Is it normal for a top student with an EQ of 20 to create a chip?

Chapter 279 Gong Luo is causing problems for us old men! (5K votes requested, please follow up)

Wan Mian took a breath and thought that it would be difficult to train a pilot for this thing.

While I was thinking about it, people from radar, northern base and other units rushed over.

"It says that all our sixth-generation fighters are out, but where are they?"

"Flying into the sky, you can only look at the data now." Wan Mian said with some pride.

Anyway, he saw the sixth-generation machine first, and he can brag about it later!

When everyone's eyes were attracted by the data on the screen, their eyes showed disbelief.

"The altitude is 90,000 meters and the speed is Mach 8. Are these really data that a fighter jet can possess?"

"More than that, do you know the most awesome thing about Bai Di?"

Wan Mian watched everyone look at him and then said: "Ion cannon and energy shield."

When General Zhong Sheng of the Air Force heard this, regardless of the test results, he said: "How long will it take for this installation?"

After hearing this, Zheng Yang smiled knowingly and said, "Old Zhong, are you coming here to cry about poverty again?"

"Your team went to the Spring Festival Gala last year and cried out for poverty. We brought out all the J-7s and cried out about poverty. Aren't you afraid of being criticized for talking about you?"

Zhong Sheng said nonchalantly: "Zheng Yuan, you don't understand. How long has it been since our Air Force received new equipment?"

"The electromagnetic guns have been installed by the navy until it is our turn. We are also suffering!"

"Even the Army received doorframe robots and new batteries. What did we receive?"

People from the Rocket Force had something to say: "We haven't received it yet? Why are you anxious? The J-7 is cheap and solid, and it can go fast at high altitudes. Besides, don't you have the J20?"

Zhong Sheng glared at the other party speechlessly and said, "Isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to compete?"

"J20 is J20, can it compare with Baidi?"

"I don't care, Zheng Yuan, if we don't pretend to be the White Emperor this time, I won't be able to sleep well!"

The others looked at Zhong Sheng's insistence and understood what he was thinking.

Once Baidi is commissioned, the strength of the air force is expected to increase a lot. Zhong Sheng will certainly not let this happen.

"Equipment? Do you have enough funds?" Zheng Yang said ruthlessly.

"Bai Di was developed by Luo Gong. You should know that anything related to Luo Gong is not cheap."

Zhong Sheng felt a chill in his heart after hearing Zheng Yang's words, knowing that funding was indeed a problem.

But he still insisted: "Zheng Yuan, it will be a big regret if we don't field the Baidi this time. The performance and potential of the Baidi fighter are unparalleled. If we can field it, it will be greatly improved." Enhance the strength and deterrence of our Air Force."

Zheng Yang looked at him with a smile and said: "2.6 billion Chinese dollars."

After Zhong Sheng heard the price, he repeated: "2.6 billion Chinese dollars? One plane?"

Zheng Yang nodded: "This is the price after extremely compressing the cost. If it is made for other countries, it will cost at least 5 billion."

"How is it? Do you have enough funds?"

Zhong Sheng took a breath of cold air.

I deeply feel how poor they are.

"2.6 billion Chinese dollars..." Zhong Sheng muttered to himself, with slight beads of sweat on his forehead. "This...this funding is indeed a bit difficult."

Zheng Yang didn't care, he comforted: "It's okay, just remember to ask for money from above."

Needless to say, Zheng Yang already had this intention.

He took out his mobile phone and began to plan how to ask for money next.

After the day's test was over, Wan Mian found that Luo Yao hadn't appeared yet, so he asked anxiously: "Isn't Gong Luo coming today?"

"Gong Luo? He went back first and said he was needed for the project he was working on. What's wrong, Director Wan, is it possible that you still want to find Gong Luo to blame?" Zheng Yang said jokingly.

"That's not the case. I just want to chat with this genius. After all, he is one of the hottest scientists in our country right now. If I can chat with him for a few words, maybe I can get some advice from him?"

Zheng Yang smiled awkwardly.

You can indeed learn something from chatting with Luo Yao, but the prerequisite is that you have to make him feel that talking to the other party is not a waste of time.

