I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 236 Lao Ning’s Script Yongchun Proficiency

Capital city, cultural center.

Xu Jianzheng held the documents in the book and looked at the years in front of him.

“The film and television industry communication mentioned in the last conference is dominated by communication. So far this year, I think it has achieved great results.

The content of film and television works in recent years has improved a lot. For example, Su Mu’s previous science fiction movies are worth learning from, I think. "

While talking.

Xu Jianzheng looked at Ning Houan who was drinking water at the side, and then said helplessly: "Old Ning, you should also keep up with the times, don't stick to the military, and shoot some other subjects appropriately. I read it online recently. No?"

Ning Houan shook his head: "Don't look."

Xu Jianzheng: "Kung fu movies have attracted much attention recently. I think any subject, as long as the direction is right, can become the main theme and promote the national spirit. Just like Su Mu's The Wandering Earth, it seems to be science fiction, but in fact it is It is our Chinese understanding of homeland and spiritual core. Don’t be dissatisfied, you really need to learn from the thoughts of young people.”

Listen to Xu Jianzheng's words.

Ning Houan put down the water glass, then said with a smile: "You have made me stubborn. What kind of person am I? I have studied Su Mu's works long ago. He is indeed a good actor, very good."

Xu Jianzheng: "So, why don't you give it a try this time? Kung fu movies also have the spiritual core of our country. Once they are filmed, they are no worse than those in the military. Maybe the resonance will be better. Besides, don't you always want to try it?" Big screen? If you want to be able to decide, then the Ministry of Culture will support you this time."

Ning Houan nodded: "Of course I have thought about it, but Kung Fu movies are not easy to make. Usually the military has a framework, but Kung Fu movies are not just action scenes, but also need enough content to support them. In the end, a good story That’s the core.”

Xu Jianzheng smiled: "Old Ning, don't hide it from me. Why do I remember that you had a kung fu movie script in your hand a few years ago? At that time, you told me about Ou Lai at a dinner party. At that time, you said that you didn’t dare to make Kung Fu movies because the market for Kung Fu movies was declining, so you don’t want to try it now?”

Ning Houan sighed. He didn't expect that Xu Jianzheng would remember such a small thing.

He did prepare a kung fu movie script in the early years.

However, the market for kung fu movies was in a downturn at that time, so Ning Houan never dared to touch the script. In addition, since he had been filming military-themed TV series, he never found a suitable opportunity.

"There is indeed a script, and the content is quite good."

Xu Jianzheng: "Why don't you just take a photo, or do you have other plans?"

Ning Hou'an nodded: "The market for kung fu movies is unclear now, and those big directors have the opportunity to make mistakes, but I don't. If it doesn't go well, it will be a pity for the script, so I want to wait a little longer for the works of these people." If it is released and the effect is good, I will plan to film it next year."

Xu Jianzheng looked curious: "With so much attention, I really want to know what the script is, but if you wait and shoot, that's fine. If you can find Su Mu to act, that would be perfect."

Ning Houan: "The script is called "Fighting Heroes". It has a very good subject matter. As for whether we can find Su Mu, it depends on whether he is suitable for it."

Xu Jianzheng smiled: "Old Ning, you are still too small."


The weeks passed quickly.

With the completion of the formation of the crews of all parties.

Soon online media broke the news about the new film.

Hot searches came one after another.

Hot search on Weibo.

Hot 1: Yoo Seung Ho "The Boxer"

Hot 2: Lin Haoming's new action drama "Jian Nanchun"

Hot 3: Kung Fu Best Actor Gu Chunheng's "Martial Arts Show"

Hot 4: Yuan Zheng plans to make a new film to respond to those who kicked him out!

Hot 5…

Hot... Are super-talk/Chinese kung fu movies good to watch?

[Comment area:

I've said it before, if I don't scold them, they really don't know how to make a movie. If they put the same care into Su Mu's science fiction movies before, I think kung fu movies can still be made well.

I didn't expect that Yoo Seung Ho would actually make a kung fu movie this time. After all, he is the best actor, so he shouldn't be bad at it.

Gu Chunheng is YYDS. He should be better. I am really looking forward to it next year. After all, he has a real kung fu background. I feel that his kung fu is even harder than Yuan Lang.

Yuan Lang? Those are all tricks learned in the Five Elements. I heard that Gu Chunheng had studied in a serious school before, and he also won a martial arts championship. The photos he took must be excellent.

Originally, I didn’t want to watch kung fu movies before. As someone who was a fan of the movie said before, in addition to mindless fights, today’s kung fu movies either have no plot, or they only use popular celebrities.

I really hope Su Mu can come and act! ]

Yuan Zheng was not in a hurry to report some inside information about their crew.

So many people don't know that Su Mu will be starring in this new drama.

