Chapter 225 Heated Discussion After the Game! Sword Saint players are innocent lying guns!!

“Let’s congratulate TES for defeating the strong enemy Drx with a hearty victory!!”

Michael excitedly shouted, “Doesn’t LCK want the return of the king?” Have you ever asked me about TES? ”

“Haha! Brother, it’s not me who swells, there is one to say, the whole game process is not TES pressing Drx to play the whole time?? I don’t see any comparison between the two teams. ”

Wawa teased.

“Indeed, TES has continued its good form, and we have reason to believe that TES will only play better and better in the next games!!”

Three commentators blew TES into the sky with one word and one word! No way.

The LPL really needs a win.


Ordinary victories are not enough, but like this one, a hearty victory to boost morale!

Otherwise, isn’t it back to the decline of S5, S6 when facing the LCK division?

Fortunately, TES did not disappoint the audience throughout the LPL.

Just like the words that were said!

Want to stage the drama of the return of the king? With my consent??

I don’t nod, you are also worthy to be called king??

“Laughing to death, Han Zao rolled out to speak, why are you dumb now??”

“Can Division 4 be a bit pushy? After winning two games in the group stage, you still have to be sad? ”

“LPL is the first division, can the smelly brother of the fourth division of LCK stop pretending?”

“Losing to such a garbage routine as the sword combination, the Koreans must be angry, right? Han Zai still doesn’t hurry back and feel sorry for you Korean fathers. ”

“Huazi really didn’t disappoint me, this mouthful of Huazi is really authentic!!”

The LPL audience, who had been disgusted for two days, were finally able to speak loudly and mock Han Zao wildly on the Internet.

For the victory of this game, Su Fei didn’t care very much, because he knew that it was Bing, mainly because he tested a strong set of bonds.

[Social celebrities] can basically be regarded as a universal bond, as long as you can take a strong C hero out.

This is the ultimate enhanced version of the Four Guarantees One Tactic.

When the TES players were interviewed after the competition, they also cheered up the fans of their own division.

Facing Yu Shuang’s interview, Knight said with a smile, “At present, our goal must be to play well in the group stage, and if it is the ultimate goal, it must be to win the championship!” ”

The self-confidence built up along the way has changed Knight, a shy genius teenager.

He is no longer the ‘Confucian hand’ who says that if he reaches the final four, he wins, but the ‘golden left hand’ who shouts that he must win the championship!

And JackeyLove said with a smile when facing an interview with the English stream, that is, the official royal host of riot, sjokz.

“Our whole team firmly believes that we can win the championship in the end, as long as we have Coach Su Fei under the leadership, we are not afraid of any opponent’s challenge, whether it is DWG or SKT, they will not be our opponents.”

“If they want to prove themselves in front of us, then we don’t mind helping them recall the lessons of the MSC being tortured in blood.”

When these interviews were posted online, some people said that TES was too arrogant, too confident, too inflated!!

But most people feel that this is a representative of self-confidence!!

In the case of such a good result, people who are still humble, that is called over-modesty will not be liked by fans.

Fans love that kind of domineering player!

When you should pretend to be forced, don’t hesitate and don’t be vague when you should say something harsh!!

Definitely the best time to attract fans and increase powder!!

However, when some people released the content of the interview given by the Korean player after the game, it immediately attracted heated discussions, and it was a heated discussion all over the world!!

The reason was Drx’s Tano pyosik explained in an interview.

“We didn’t lose to TES, but to a routine without any countermeasures, it’s not that we are inferior to TES, it’s just that they are clever, I think a combination like Sword Saint + Gem that is 100% sure of vertigo can actually exist, it is simply unreasonable.”

“The loss of this match can only show that the combination of Sword Saint + Gem is very powerful, but it does not mean that I am inferior to TES,”

“When the group goes in the second round, we’ll prove that TES is just that.”

Apparently pyosik was not convinced, feeling that he had lost very slowly.

I even think that TES just doesn’t dare to play 5v5 with them in a dignified way to play formal operation routines, so it uses this tricky means.

In this case, if you win, it’s okay.

But you are a loser, and saying this will only make it seem that you cannot afford to lose.


The content of Pyosik’s interview has also aroused the recognition of many people in South Korea, and even made a lot of noise on Twitter.

“Gem + Sword Saint is simply a bug in the game, TES is maliciously using the bug, it is recommended to directly disqualify!”

“That’s right! This combination should be disabled!! ”

“Urgent, urgent, stick are we in such a hurry? Isn’t it angry that you ate two bites of pickles less today? ”

“Why can’t it be used? Since this combination is so powerful, why don’t you use it? ”

“How can our noble hanbok use this combination of garbage, this combination of malicious exploitation bugs!”

The two sides are in trouble.

Even the designers of Riot were alarmed.


The folks on Team Drx really officially provided video of the game like Riot

Lodged a strong protest, saying that the 100% lock head vertigo combination of Gem + Sword Master violated the principle of fairness and impartiality of the competition, and strongly demanded a rematch.

The rematch is certainly impossible, Riot is not brain-dead, and the whole world knows the competitive spirit of South Korea.

As long as you win them, you are violating the law, you are taking advantage of bugs, but riot’s designers also stood up and explained.

“There is no problem in the existence of the two heroes of the Gem and the Sword Master as independent individuals, and the combination of the two to use the characteristics of the skill to achieve a 100% stun effect is not a game bug, but a reasonable use of the game mechanics, and we are happy to see this novel gameplay appear on the field.”

“But we also feel that this kind of control without countermeasures is easy.”

Let the opposing player become frustrated, because you simply do not have any countermeasures to punish the gem + sword master, which is not cooool at all!! This runs counter to our original intention of balancing and giving both sides room to manoeuvre.

“Therefore, we have decided to modify the judgment mechanism of the landing point of the Sword Saint Q skill in the next few versions, please see the version update announcement for details.”

As soon as the designer’s words came out.

Most people didn’t feel anything, but those players who specialized in Sword Saint were dumbfounded!

Is this an innocent lying gun?

Just because of an S game, the hero they rely on for survival directly GG??

Just like Riot said.

If the Sword Saint and the Gem are independent individuals, there is no strength problem The Sword Saint is indeed very powerful after equipping, but it is indeed weak before it is equipped.

But once combined with gemstones, it is disgusting, and it can even achieve the effect of a child.

Riot joined the replenishment punishment mechanism of the wild when S8 joined the wild soldiers, not because he didn’t want the wild heroes to eat the economy online.

As a result, the game becomes that both sides pool the resources of the whole team to raise a big daddy.

The 5V5 at the good end has become better developed than which side of the big daddy?

And the sword combination is like this, through the gem line, let the sword master eat additional resources in an economical way to quickly form.

And the mechanism of 100% vertigo is really unreasonable.

All changes to League of Legends make the control unstable.

That directional control skill has almost disappeared, and it has basically become non-directional control.

As long as it is 0.3 non-directive, it means that you have room to operate.

Now it’s the turn of Sword Saint players all over the world to be unhappy!! Protests were launched, and after the proposal was invalid.

Su Fei became the target of their crusade.

Why don’t you take a sword and combine it in a game?

Don’t you know that Riot weakens the hero to stare at the game? between times.

Instead, Su Fei became the public enemy of the Sword Saint players.

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