was completely suppressed by the powerful firepower of the German army. If there is no other way, the German army will rush across the Marne River. At that time, it will be even more difficult to drive the German army into the river.

Although, the battle has only just begun. But in order to stabilize the line of defense, Admiral Decasy Terno had no choice but to dispatch the artillery that had been hidden before.

Almost all the other armies of the British and French coalition forces also issued such orders. The German attack brought great pressure to them.

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