Is the Evil God Me?

Chapter 658: Extraordinary?

In a sense, the elf old maid's suspicion is actually very close to the answer, if she doesn't know much about human civilization, from the unfamiliar and self-contained stalks and some knowledge words in Lynn's souls, With her wisdom, she actually guessed that Lynn's roots were just a layer of window paper.

But sometimes, it's just blinding.

Without breaking this layer of window paper, she might not be able to guess the correct answer even if she scratched her head.

Soon the concubine Lian Mingxi abandoned the distracting thoughts and concentrated on observing the power that flashed from time to time in Lin En. Their elves had no other advantages, but their patience was really strong. As long as she has a contract with Lynn and is guided by the soul of wisdom, she will be able to see everything about Lynn sooner or later.

as a spawning species.

It is easy to see through a short-born species.


Sometimes it is not so absolute, just like the brave Annan and Baijing Haiwei. Baijing Haiwei, a long-lived species, regretted at the end, didn't it only understand the brave man's mind at the end? Although it is a bit late, it is better than It is better to know everything.

So, humans are very cunning creatures.

If you are not careful, they will disappear from your life. Concubine Lian Mingxi, peeping at Lin En, she suddenly could vaguely understand Bai Jing Haiwei's mood when she was half awake in Avalon.

Lynn didn't know that the old elf maiden was hiding so much in the Silmarillion. Most of his energy at the moment had been concentrated on the operation of his spirituality. In this cold underground palace, his forehead was oozing out. cold sweat. He has automatically entered an overloaded state, and the more he imitates the detached overlooking perspective of [Aizhe Incense Burner], the more pressure he has.

And Lynn began to have hallucinations in his ears.

It seems that there is something vicious, hiding in the corner and whispering in detail, vaguely making people nervous, and when you want to listen carefully, those things disappear again. It seems that the teammates who are carrying wind lanterns around have also become some kind of strange and sinister existence. The light shines on their cheeks, and the shadows seem to turn into creeping things that eat people.

These are hallucinations.

Lynn comforted himself in his heart. For this kind of incomprehensible situation, he could only blame it on the situation caused by the intertwining of the over-perceived vision and the unsuitable soul. As long as he can overcome these hallucinations, then it will be fine, as it was with Sherlock Holmes.


damn it!

It feels so uncomfortable! ! He suddenly felt that he could understand the regulars in the lunatic asylum. This feeling of seeing others as sinister monsters, just as he was a normal person, really didn't mean that it was an illusion that could be easily dealt with. The brain does not process information properly, and interference effects can cause this phenomenon.

Contribute the perceived abnormal situations one by one to the driving loli, and then let Leticia pass the information to others.

She seemed to sense Lynn's nervousness.

When the others were not paying attention, he secretly reached out and quickly wiped the cold sweat from Lin En's forehead. Driving when Lolita knew about her work, Lynn didn't like to have any personal circumstances mixed in, so for Lynn's secretary these days, she really only drove occasionally, and other times she was on business.

As a doll, Leticia has restrained herself.

The driving loli didn't know that her sweet little gesture almost didn't make Lynn have the urge to pull out a gun and shoot. Because from Lynn's point of view, the shadow brought by driving Lolita seemed to squirm even more violently, and there was a feeling that it was about to rush into his mind.

Because of this, Lynn suddenly vaguely felt something from this illusion.

Logically, these illusions are actually information.

It's just information that he can't understand, so it looks so disgusting and terrifying. But just now, for some brief moment when Leticia raised her hand, from the shadows that Leticia brought, he saw what that wriggling thing was...

is the body.

Countless limbs, hands, feet, hair, eyes, and internal organs that Lynn couldn't name. They were crowded, scrambling to get out of the shadows, trying to get into their own bodies, the feeling was unexpectedly terrifying, giving Lynn a sense of divine confusion.

That is the message that this underground palace is conveying, those things are some things that have happened here, its essence is so sacred and crazy!

Lynn has a deeper understanding of what it means after blood therapy, the impurities and harmful substances accumulated in your spirituality.

"Be careful, there is something, 4 o'clock direction."

Just when Lynn was distracted by a slight trance, Atari suddenly gave a warning Cooperating with Lynn, she raised her vision and glanced at the end of her vision, a Something different from the mutant thousand-eyed beast rushed over. That thing is about half human length. This is the first monster they have encountered since entering the third floor of the underground palace, and it is also the first monster they have seen.

Atari made it up in time, but no one noticed Lynn's trance, except for the lady in wheelchair who took the initiative to speak up.

Atari who was in the tunnel visibly frowned.

A hint of anger and anger flashed in his eyes, it was obvious that Lin En had just been wiped off his sweat by someone, and she was caught by the dereliction of duty caused by some lustful souls. The wheelchair lady was very angry. She hadn't completely dealt with Yefni on her side. Lynn was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. She decided to double the work on Lynn's paperwork and let him not be so bad. Spend more energy on messing around with flowers.

With Atari's reminder, what was walking through the darkness was quickly captured.

There are many forks in the third floor underground palace, and many walls are chiseled directly into the dark river in the middle. This led to the fact that the thing they captured was intermittent.

Anti-knuckle, two claws, half body, lower body appears to be a tail hook.

Bill fired first.

But the monster whose hands were anti-jointed and moved forward as fast as an elastic bow swooped in the dark. It actually sensed the fact that Bill had fired in advance, and rushed out to the blind spot next to him, just from the Bill's gunfire-covered edge rushed over. Its hideous face, like a wolf and a deer, with fine compound eyes on its forehead, was instantly exposed to the light of the fire, and its skinny, crippled body, yet maintaining an incredible sense of vitality, was showing the threat of impacting the inherent thinking and cognition!

Spiritual warning? !

This strange beast thing is a Beyonder?

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