Chapter 222 Famous Scene Booking? The birth of a medical miracle!!

Three options from Hextech appeared in front of Su Fei.

And it’s all silver, that is, the most junk Hextech.


Su Fei has a different opinion, this thing is not good or bad, only whether it is suitable or not.

For example, [Fighting side by side] is good?

That’s definitely good, but also the scoring situation, this one if Su Fei gets a [side by side], it will not be so good.

He looked carefully at the three options offered to him.

[Mutant Warrior Heart]: Provide a [Mutant Warrior] job transfer letter.

[Ancient Archives]: Provide a [Book of Heraldry], and [Book of Heraldry] will randomly open a career change letter.

[Short-Soldier Power I]: Melee heroes in the lineup gain 10% of their personal ability.

After reading it, Su Fei chose the third [Short-term Force I] without saying a word, does he have any choice besides this?

Comparing the other two, it’s just too spicy chicken.

Although there are a total of two C heroes in this TES lineup, Xena and Sword Master.

But in essence, the Sword Saint is the core, and [Hextech] that can provide an increase for the Sword Saint is the best choice in Su Fei’s eyes!

After choosing.

Su Fei turned his attention to the broadcast screen again.

After the two sides experienced a wave of decisions to exchange defense towers, they officially passed the line period and entered the operation period.

No doubt.

TES firmly occupies the initiative on the field, especially the economic lead has reached more than 4,000!

And the economy of the Sword Saint has come to a very exaggerated point, you must know that because there is a supplementary punishment for fighting the wild, it is impossible for the Sword Saint to eat too much economy online like the previous version, and do what 110-120 knives in 10 minutes and the like.

But the gem is the door of the salary load, so when there are artillery soldiers on the road, the sword saint will rub it when he passes by, and the soldiers killed by the gem salary load will not be punished by the reinforcement.

Plus three more heads in hand, ate a lot of tapi.

Obviously, it is only a little over ten minutes, and if you open the economic panel, you can see that the economic gap is basically concentrated on the fighting field of both sides.

The Leopard Girl is only about 3500 now, and the panel economy of the Sword Saint is close to 6000 in the case of teammates making various resources, making Tapi, and making people’s heads extremely infused resources!!

Equal to saying.

The economic gap between the wild areas alone is more than 2000!! Exactly!!

After the Sword Saint finished demolishing the opponent’s upper road second tower, and then reversed the toads and three wolves in the upper half of the opponent’s wild area.

Back home.

The Sword Saint directly made the [Enchantment: Warrior] wild knife, and then directly bought the equipment called the Wisdom End Blade, but it was actually called [Medical Miracle]!

Two pieces in hand!!

The reason for choosing [Enchantment: Blood Blade] but [Enchantment: Warrior] is also very simple, in fact, it is just a choice of talent.

This Karsa chooses [Cong Blade], so the attack speed is not much

There is a lack of attack, but the attack power will be lacking, you need to have equipment to supplement a little attack power, and the wisdom blade and sheep knife are necessary, then it can only be changed from the wild knife.

If he brought [Conqueror] and could have a good increase in attack power by relying on Conqueror, he would definitely make [Enchantment: Blood Blade].

“Ghost, this kind of equipment sword saint, this Nima can’t stop killing??”

“I already have a picture in my head, Karsa will absolutely cut crazy later.”

“Generally, in the rank game I play, seeing the development of the Sword Saint, my teammates will not rush to quarrel and divide the pot, but will all agree on the choice 15!”

“This Sword Saint’s equipment, I feel that I can really do it!”

“I can refute you at other times, but at this time I really can’t refute, with the equipment of the sword saint real chicken has hands, just drive R to chase people to cut, especially teammates and all TM are helping themselves.”


The barrage is all talking, you must know that the segments in which League of Legends occupy the largest number of players are silver and gold, and the players in these two segments are also the segments with the largest audience.

This segmented sword master is very common, and the audience is simply not too familiar with the outfit of the sword master.

“Hey, I’m curious, who will Karsa go to withdraw money??”

Millermo clenched his chin and said expectantly, “Why don’t you go find the meatiest wrist hero or Aoun to try?” ”

“I think it’s feasible, I guess no more than 5 seconds at most, right? can hack Aoun to death, if the wrist is hao, not necessarily, after all, the wrist has a shield. ”

“What about wrist hao, I think about 5 seconds is enough to solve wrist hao.”

Instead, the commentators fought for the equipment of the Sword Saint.

After Karsa on the field came out with a piece of equipment, he also thought about who to try

Try it, because the equipment is so good, he is not at all pressured to enter the opposite field!

A little swelling can be understood, and the hero of the Sword Saint feels like he has his own aura of wisdom reduction.

If you have equipment, as long as you open R and chop and cut, you don’t need to operate at all, and you don’t need to use your brain.

Karsa doesn’t want to use his brain now, he just wants to simply find someone to cut and slash, and try how exaggerated the damage of his own set of equipment is!!

However……… What he didn’t find out was.

When he entered the lower half of the Drx’s wild area, although he was scanning in, there was an angle that was not seen by him, and he walked into the wild area so defenseless!

Ding Ding Ding!

At what time, you can see that the members of Drx began to ping the signal frantically, obviously going to catch this sword master who broke into their own wild area!!

“What a chance! Let’s go and catch the Sword Saint, he must not know that we are here!” ”

Pyosik suddenly glared, isn’t this an opportunity?

“I can come!”

Chowy hurriedly spoke, and had already manipulated Wrist Hao to come from the middle.

“I can come over too.”

Doran followed suit, and Aoun was on the way down.

Doran walked to his own stone pit, the partition wall was in the red buff

A field of vision was inserted into the grass next to it, and as a result, the first time this jewelry eye entered the state of invisibility, he saw the Sword Saint walking this way!!!

“You can get on!”

Doran shouted!

Directly drive R and get a head start before the sheep’s head flies over.


Hand over the flash, directly over the wall to the front of the Sword Saint.

An E directly shot the Sword Saint into the air, and at this time, the sheep’s head also rushed over, and the Sword Saint who had just landed heard a duang sound! Dust!

In an instant, he was hit into the air again by Aoun’s second-stage R!

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