Is it normal for a top student with an EQ of 20 to create a chip?

Chapter 263 What is the difference between having no dreams and salted fish! (5K votes requested, pl

The place Shan Xing took Luo Yao to was a resort.

An ancient-style building surrounded by lush greenery.

In front of the main building is a carefully maintained lawn with several deck chairs scattered on it, allowing people to enjoy the warmth of the sun in a leisurely afternoon. At the end of the lawn is a crystal clear pool with slight ripples on the water. The goldfish swam freely in the water, making ordinary people from the busy city calm down.

It's a pity that Luo Yao is not an ordinary person.

In order for Luo Yao to enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of him, the leaders spent the largest sum of money to hold this exchange event so far.

Most people will definitely be moved when they see all this. At the same time, they also feel a heavy responsibility and feel that the leaders have good intentions.

In the end, Luo Yao didn't care at all.

As soon as they entered the villa, staff came to receive them and introduced them to them as they walked around.

"The entire garden was designed by a master. For example, the corridors here are based on the ancient nine-dragon wall corridors, which are the ones in the palace."

Shan Xing was very interested in this. He carefully observed the exquisite carvings and paintings on the corridor. This style that combines ancient culture and modern design gave the entire villa a unique charm.

"The fusion of ancient and modern has a unique flavor." Shan Xing sighed, "This design concept is somewhat similar to the innovative spirit in technological research and development, both pursuing continuous breakthroughs and innovation."

The staff smiled and nodded: "That's right. We hope that every guest can find peace of mind here, and at the same time be inspired to get more results."

As he said this, he glanced at Luo Yao and found that Luo Yao was staring somewhere silently, seemingly not hearing what he just said.

"Gong Luo, what do you think of this scenery?" Shan Xing's purpose this time was to make Luo Yao relax, so he guided him to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

Luo Yao calmed down and looked up, showing no interest at all.

The staff on the side saw the opportunity and continued to introduce the surrounding scenery, trying to attract Luo Yao's attention. They described the source of inspiration for each design. Finally, Luo Yao glanced at them.

"Look at how these inspire inspiration. Do you think science is as simple as Newton discovering gravity after being hit by an apple?"

"Centrifugal force, inverse square ratio, then the law of centrifugal force and the law of centripetal force. After countless explorations, we got the inverse square law. It took Newton 20 years of hard work to derive the final form of the law of universal gravitation."

“In scientific research, if you want to achieve a goal, you must invest in it for a long time.”

"What you call inspiration is not worth mentioning to a real scientist."

“It’s too fanciful to think that researchers can get results just by being stimulated by inspiration.”

After Luo Yao finished speaking, he walked into the main building speechlessly, leaving the two blushing staff members standing there stunned.

"That person just now is the famous Mr. Luo of Pilot Technology, right? It's really scary. He looks very young, but he's much scarier than President Shan next to him!"

"It's over, I don't even dare to stand next to him!"

"It's okay not to go. The worst we can do is not talk!"

The two staff members exchanged glances with each other, feeling a sense of awe in their hearts.

After Luo Yao walked into the main building, he was taken to the reception hall on the second floor.

As soon as you enter the door, the first thing you see is a huge oil painting, depicting a magnificent landscape painting. There is a peaceful river flowing on the picture, and the rolling mountains are in the distance. The picture is extremely magnificent.

In Luo Yao's opinion, the hall was very well decorated, with tall bookshelves on one side and a variety of books and documents covering various fields.

On the other side is a row of sofas and coffee tables. The sofas are covered with soft velvet cushions. The coffee tables are decorated with exquisite vases and ornaments. The tables against the wall in the hall are decorated with exquisite tea sets and snacks. At this time, on the table There were quite a few people standing in front of me.

After Luo Yao walked in, many people noticed him.

Luo Yao has been making great efforts internationally in recent years, so most of the professors in the hall know him.

"Is that Mr. Luo, the leader of Navigation Technology? That genius?"

"It should be, I saw him in the nomination list this time!"

"I didn't expect that he would be nominated for the Yangtze River Scholars at such a young age. He should be regarded as the youngest Yangtze River Scholar in history!"

"Luo Yao has led a number of scientific research projects with great influence. These achievements are not only recognized by the academic community, but also by the common people. You guys haven't seen how many common people spoke up for him after he was slandered some time ago. Really? It’s only a matter of time before people like this nominate Yangtze River Scholars!”

"Not to mention the Yangtze River Scholar, I think he should be able to become the youngest academician in history!"

"How can an academician be so praised unless he can produce more powerful results?"

"The current situation is not that easy. The common technical difficulties have almost been overcome, leaving only difficult problems in various fields, such as controllable nuclear fusion, new generation medical methods, etc. "

The professors' discussion gradually became heated, attracting Luo Yao's attention.

"Were you just talking about a new medical treatment?"

Luo Yao's sudden appearance shocked the professors who were discussing. One professor adjusted the glasses on his face and said gently: "It is true. We are discussing difficult problems that have not yet been solved in various fields."

"We all hope to bring more breakthroughs and progress to this field through scientific research and technological innovation, such as challenges in fields such as gene editing, artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis, and organ transplantation."