"By the way, Director Hong can just write a review for what happened last night."

Hong Liangwen:? ? ?

How come I was the one who shouldered everything? !

After returning to the capital, Zheng Yang received a notice asking him and Luo Yao to prepare for the Baidi pilot and Baidi to participate in the Pearl City Air Show.

After Zheng Yang received the notice, he immediately understood that this was for Bai Di to appear!

He hurried to Santu Industrial Park to find Luo Yao.

"Gong Luo, good news, the White Emperor is about to make his appearance."

After Luo Yao heard the news, he didn't have much reaction.

After all, once something is researched, it won't have much to do with him.

"Next, we will firstly train Baidi pilots, and secondly, we will take Baidi to participate in the Zhuhai Air Show."

Luo Yao had a rare reaction when he heard this.

"White Emperor pilot?"

"Can I participate?"

"Gong Luo, do you want to train those pilots? Of course! I just need you to confirm the training materials."

"No, I mean, I want to be Baidi's pilot."

Zheng Yang's originally happy face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Gong Luo, as a talented person, you cannot fly a fighter jet yourself! This is very dangerous!"

Zheng Yang's voice revealed worry and uneasiness, "Gong Luo, as our country's main scientist, you have a heavy responsibility and have undertaken too many important tasks. Your safety is crucial to the entire country."

Luo Yao didn't take this seriously, "I understand your worries, but I have decided that Baidi is much safer than ordinary airplanes. You don't need to worry about safety at all. What you need to worry about more is that I Apart from scientific research, I don’t have any other skills, and I can’t even fly a plane.”

Zheng Yang felt helpless and speechless when he heard Luo Yao's answer.

What other skills does he need?

Whatever he wants, someone will do it for him.

No matter what happens, there will always be artificial intelligence to help him.

"Gong Luo, I understand your thinking, but a pilot's responsibility is not only to operate the aircraft, but also to assume many other responsibilities, including responding to emergencies, performing missions, etc."

Zheng Yang tried to persuade, "Your scientific research achievements are very important, and our country also needs you to make more contributions to the development of various fields."

He looked at Luo Yao and tried to make him understand his concerns. As an outstanding talent in the field of scientific research, Luo Yao carried too many expectations. His safety and development were crucial to the entire country.

"I hope you can reconsider and don't take risks easily." Zheng Yang's voice was full of worry.

He had never encountered Luo Yao in this situation before. No great scientist would want to fly to heaven by himself, so he couldn't help but talk a lot.

"Look at great scientists such as Mr. Deng and Mr. Qian. They have never flown a plane by themselves in their entire lives..."

"Is it possible that they haven't driven it because conditions don't allow it?"

"And now I have a chance?"

Zheng Yang felt as if he had given Luo Yao a breakthrough.

Luo Yao was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I understand what you mean, but I still want to be Baidi's pilot. The great scientists you mentioned could not fly into the sky by themselves. I believe they are regretful. None of them No one will miss the feeling of being able to fly into the sky in a White Emperor."

Seeing that Zheng Yang was still unmoved, Luo Yao decided to make a big move.

"After I controlled Xuannv to fly into the sky, I felt extremely happy. You know, I have been with the laboratory since I was 16 years old. What ordinary people can enjoy, I cannot enjoy."

"The sky is free, I want to experience it once."

"It's a big regret in my heart that I can't open Baidi once in my life."

Luo Yao was very successful in playing the emotional card. Zheng Yang was immediately silenced after hearing this.

After Zheng Yang hesitated again and again, he looked at Luo Yao seriously. "Gong Luo, I understand your thinking. This matter requires great responsibility and risk. I can't make the decision, so I need to ask the higher-ups for instructions."

Luo Yao thought that Zheng Yang was willing to ask for instructions, which was a big breakthrough.

He knew that this was a big problem for Zheng Yang, so he agreed without urging him to give an answer immediately.

The next day when Lao Zhou held a regular weekly meeting, Lao Zhou asked about the pilot Zheng Yang Baidi and the progress of the air show preparations.

