Iron Germany

Chapter 786 Escort

On the outskirts of Calais, the airfield of the Luftwaffe. The 3rd Fighter Wing and the 4th Bomber Wing of the German Army Air Force are stationed here. The 3rd Fighter Wing is equipped with 120 F2 fighters, while the 4th Bomber Wing is equipped with H1 bombers.

Although, compared with the beautiful and powerful fighters and bombers of later generations, these F2 fighters and H1 bombers equipped by the German Army Air Force are undoubtedly like ugly ducklings. However, it has to be admitted that they are already the most powerful fighters and bombers of this era. At least, Germany's opponents all hope to be equipped with a similar aircraft so that they can withstand the air battle with the German army.

Of course, the more advanced aircraft being developed in Germany are more powerful than the F2 fighter jets and H1 bombers. It's just that the technology is not yet mature, so there is no mass production yet. When the next batch of advanced aircraft is mass-produced, the air power of the German army will be improved again, leaving other countries far behind.

At the airport, it's busy. Ground crews are fueling and reloading fighter jets and bombers about to take off. The pilots are taking the time to eat breakfast and listen to the combat briefing. These pilots go out every day to bomb the ground targets of the British army, which has become their daily routine.

"Boss, we have launched a large-scale bombing of the British positions for three consecutive days. The British have also caused a lot of casualties. But why didn't a single British plane show up. Every day we can only It's too boring to bully the anti-aircraft weapons hiding on the ground." A young pilot complained.

"The British's planes are all acting like turtles in the rear, and they dare not fight at all. No, I believe that they will definitely fight in a short time. If this continues, we will soon cover the infantry and fight to Canterbury. To At that time, can the British plane still hide behind it?" A small team leader said.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Everyone get on the plane and cover the 41st Battalion to attack the British target!" The captain of the 31st Fighter Battalion ordered.

The designation of the German Army Air Corps, the odd number is a fighter, such as the 3rd Fighter Wing, and the even number is a bomber wing, such as the 4th Bomber Wing. Each wing has three brigades, and under the brigades there are squadrons and squadrons.

Each team, with a total of four aircraft, is divided into two two-aircraft formations, with a lead aircraft and a wingman. Three squadrons form a squadron with a total of 12 aircraft. Three squadrons plus four spare aircraft form a brigade, with a total of 40 aircraft. And the three brigades form a wing, with a total of 120 aircraft. As for the air force above the wing, it has not yet been established. It is estimated that it will not be established until after the establishment of the Imperial Air Force.

"Yes, sir!" The pilots all replied, and then with the help of the ground crew, they got into their respective planes.

Fifteen minutes later, 36 F2 fighter jets of the 31st Fighter Group took off from the airport and flew to the west of the Dover Strait to escort the accompanying 36 H1 bombers of the 41st Bomber Group.

The mission of the fighters of the 31st Fighter Group is to protect the safety of these bombers. Threats come not only from the sky, but also from the ground. Although the aircraft of the British Air Force has not appeared for a long time, they dare not take it lightly. Although the performance of the fighter jets of the British Air Force is far inferior to the F2 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe, the heavy bombers are still vulnerable to these aircraft and will be shot down easily. The threat on the ground is mainly the anti-aircraft weapons equipped by the British Army. Once these anti-aircraft weapons are found, fighter jets need to straf them, or even bomb them with small bombs hanging under the wings. Only after these obstacles are cleared can the bombers drop bombs without threat.

It took only ten minutes to fly across the narrow Strait of Dover. When the plane flew over the British mainland, the pilots became nervous. This is fighting in the enemy's airspace. Once it is shot down, it will fall into the enemy's control area even if it parachutes. Once caught, a fool can guess what the consequences will be. Those angry British will inevitably tear them to pieces.

Fortunately, there were no dangers along the way, and it was not intercepted by the British Air Force, and it had already flown over the target.

"Get ready to drop the bomb!" the commander of the 41st Bomber Group ordered.

With the advancement of radio technology, the aircraft equipped by the frontline troops of the German Army Air Corps have been equipped with radio communication devices one after another, which can make the commander's orders smoothly communicated to each aircraft. This alone puts the German Army Air Force ahead of the rest of the world.

More than 30 H1 bombers began to lower their altitude and prepare to drop bombs.

The target they are going to bomb this time is the position of a British infantry division southwest of Canterbury. Before, the battleships of the German Navy had already bombarded this area fiercely. Most of the British fortifications have been destroyed. Sending the Army Air Corps over is nothing more than destroying those who slip through the net.

"Da da da!"

On the ground, tongues of flame suddenly sprang up. This is the British Army's anti-aircraft machine guns firing.

"Pull up! Pull up quickly!" The captain of the 41st Fighter Battalion shouted loudly.

The body structure of the H1 bomber is very fragile, with only a thin layer of armor in key parts. These armors can't even withstand the bullets fired by anti-aircraft machine guns.

The bullets fired by the British anti-aircraft machine gun hit the body of the H1 bomber and penetrated directly.

The wing of an H1 bomber was broken and the plane lost its balance and fell directly to the ground. The aviation fuel and bombs carried on the plane exploded.


There was a violent explosion, and the downed H1 bomber had become a burning fireball.

Under the sneak attack of the British anti-aircraft machine guns, three German H1 bombers were shot down. The other bombers pulled up one after another and flew to high altitude, only to escape the catastrophe. But quite a few planes were damaged and had to hastily drop their bombs and flee.

"Damn it! No. 1 Squadron, wipe out the anti-aircraft firepower of the British on the ground." The captain of the 31st Combat Brigade also felt his face was burning. This kind of cover mission has been carried out many times before, but there has never been such a mistake. Now, it has lost three bombers, which is undoubtedly a shame!

12 F2 fighter jets rushed to the ground immediately, ready to teach the British air defense troops a lesson.

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