"These problems are indeed too difficult. Combining artificial intelligence with medical treatment has always been a difficult task!"

A professor looked at him and suddenly said: "I wonder what Mr. Luo thinks about this kind of issue?"

"I know that your achievements in artificial intelligence are among the best. It would be great if you could take the lead in research and development in this direction."

"I'm actually working on this topic."

The professors showed surprise.

Based on Luo Yao's past achievements, they all have expectations for Luo Yao's research this time.

"Through the application of artificial intelligence technology, we can achieve intelligent analysis and diagnosis of medical data, improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnosis. At the same time, artificial intelligence can also help doctors formulate personalized treatment plans and improve treatment effects."

"In addition, the development of gene editing technology also provides new possibilities for personalized medicine. We can develop more precise treatments based on the patient's genetic characteristics and achieve truly personalized medicine."

"The field of organ transplantation is also constantly innovating. We can use advanced technologies such as bioprinting to create artificial organs that are more suitable for patients and solve a series of problems in the organ transplantation process."

After listening to this, a professor in the medical field smiled and said: "What Mr. Luo said is actually far away from us, but the concept is good and we can try to develop in this area."

Luo Yao glanced at the other party and asked curiously, "What do you think is the difficulty in this?"

The professor paused and said, "Of course artificial intelligence cannot understand many diseases like humans."

"I know that Mr. Luo's artificial intelligence has excellent performance in data processing and pattern recognition, but there are definitely limitations in understanding and analyzing complex diseases."

“For the application of artificial intelligence in the medical field, we can adopt a gradual experiment and continuous optimization approach to gradually improve its functions in medical diagnosis and treatment.” He continued, “Of course, we can also rely on the wisdom and wisdom of human doctors. Experience, combined with artificial intelligence, can jointly develop more accurate and effective medical plans."

Luo Yao was not satisfied with this answer.

In his opinion, these ideas were too superficial.

He had previously thought that the other party could offer some good advice, but now it seemed that he was wrong.

This professor is not good.

He had to find another target.

When the others saw that he was silent, they thought that he had no solution to the problem, so they began to discuss possible solutions.

Luo Yao listened for a few minutes but didn't hear anything meaningful, so he went to find Shan Xing.

"President Shan, are there any academicians in the medical field here?"

When Shan Xing heard this, he knew that Luo Yao wanted to discuss the AI ​​​​medical cabin with others, so he looked around, pointed at a person, and said directly: "There are indeed medical scholars. That is Professor Xue Mingyuan, who is a professor of genomics. Scientist, you can communicate with him."

With such a good opportunity, Luo Yao certainly didn't want to miss it.

Luo Yao walked up to Xue Mingyuan and said, "Academician Xue, can I ask you a question?"

Xue Mingyuan was talking to others. When he heard the voice, he looked back and saw that it was Luo Yao. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, but he still smiled and nodded.

“What do you think are the difficulties of artificial intelligence medicine?”

After thinking for a while, Xue Mingyuan said: "How to put this technology into practice."

“I learned that Luogong’s artificial intelligence has been able to learn and iterate independently, so I think it is only a matter of time before artificial intelligence makes decisions like a doctor.”

"It's like a child who can eventually learn to count from 1 to 100."

“But it’s difficult to actually put this technology into practice.”

“Ensuring that AI technology is correctly applied and validated in medical practice is no easy task in itself.”

After hearing this, Luo Yao said with satisfaction: "You are indeed good. Considering this aspect, most people only stay in the past and think that machine learning in the early stage is the most difficult."

Luo Yao's compliment made Xue Mingyuan feel dumbfounded.

Who would talk to an academician like this?

But it seems that Luo Yao has the same idea as him.

Xue Mingyuan thought about this.

"Has Mr. Luo had any thoughts on this recently? Would you like us to set up a project together and study it?"

Talents of Luo Yao's level are rare. If it weren't for this exchange opportunity, he wouldn't have met Luo Yao.

Now that you have met him, hurry up and work on the project!

For their academicians, working on projects is the top priority!

"I don't want to start a project with other people, but you can join mine."

Luo Yao's words stunned Xue Mingyuan.

He didn't expect that Luo Yao didn't play according to common sense and gave him a surprise.

Xue Mingyuan is also an academician after all. Academicians usually start projects, and others can't wait to join his projects. Why did Luo Yao start a project alone now and let him join?

Xue Mingyuan was a little embarrassed, and he subconsciously wanted to reject Luo Yao.

Just when he was about to speak out, he saw Shan Xing winking at him.

Xue Mingyuan didn't understand what he meant, so he made an excuse to go to the other side with Shan Xing. Shan Xing said: "Academician Xue, if you don't have a project recently, please try your best to agree to Gong Luo. We have seen his projects." , there is indeed a prospect.”

After hearing Shan Xing's words, Xue Mingyuan's heart fluctuated.

Is Luo Yao's project really that good?

"Professor Shan, what do you think are the highlights and advantages of this project?" Xue Mingyuan asked, hoping to hear more professional information.

Otherwise, it would be a bit outrageous to convince Shan Xing with just two simple words.