Zheng Yang smiled bitterly and said: "The pilots and the air show have been arranged, but..."

Lao Zhou looked at him inexplicably and said, "Just say what you want to say, why are you still hesitating?"

"Lao Zhou, there is a special situation regarding pilot training." Zheng Yang tried to express it as tactfully as possible so as not to scare the chief.

"What's going on? Are you short of money? Lao Zhong just asked me for tens of billions of funds recently. Do you want to ask me for money too?" Lao Zhou worriedly picked up a cigarette. lit.

"It's not a matter of funding, but it's more serious than that."

Lao Zhou frowned and asked, "Is there anything more serious than funding?"

"Gong Luo wants to fly the Baidi fighter himself."


Someone was so frightened that his hand slipped and broke the teacup in his hand.

"Zheng Yuan, are you kidding? How can a person of Luo Gong's level fly a plane himself?"

Zheng Yang shook his head, worry written on his face.

"I'm not kidding, Lao Zhou. Luo Gong insisted on flying the Baidi fighter himself. He thinks this is of great personal significance to him."

Lao Zhou shook his head, his eyes full of helplessness. "This question is not simple. Mr. Luo is a leader in my country's scientific and technological field. His safety is very important to us. The pilot's job is so difficult. Who dares to let him go up?"

"This Mr. Luo must be causing problems for us old men!"

"Yes, I also feel deeply troubled. I have already communicated with Luo Gong, but he is resolute." Zheng Yang sighed, "Now I am trying to find a solution on how to persuade him, but I haven't found a suitable entry point yet. "

"Do you think that because Luo Gong is not in love, his thoughts are different from ordinary people?"

"If this is possible, why don't you find a girlfriend?"

"Forget it, Luo Gong is so arrogant. I think when he meets a good girl, he will be more inclined to cultivate others instead of falling in love with them."

Zheng Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Gong Luo has always been an independent thinker. His enthusiasm and devotion to science seem to exceed the understanding of ordinary people."

"Indeed, Luo Gong is indeed a bit of a maverick." Lao Zhou nodded thoughtfully, "But we cannot ignore his personal wishes. If he insists on flying the Baidi fighter, we cannot easily deny it. .”

"I have an idea! It can not only ensure Gong Luo's safety, but also politely reject Gong Luo's request."

"Oh? Tell me what it is!"

"Comrades, have you forgotten that the Air Force's recruitment requirements are very strict?" said Chief Luo of the Air Force.

Zheng Yang thought for a moment and said, "You mean we can use the Air Force's request to recruit pilots to reject Gong Luo's request?"

"We can tell him that according to the Air Force recruitment requirements, all pilots must undergo strict selection and training, and need to meet a series of physical conditions and skill requirements."

"If Gong Luo wants to become Baidi's pilot, he must participate in the Air Force's selection training and pass all tests. In this way, we will not directly reject his request, but we can also ensure his safety."

"No matter how strong a scientist is physically, he cannot meet the requirements of the Air Force."

Chief Luo nodded with satisfaction and said, "That's the truth."

Lao Zhou nodded and agreed: "This is a good idea. We can use this as an excuse to tell Mr. Luo that he needs to pass the selection and training of the Air Force before he can become a pilot for Baidi."

Zheng Yang added: "Moreover, participating in the selection training of the Air Force is also an opportunity to exercise and improve one's abilities, which is also beneficial to Luo Gong's personal development."

Lao Zhou nodded in agreement: "Then let's do it. Chief Luo, you can make arrangements for Mr. Luo to participate in pilot selection training."

"Zheng Yuan, you are responsible for the notification."

After the plan was finalized, everyone in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief. If Chief Luo hadn't proposed this, they wouldn't have known how to convince Luo Yao.

Luo Yao rarely made a request, but they rejected it. Not to mention that Luo Yao was uncomfortable, they were not happy either!

After the meeting, Zheng Yang quickly found Luo Yao and wanted to tell him the result.

Zheng Yang walked up to Luo Yao and said gently: "Gong Luo, we have discussed your request and reached a decision."

Luo Yao raised his head, with a hint of expectation in his eyes: "So, what is the result?"

