Chapter 409

"The big boss, people should not have gone far. Now that they have released their hands, they can still be found." Liu Bei asked Cheng Dalei's meaning.

Cheng Dalei thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, since the guard was knocked out and left, it seems that he has no intention of leaving, so let him go."

Fordler is a taciturn person, which is the common evaluation of many people in Shanzhai. But this time Cheng Dalei not only thinks, silence is not a kind of self-protection. He shut himself off, and no one knew what was on his mind when he dreamed back in the middle of the night. At the same time, no one knew where he came from or where he was going... Even Li Xingzai didn't know anything about this.

Now that he is going, let him go. Before leaving, he was willing to leave four words, obviously still remembering the feelings of Toad Village. Of course, it's just a four-character love.

Speaking of Fudler, he couldn't help but think of Li Xingzai. It's been a few days since the plan to save Li Xingzai was made.

"How's it going on Axi's side, can you save people?" Cheng Dalei asked.

"I'm about to report to the boss. Things are going well, and everything is going according to plan. The tunnel has been dug to Liangzhou City, and people should be able to be rescued tonight."

Hearing the news, Cheng Dalei breathed a sigh of relief. As long as people can be rescued, this matter can be considered a smooth solution. After that, whether Li Xingzai wants to stay in Toad City or continue to Chang'an, Cheng Dalei has no opinion.

But he didn't know what Li Xingzai's situation was now.

Cheng Dalei pondered a sentence in his heart, and walked into the city lord's mansion with Liu Bei, carefully inquired about tonight's actions, and saw how Axi arranged it.


Liangzhou City.

In a certain way, Li Xingzai's life is much better now than at the beginning. His current activity area has expanded to the entire city lord's mansion, and he can even occasionally walk around the city of Liangzhou under the protection of heavy soldiers.

Song Bokang needed Li Xingzai to appear in front of the military and civilians in the city, which to some extent could improve the cohesion of Liangzhou City. Li Xingzai, dressed in fancy clothes, walked around the city while sitting on a shovel, so that the people in the city could see that the sixth prince of the empire had also appeared in Liangzhou City, which showed that the imperial court attached great importance to this place.

It is true that the Li family has lost the people's hearts for a long time, but the imperial family is still a creature that is not easy for ordinary people to see. Just like in Cheng Dalei's previous life, even if it is a star who was scolded on the Internet, if he really saw it in life, he couldn't help but take a photo.

Li Xingzai cooperated very well with Song Bokang's needs, which brought a certain degree of freedom. Song Bokang said it right, the former Li Xingzai was still too naive. For an imperial prince, especially an imperial prince with the ambition of an emperor, any childish behavior was fatal.

The emperor is ruthless, which means not only being ruthless to the people around him, but also killing his own feelings from the bottom of his heart.

Li Xingzai is forcing himself to learn to get used to being in contact with things he hates. This is one reason, and there are more important reasons:

Li Xingzai always felt that Fudler was still detained in Liangzhou City.

The exchange of hostages between Toad City and Liangzhou City was carried out without the knowledge of Li Xingzai, and no one talked to Li Xingzai about this matter. In Li Xingzai's perception, in order to protect Fudler, he must cooperate with Song Bokang.

Today, Dashu walked through the long street, and the streets were crowded with onlookers. Li Xingzai sat on the high chariot, wearing a black robe, with a gentle smile on his face. I have to admit that Li Xingzai was born very handsome. Emperor Ming has good genes, whether it is Li Xingzai or Li Letian, Li Waner has a good appearance and outstanding temperament.

Those deep eyes made some girls on both sides of the road dizzy. A prince, a handsome prince, this word alone can generate too many stories. As countless storytellers often say, a handsome prince fell in love with a commoner girl. The girl was not good-looking and had a bad temper, but the prince loved it to the death. He didn't even want the throne, and he didn't care about the opposition of the whole world, so he wrote a long love poem that can be praised.

That girl is not in the mood for spring, and the girl's mood is always poetry. These girls bow their heads, but they don't dare to look at it, and they don't dare to look, but quietly raise their heads to look. Looking around, I saw that my face was flushed, and my eyes were watery.

At this moment, with a thud, a brick was thrown from both sides of the street and hit Li Xingzai's head.

Song Bokang was taken aback and hurriedly said, "Who, protect the prince!"

The perpetrators were quickly caught and sent to the front of the big banquet. Song Bokang was furious and said, "Pull it down, throw it into the prison, and ask their accomplices."

"Slow!" Li Xingzai's swollen forehead stretched out a hand to stop Song Bokang's order, looking at the person who threw bricks at him.

The other party was a young man in his early twenties. Although he was being held by the guards, he raised his eyebrows and stared at him with angry eyes.

"What's your name?" Li Xingzai.

Young Housheng stared at him fiercely, and suddenly yelled, "I'm not afraid to tell you, my surname is Wang Mingde."

"Why do you do this today?"

"Ha!" Wang De laughed loudly: "The empire's great rivers and mountains are all buried by you people, we can't even eat our stomachs, but you are so high and powerful, I can't wait to kill all of you. "

Li Xingzai was stunned, his expression a little lost. Song Bokang said: "His Royal Highness, this class of troublesome people has become mad, so let's quickly pull him down."

"Wait a minute." Li Xingzai suddenly jumped off the chariot and looked at Wang Dedao: "Crashing into the chariot is a capital crime. Are you... not afraid of death?"

"Dead, do you think we can survive?"

Li Xingzai looked around, and suddenly found something burning in the eyes of the surrounding civilians, which seemed to be called anger. And those little girls who were originally shy and timid, at this moment, the original water in their eyes also condensed into ice.

It turns out that this is how the people of the world think of our Li family.

Li Xingzai sighed inwardly.

"Your Highness..."

"Master Song." Li Xingzai interrupted him and said, "Can you let this person go?"

"His Royal Highness." Song Bokang took a step forward: "The prestige must not be lost, the law is intolerant, this person cannot be let go."

Li Xingzai nodded, but did not insist any longer. He got on the big bus again and put down the curtain. Today, he was not in the mood to continue shopping. Likewise, Li Xingzai did not have the courage to show his face in front of the people.

The excited eyes of the onlookers did not come from respect for the Li family, but entirely out of curiosity about new creatures. There is no doubt that even if they pull the five-legged dog, they will watch. The excitement is fake, the anger in my heart is real.

Only now did Li Xingzai finally understand why Lin Shaoyu could pull up a team for a short period of time.

There are too many people in the world who dislike the Li family.

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