It Starts With A Mountain

Chapter 321 Before the war

Chapter 321

There is a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart. This sentence is honestly not deceiving. The translation is that sometimes a woman is as soft as water, but sometimes there is a needle hidden in the water. Make you bleed.

Cheng Dalei sweated on his back, and a cold air rushed from his tailbone to Tianling Gai.

Su Ying was still wiping her tears, but in Cheng Dalei's view, she felt like crocodile tears.

"I'm not the jealous husband who can't tolerate others. If you have the heart, you can take her into the room. From now on, you can have one more person to take care of you, and I can save some worries."

Cheng Dalei really couldn't understand Su Ying's routine at the moment, and suddenly remembered that this is a strange woman with the attributes of discerning Qiuhao, and there is nothing in the world that can hide from her. In the current situation, whether I choose to confess and be lenient and go to jail, or resist being strict and go home for the New Year.

Cheng Dalei chose the latter without hesitation. In the end, Su Ying laughed, but Cheng Dalei felt cold.

However, Su Ying's words reminded Cheng Dalei of another thing.

There are currently more than a thousand brothers in the cottage, and most of them are naked bachelors, which in itself is a factor of instability. As a big brother, military problems must be solved, and life problems cannot be left unchecked.

People have different emotions and desires, and the brothers from the cottage occasionally go to the city to eat flower wine, so Dalei can only pretend to look down on this kind of thing. When he was in Chang'an City, Cheng Dalei was not completely defensive. He maintained a good relationship with several popular players in Chang'an City.

But how to solve this problem, Cheng Dalei has not thought of a way. You can't let your subordinates go to grab the big yellow girl in the nearby town. Why don't you go to the Rong tribe and buy some slave girls... Cheng Dalei felt that this was not his style of doing things.

At present, there are still strong enemies around him. For this matter, Cheng Dalei can only put it down for the time being.

Lin Shaoyu and Lin Chong's injuries improved quickly, and within a few days, they could get out of bed with crutches. It has to be said that the medicines given by the system are quite effective.

In winter, the weather is getting colder day by day. Toad Village trained during the day, Cheng Dalei continued to teach everyone at night, and even a private school gentleman from the city taught everyone to read.

The literacy class and the military class were taught at the same time, and every night, a group of old men shook their heads and hummed.

Lin Chong and Lin Shaoyu also joined the army of listening to the class. Every time he saw Lin Shaoyu's concentration, Cheng Dalei would shudder.

Where will he go in the future? Is all this a blessing or a curse for him?

Lin Shaoyu has come to this day, and Cheng Dalei feels that he has an inescapable responsibility. He made up a big lie casually, and the people who told it had no intentions, but the people who listened to it regarded it as a golden rule.

Therefore, when teaching, Cheng Dalei would always focus on talking about things that Lin Shaoyu could use.

If you are destined to wade into this troubled world, it is always right to learn more.

On this day, Qinchuan ushered in the first winter snow. It was mighty and overwhelming. When the snow stopped, I looked over.

What Cheng Dalei never wanted to happen finally happened.


At Qinchuan Pass, Mo Mingmi finally showed a smile on his face as he looked at the snow under the city. The depression that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time disappeared with the snow.

"General, the news just came from the scouts, the river has frozen over, and the horses can pass." Yan Di.

Cheng Dalei has been sending people to watch the movement of Qinchuan Pass, and Mo Mingmi has been watching the movement of Toad Village. Both sides were smiling, but they were both wary of each other.

Cheng Dalei opened up trade routes, trained soldiers, built cottages... Mo Mingmi was not ignorant of these things. He was just waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity to trample Cheng Dalei, a nasty toad, to death.

Now, he finally got the chance.

The big river froze, Toad Village lost its natural danger, and all the defenses he arranged on the river failed. Your own army can directly board the Toad Village and start a hand-to-hand battle with the bandits in the Toad Village.

Regardless of the cost or loss, everything is just to get rid of Cheng Dalei.

Thinking of the upcoming battle, the blood in Mo Mingmi's body began to heat up.

"General, when do we start?" Yan Di asked.

"Wait a few more days to make the ice on the river firmer. Our heavy armour should also practice drills."

In Toad Village, Cheng Dalei also knew the movement of Qinchuan Pass. Cheng Dalei was not at all unprepared for the upcoming battle. This must be a difficult battle, and it should be the last battle. After this battle, who will be the master of Qin Chuan will be decided.

The Toad Village instantly changed from the training state to the combat state, and the soldiers were ready to meet the upcoming battle.

The biggest problem at present is the frozen river. Cheng Dalei's heart moved. Since the river is blocked, can't he just smash the ice open by himself.

While ordering his subordinates to stare at the movement at Qinchuan Pass, Cheng Dalei began to lead his brothers to dig the ice surface, digging holes of different sizes in the ice, thus preventing the advance of the cavalry team.

Everyone is working hard, and the training in the past few days has shown good results. Soldiers' execution ability and fighting will have a good improvement.

However, after only one day of work, Cheng Dalei decided to end it. Because the ice hole dug hard on the first day is frozen solid the next day, it can even be said to be more solid.

Cheng Dalei reluctantly accepted that this was a stupid decision. It is still possible to dig an ice hole occasionally for fishing, but to say that digging the ice surface to prevent the army from advancing is almost equivalent to nonsense.

But people make mistakes, horses make mistakes, even a saint can make mistakes, let alone a bandit.

How to defend has become the top priority at present. The military training class in the evening has become a strategic conference room. Everyone works together to think about how to respond to the enemy.

Discussions are inevitably accompanied by quarrels. Everyone beat the table and kicked the bench. If Cheng Dalei was not always present, he would have almost moved his hands many times.

Li Xingzai appeared every time, and the scene in front of him was unbelievable. He had never seen a military meeting look like this.

This... may be Cheng Dalei's surprise.

But what Li Xingzai couldn't understand was that at such an important meeting, Xu Shenji, the first military division of the cottage, did not appear every time.

After thinking about it, Li Xingzai felt that the real situation might be based on Xu Shenji's ability, and he no longer needed to participate in a meeting of this level.

On this day, the scouts placed near Qinchuan Pass flew to report that Mo Mingmi ordered 10,000 troops, and with all the strength of Qinchuan Pass, it was possible to send troops at any time.

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