Zheng Yang smiled and said: "We have decided to let you participate in the Air Force's pilot selection. In this way, you will have the opportunity to become a pilot of the Baidi fighter."

After Luo Yao heard this, he almost immediately knew what the idea of ​​these old foxes was.

He glanced at Zheng Yang with a look of understanding.

"I understand, how long is the selection time?"

Zheng Yang smiled slightly: "Next week."

Luo Yao:......

These old foxes, if you want to reject him, just say so!

It’s so complicated!

We still have to conduct a pilot selection.

how to say?

They still underestimate him.

Pilot selection is divided into psychological and physical tests.

Part of the psychological test was an intelligence test, and the other part was a test of personal psychological characteristics, both of which he ignored.

But the Air Force's physical test is terrifying.

Turning off a spinning event can make people vomit and dizzy.

This is nothing to a pilot who has received training, but it is miserable for an untrained pilot like Luo Yao.

Fortunately, since Luo Yao purchased [Sports Student Talent], these trainings are not too difficult for him.

Luo Yao has always been in the habit of fitness, so there is no problem with his physical fitness.

But even so, he still had to practice anti-vertigo training.

Luo Yao used the robotic arm in the workshop to build himself a spinning device similar to that used in Air Force training, and practiced on it every day when he had time.

At first, Luo Yao felt very uncomfortable. Almost every time he would feel dizzy and unbearable. He felt like his internal organs were all mixed together! He did not back down, but practiced harder, firmly believing that only through this project could he become a qualified pilot.

He just wanted Zheng Yang and others to see that it was impossible to refuse him.

Seeing him like this, Little Moss thought for the first time in her life that her master was abnormal.

[Mr. Luo, are you having a brain problem? Why keep spinning in circles? 】

Luo Yao was feeling dizzy and ignored her.

[Is this the latest way humans have studied to exercise their body or brain? 】

[But what is the principle? Why can't I find anything after I searched it? 】

[Mr. Luo, you are spinning in circles too fast. Don’t you feel uncomfortable? 】

Luo Yao successfully vomited amid Xiao Moss's nagging voice.

Little Moss originally thought that Luo Yao would go to rest next, but to her surprise, Luo Yao went to practice spinning again.

Xiao Moss looked at the serious Luo Yao and felt that his current state was very similar to the behavior of some mental patients.

But she didn't say this.

After hundreds of thousands of iterations, she learned that a fellow human wouldn't particularly like hearing someone say he was sick.

In a blink of an eye, the selection time has arrived.

Luo Yao went to the air force base with confidence.

The people waiting for selection are actually not happy at this moment.

Since Xuannv and Baidi have not made it public, they currently do not know how advanced the aircraft they will fly is.

It only told them that the aircraft they were going to fly was an ordinary space shuttle.

They thought they were going to fly a test aircraft.

"What I want to fly is the J20. This test model is definitely not as good as the J20!"

"Every year, aircraft manufacturers build a lot of test aircraft. How can I put it? It's not that this is bad, but it's just that I don't feel like flying this kind of aircraft!"

"I joined the Air Force just to fly the J20, but now I have been transferred here before the J20 has been used for a long time."

"Hey, don't say that, brother, I am the same, but since we have received the order, we must obey it and stop complaining."

"Actually, I'm not complaining. I'm just a little regretful. Why do we need to bring in a test aircraft?"

"I heard that there will be a selection today. Those who fail the selection will not be able to participate in this test flight. So if you really don't want to participate, then lower the selection result!"

"Is this okay? Brother, don't lie to me!"

"Why did I lie to you? This is not good for me either?"

While several people were discussing there, Chief Luo came over with Luo Yao, Lao Zhou, Zheng Yang and others.

"Everyone assemble!"

"Let me just say a few words. This selection event is very important. I hope everyone will take it seriously."

"In addition, our Gong Luo will also participate in this selection, so you should understand what I mean, right? If your final results can't match Gong Luo's, then you don't need to stay in the flying brigade."

The pilots looked at Gong Luo with doubts in their eyes.

Luo Gong?

That famous scientist also came to participate in the selection? !

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