Chapter 266 Continue the Great Smash Before the Game!!

With DWG’s defeat of the FNATIC quarterfinals, the curtain officially came to an end.

The four teams that advance after the quarter-finals will have a week’s rest.

Most of the week was spent filming semi-final posters and videos, and of course, recording some trash talk.

Trash talk is naturally an indispensable part, and many memes are made from the recording of trash talk.

One of Uzi and Jack’s trash talk is more interesting.

Uzi: 17 I was in the final of the World Finals.

Jack: You’re really strong at 17, but I’m about to beat you at 17.

Although this time it was RNG who defeated Jack, who was at IG at the time.

But then Jack won the championship of the S game, and then the trash talk between the two of them was modified on the Internet.

Uzi’s was still 17-year-old I made it to the World Finals, and then Jack’s became 17-year-old and I won the S championship.

And the director of the plant: I am already studying the opponent of MSI.

Then he was beaten by RNG.

Another of the more famous words that Faker said when recording trash talk, I sent away batch after batch of genius winners.

In short, trash talk is still quite interesting.

TES training room,

“We still can’t relax during this time, and the daily training volume is still fixed. Whether you shoot things or not these days, it’s all twenty. ”

Su Fei stood in front of several TES people and said.

“Brother Fei, don’t we make an appointment for a training match during this time?”

Karsa asked.

After all, it’s the Final Four, so Karsa still asked with some concern.

“Just fight your big smash up, you don’t need to fight any so-called training matches with them, is there any use in the EDG training matches? Or did TSM mess around in the training match and make the final result? ”

Su Fei said directly.

TES people also stopped asking about training matches.

“That Su Fei, do we want to communicate with the people of SN, after all, it is a competition area, let’s communicate with the BP idea so that they can make preparations.”

Guo Hao came over and said to Su Fei at this time.

“Brother Hao, did someone from their SN come to us?”

Su Fei listened to Guo Hao’s words and said.

“Well, today the general manager of SN and I called to discuss BP ideas and help each other win glory for LPL.”

Guo Hao said.

“Brother Hao, I don’t think this is appropriate. Please find a reason to politely refuse them, just say that we are training or something. ”

Su Fei directly refused without thinking about it.

Let’s not say that there is anything to communicate, even if Su Fei tells the people of SN about his BP ideas, the people of SN do not believe it, but will feel that Su Fei is playing on them, in order to avoid this kind of thing Su Fei still chose to refuse directly.

“Well, I’ll talk about it over there. Is that Su Fei training match still not picked up? Both DWG and SKT mean something. ”

Guo Hao said

After finishing the SN side of the matter, I talked about the training match.

Because TES previously announced that it would not accept any team’s training matches, no team asked them to play training matches before the Final Four, and now in the Final Four SKT, DWG and SN all want to play training matches with TES.

“Brother Hao, don’t worry about them, I have arranged the training plan of our team just now.”

Su Fei replied directly.

Su Fei’s meaning was very clear, or refused the training match.

Guo Hao also understood what Su Fei meant, and then explained to the TES team members about the shooting after a period of time and left.

At this time, TES did not have any trash talk recorded for these video shootings

What is of interest.

Because of Su Fei’s assignment of tasks, the people at TES were eager to shoot faster when recording videos and shooting, and then go back to finish

Su Fei’s mission.

The other three teams were also not idle, because TES did not take over the training match, so the other three teams were playing with each other.

Within a few days, promotional posters and videos and the like were filmed, and the trash talk was almost all said.

The C position of the four teams in this poster video is a little different.

DWG’s c position is their mid-single ShowMaker and their wild canyon.

Of the four teams in the Final Four, only DWG’s canyon is a veritable wild player, SOFM is the kind of field that is lively, and Karsa is the kind of field that favors team rhythm.

STK’s wild

There is nothing more to say, it can be said that the most dish of these four fighting fields, and it is not known who is the real thigh in the team…

SKT’s poster C position is naturally Faker, while SN’s C position is their upper single bin.

The c position of tes is naturally JackeyLove, who is the group pet

At this time, some platforms on the Internet suddenly circulated some gossip.

Said SN was blasted by DWG and SKT in a training match.

Almost never won a game.

“Han dog? What is the use of training matches? You are so optimistic about your han country die. ”

“It’s so hard to admit that others are strong? DWG has not lost a single game since the beginning of the World Championship, do you think we have a chance? ”

“TES ever lost? Why should I look down on a Han country dog like you? ”

Many people on the domestic platform are arguing over this matter.

On foreign platforms, Koreans are even more arrogant: “Welcome back to the fear of being dominated by Ick.” ”

“Float up after a training match? If the results of the training match also count, how many years should Edg and tsm win the championship? ”

“DWG, definitely the champion of this S competition, SN was blown up, and the courage of the tes connection training match is not as good as Ipl.”

“Don’t tes dare? It’s not that I dare to be disdainful, I don’t play training matches with you because I can’t see that it is better to train with you than to train myself. ”

“Training matches are not as good as their TES training? What kind of training? Just fight a few big smashes? ”


At this time, both domestic websites and foreign websites attach great importance to the attention of S Race.

However, because of the training competition, most people are optimistic about DWG, although TES did not participate in the training competition, but there is still one training match in the s race over the years

Determined reference value.

Except, of course, the EDG and TSM training matches, which are always rattling.

Most of the fans who are arguing online at this time are fans of LPL and LCK, because after all, there are only teams in these two divisions in the Final Four.

Other divisions also have their views on this showdown between LPL and LCK.

Most people on the LEC side are more optimistic about DWG and tes in this four-in-two competition.

Because the strength of sn and DWG still have a big gap, some people even predict that DWG will send sn away 3:0.

There is also a reason to be optimistic about TES, SKT is a little different except for playing wild and faker

In addition to it, the road up and down are also newcomers.

It is equivalent to Faker and Teddy, two veterans, with several newcomers playing the world championship.

And the state of tes is also very good, DWG and tes

It is the team that has not tasted defeat since the start of the World Championship this year.

Strength is naturally not to be underestimated.

LCS is a bit bullish on LCK, believing that SKT and DWG will meet in the final, and the world competition will become a civil war for LCK.

A week passes quickly, and tomorrow is the time for the semi-finals to officially begin…

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