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Chapter 142 Is there really going to be a big one this time? (Please order and vote! 33 updates)

May is coming soon.

In the past month, all major media in the entertainment industry have been quiet.

Even the controversy between Su Mu and Lin Haoming has a tendency to fade.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten the conversation between the two of them at the Golden Roc Awards.

Lin Haoming put a label on himself, saying that he would protect the threshold of the film industry set by his predecessors.

So the box office of 500 million has been used to build a high wall.

And Su Mu’s sentence is even more memorable and is still quoted by many people on the Internet.

‘I haven’t lost a single game since my debut in six years, so I have little expectations. ’

But this expectation has led to a box office of 500 million yuan.

In the eyes of some people, it is not easy for him to conquer the city.

But now many people on the Internet are not continuing the topic between the two.

They all seemed tired and calmed down.

But in fact, everyone is thinking about it.

Just waiting for this year’s Lunar New Year.

Let’s see what kind of works Su Mu will use to fight back against Lin Haoming.

As for the rest, no amount of analysis and comparison is useful.

The most effective judgment is naturally based on the box office.

Everything else is false.

In early May, Su Mu cooperated with China Wuling to shoot an endorsement advertisement.

The process is simple and not difficult.

It's just that the lines are a bit awkward.

They actually quoted their classic saying, "Before defeat, there is little hope."

Although Su Mu resisted a little, he still followed the script of the advertisement.

After all, boss Li Rong had added money because of his words.

And after Su Mu took the money, he could do whatever he wanted.

Not to mention that he has never been defeated, even if he is told, "One against ten, he is the strongest in the universe" and he will never complain.

Make money, don't be embarrassed.

In mid-May, the announcement of the ghost’s lights-out ended.

Then it was officially scheduled to premiere on May 29.

This film went through two and a half years of twists and turns, and the first male protagonist even stepped on the sewing machine to explore the theme of the grave.

It was finally after Su Mu took over that he came out despite repeated calls.

If the trend in the past two years was idol dramas.

Starting from this year, the popularity of online TV series has gradually turned to supernatural suspense.

Of course, content works must be the starting point for driving a boom in subject matter.

It is precisely because many related literary works emerge in endlessly.

People will follow this trend.

Turn your attention to movies and TV series.

As for the suspenseful and supernatural section, the theme of tomb exploration is unique.

It’s hard not to look forward to it.

Even before it started airing, the internet was already buzzing with discussion.


It’s finally going to be aired, the wait has been too long! This should be the purest exploration theme ever, right?

Sumu has really discovered a big tomb, there must be something. I guess no one is more professional than him, don't let us down! .

Have you read the recent novel called "Grave Visiting Notes"? If Gui Xi can succeed this time, then I hope that the Grave Visiting Notes can also be adapted!

I'm looking forward to Su Mu's performance. When I think about the fact that he still has a box office of 500 million to overcome during the New Year at the end of the year, I worry about him and hope that this drama can bring some good news. ]

Online reviews are more about expectations for this drama.

To a certain extent, many people in the industry who want to try it but have not yet tried it are waiting for the results of this drama.

If we can successfully push the theme of tomb exploration to the top.

Then, it will definitely usher in a wave of popularity, just like the ancient puppet show in the past two years.

And at the same time,

There are also some people who are actually waiting for Sumu's performance.

Beijing City, Xuefei Film and Television Company.

If you want to see whether a film and television company has real strength.

All you need to see is whether the company's wall of honor can be filled with trophies of high gold content.

The honor shelf of Xuefei Film and Television Company is filled with many honors that Dong Xuefei has received.

From numerous literary works awards to art awards in film and television.

She has indeed taken a lot over the years.

In this comparison, Xu Jiang's Jianghe Film and Television Company is not inferior at all.

In the office at the moment, Dong Xuefei was talking with others.

If anyone in the industry sees it, they will definitely recognize it. The people present are none other than several big-name directors from this year’s Lunar New Year festival, including Wu Dongsheng, Gu An, and Chen Anzhi.

A few people were drinking tea, and suddenly Dong Xuefei asked: "An Zhi, have you worked with Su Mu before? I saw Xin Qiji's film. It was very good. It's a pity that it didn't go to theaters, otherwise it would have done well."

Chen Anzhi: "I can't compare with you guys who only make big-budget movies. But speaking of Su Mu, this guy is actually quite good. I approve of his acting skills, character, and attitude."

Dong Xuefei smiled: "How come you are the same as what Zhang Huaimou said?"

Chen Anzhi: "He was the one who recommended it to me, but it's really good."

Wu Dongsheng: "I heard that Xu Jiang's "Ghost Turns Out" is going to premiere. After struggling for several years, it finally dawned. Su Mu is the starring role. This subject may be very popular. If the TV series becomes popular, I will think about it. We’re going to make a movie version.”

Gu An smiled and said: "Why, do you want this person to act in Mr. Dong's big production? But I remember Lin Haoming, the male protagonist of your "Elegy of Love", and I still have some disputes with him."

Wu Dongsheng: "With a box office of 500 million, it will be difficult for Zhang Huaimou and this kid to catch up. With Wang Xuan and I, it is less than 300 million this year. The current market is really difficult."

Gu An: "By the way, if he approached Zhang Huaimou, what theme would he plan to shoot for the Lunar New Year?"

Dong Xuefei smiled: "I heard it's a comedy."

Wu Dongsheng: "Huh?"

Gu An: "Comedy?"

Everyone except Chen An was stunned.

Dong Xuefei: "The movie Ghost Lights Out will premiere at the end of the month, so we can see what kind of performance he can perform."

Wu Dongsheng: "I actually think that if Na Sumu wanted to act in a comedy, it might be difficult to surpass your love elegy."

Gu An: "Indeed, comedy is not as easy as expected, and besides, Su Mu is not a comedian."

at this time,

Chen Anzhi listened to the words of several people without refuting.

Just smiled and said nothing.

Among the people present, no one knew Su Mu the best than him.

He could still master the martial arts routines of horse riding and sword training in the first few months. He still remembers that crazy training method.

Even the people of Yuan Zheng Wu Xing were completely conquered by him.

So is it difficult for him to meet the requirements that comedy places on actors?

Chen Anzhi didn't believe it.

He always had a hunch that maybe Su Mu would do something big this time.

End of May.

"Ghost Turns Out the Lights: The Ancient City" has officially premiered on all major platforms.

Everyone watched the first few episodes with anticipation.

And immediately after,

The Internet exploded instantly.

The comments came one after another.

Just one night.

The number of views reached the top 20 on the Internet!

Xu Jiang did not sign an exclusive contract with a single platform, so it was premiered on the entire network.

It may be the first tomb exploration theme, so it has a lot of influence.

The next day,

Hot searches were once again dominated by terms related to Sumu and Ghost Turning Out the Lights.

Many film critics and professional celebrities.

They all gave their impressions and comments...

In the hotel.

Su Mu got up early.

We are preparing to conduct a corporate culture training for all employees...

PS: The update is finished, it’s past three o’clock in the middle of the night, and it’s even slower... The last day of this month, Qiubo monthly ticket, thank you for your support!

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