Shan Xing smiled and said: "First of all, Luo Gong's reputation in the field of artificial intelligence is undeniable, and his team has rich experience and technical strength."

"Secondly, there is indeed a great demand in the medical application fields involved in the project. If it can be successfully promoted, it will have a profound impact on society and the medical industry. The most important thing is that this is also an interdisciplinary cooperation, which will be of great benefit to you. It is also a valuable opportunity for academic research and practical experience.”

"It's not convenient for me to reveal much else. This project involves confidentiality, so I can't reveal too much information at the moment."

It's actually a confidential project?

It seems that the people above attach great importance to this project.

Xue Mingyuan thought about it and felt the importance of this project. After weighing the pros and cons, he agreed.

He turned back to Luo Yao and expressed his decision: "Mr. Luo, thank you for your invitation. I have decided to join your project. I believe that through our cooperation, we can achieve certain results."

Luo Yao wondered why the recruitment went so smoothly this time.

He originally thought that Xue Mingyuan would push back, but he didn't expect to agree so quickly.

Luo Yao immediately did not let others go. He sat down with Xue Mingyuan and began to discuss artificial intelligence medical technology.

"Actually, Luo Gong, Ant Group has been planning this project in the past two years, but the progress has been very small. Their CEO has also made appointments with me several times. They have everything from registered payment, talent training, medical research and medical consortium construction. It’s involved, do you want to invite their people over to talk?”

Ant Group?

The leader of domestic e-commerce.

Luo Yao also wanted to know how the other party was doing now, so he agreed.

Xue Mingyuan immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number: "Mr. Lin, are you free tomorrow? I am now with Mr. Luo from Linghang Technology. He is more interested in your smart medical system. If you come tomorrow , you can communicate with Mr. Luo."

The other party said hesitantly: "Is it Mr. Luo who leads the technology? The one who created strong artificial intelligence?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Then I will definitely be there tomorrow!" Lin Kun promised.

The next day, Lin Kun and another person came to the villa where Luo Yao and the others were staying with a bunch of gifts.

After a rigorous search, Lin Kun finally entered the villa with people and gifts.

When the two parties met, Lin Kun quickly handed the gift to Luo Yao and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Luo, I just found out that you are here for an exchange meeting of Yangtze River scholars. This small gift is to congratulate you on your successful nomination to Yangtze River Scholars." scholar!"

Luo Yao's eyes were not on him at this time. Luo Yao looked at the man beside him.

The other person is very thin, but his eyes are very energetic, and he looks like a person with a polished look.

"Teacher Ma, why are you here in person this time?" Xue Mingyuan spoke first after seeing the other party clearly.

You must know that Teacher Ma, known as the rural teacher, has rarely come out since he retired from the position of chairman.

Now that he suddenly appeared in front of him, Xue Mingyuan felt strange.

When he met Lin Kun before, Teacher Ma simply talked to him and did not go to see him in person!

Teacher Ma smiled, looked at Luo Yao, and said, "I heard that Mr. Luo is here this time, so I can't help but come!"

Xue Mingyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

He is a dignified academician, but his treatment seems not to be that good. How much does Teacher Ma admire Luo Yao?

"Mr. Luo, the artificial intelligence you created can be said to be our dream product, so I would like to ask for cooperation."

Are you here to ask for cooperation?

This time when it comes to Luo Yao's surprise, he hasn't said anything yet, so why is the other party so anxious first?

"What do you want to say first?"

Teacher Ma glanced around and said, "The first one who hopes to cooperate with Mr. Luo is to create a new generation of Ant Forest."

"Ant forest?" Luo Yao had an impression of this. Users of Ant Pay can collect energy through daily consumption. This energy can be used to purchase trees on the APP, and then the staff will plant real trees in the desert.

A very meaningful application.

"Yes, I want to use Mr. Luo's projection technology to allow the ant forest planted by users to be displayed through projection."

“Allowing users to immerse themselves in the trees they plant.”

"This is actually very simple. It only requires a set of holographic projection equipment." Luo Yao felt that this kind of thing was just a matter of his words.

It is very simple to mass-produce holographic projection equipment. Just modify a production line in Santu Industrial Park.

"What about the second one? Let's agree first. I will only agree to cooperate with two of you. If there are more, I won't accept it." Luo Yao reminded.

Teacher Ma obviously didn't know that Luo Yao would say this, so he had to sort out the draft in his mind again, and then said: "The second one is to ask Mr. Luo to cooperate with us in the artificial intelligence medical project."

Teacher Ma quickly explained their business to attract Luo Yao's attention.

"Currently, we have recently developed an ET medical brain. This tool can assist doctors in their work, such as in medical imaging, precision medicine, drug efficacy mining, new drug research and development, health management and other fields."

When Luo Yao heard this, he interrupted Teacher Ma and continued.

"The project I want to develop can't be that simple. What's the difference between doing scientific research without any dreams and salted fish?!"

"What I want to develop is an artificial intelligence medical module that can be used in outer space!"

Teacher Ma and Xue Mingyuan, both known as "salted fish", both showed interest in their eyes!

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