Nowadays, the general audience has seen some other kung fu movie trailers.

Everyone also started to comment.

Su Mu handed the script to Yuan Zheng.

After reading the script, Yuan Zheng was greatly surprised, and his reaction was almost the same as Zhang Huaimou's.

He really didn't expect that Su Mu could write the script faster than he could get money.

The plot of the script "Ip Man" is not as routine as imagined.

In fact, most of the early kung fu movies that Yuan Zheng was exposed to were in the form of a small character, who had to go through some suppression and hardships, and then determined to practice kung fu hard, or encounter opportunities and learn skills.

After going through some hard training, the protagonist can become strong, and then go back to take revenge and complain, and finally become a strong man.

And because of this old routine, many viewers actually know the ending as soon as they see the beginning.

Most kung fu movies focus on the training and improvement process of the protagonist. The large sections of kung fu performances feel fresh at first glance, but after a long time, they become boring.

This was also one of the factors that later caused the Kung Fu film market to decline.

The story is poor, and the fighting stuff is too boring. Compared with the cool super heroes in science fiction, it is a bit monotonous.

But Su Mu's script is different.

Because the male protagonist Ip Man is an invincible king at the beginning.

This puts more emphasis on the story.

Who said the content couldn't be more brilliant?

But it may be due to some resonance brought about by that special era. Even though it is hands-on from beginning to end, it always makes people feel that every action scene makes sense.

This is enough.

In addition, what surprised and horrified Yuan Zheng the most was the part in the script describing Yongchun Boxing.

He is a practitioner himself, so he naturally understands whether the writing details are in place.

The action scenes written by many screenwriters today are illogical in the eyes of professionals like them.

Once a move is performed, the subsequent connecting movements are completely impossible action logic.

Few people consult detailed information and can classify the kung fu mentioned in it according to sects and explain their characteristics in detail.

But in Su Mu's script, it was done.

Su Mu’s introduction to Wing Chun and the male protagonist’s inner understanding of the boxing technique.

Especially the push hands of Yongchun and the essentials of practicing with wooden stakes every day. If you haven't really come into contact with Wing Chun, I'm afraid it would be impossible to write about these.

‘The unique skill of Wing Chun originated from Shaolin. The moves have no tiger and crane, and the method has no five elements.

Just talk about line position, force and angle, the same skills, four positions and three degrees.

Yongchun only talks about the midline position and the method of using force. Among the three body positions, there are only four attack positions: upper left, lower left, upper right, lower right...'

Yuan Zheng looked at the content written in the script in shock.

He sighed secretly and looked at Su Mu.

"Number, have you ever practiced it? The actual combat characteristics of these martial arts routines are written very accurately. That's okay."

Su Mu smiled awkwardly.

Naturally, he couldn't say that he didn't write these, so he could only excuse himself modestly.

"No, I just looked it up online. Now that the Internet is so developed, there's nothing missing."

Yuan Zheng didn't think much about it. After all, he had known Su Mu for so long. If he really wanted to have the skills, he might have known about it long ago.

Turning his attention back to the script again, he said: "Su Mu, your script is good and can be filmed. Moreover, I think the character Ip Man is very good. The crew should prepare quickly. After all, I have a team in my own martial arts. "

Su Mu: "Okay."

Fast forward to July.

All the major production crews are ready to start shooting.

As for Yuan Zheng, the actors are also ready.

He found some of the more famous kung fu movie actors in China today.

As for the heroine, she chose Lin Qingman from Mingxia Media.

This is one of the few action actresses, and the key is that she is a beautiful woman.

Nowadays, it is really rare to find an actress who can both fight and act as well as have good looks, so one can imagine her popularity and reputation.

In the box office market, it is not inferior to Qiong Anqi's huge traffic.

The process of preparing a kung fu movie is not as complicated as that of science fiction.

Basically, filming can be completed at the film and television base.

Especially in the context of the last century, film and television bases were all ready-made venues.

Yuan Zheng is also familiar with these things, so he quickly organized and completed the crew structure, and then when it was time to sign the contract, the time to join the crew was finally announced!

And the other side.

Su Mu has not been idle in the past two months.

He asked Qian Jida to help him find a real Wing Chun master among the people.

To be honest, Qian Jida originally rejected Su Mu's idea.

The main reason is that he doesn't know what kind of style Su Mu has, and he really wants to find a martial arts master to learn kung fu.

They all felt that as long as they followed Yuan Zheng's martial arts followers and learned the routines, it would be enough.

It’s not necessary to become a real martial arts master to make a kung fu movie, right?

And the key is that Su Mu still wants to find a successor of this kind of Wing Chun.

But in the end, Qian Jida was unable to refute Su Mu's words.

Su Mu: "Mr. Qian, my salary accounts for one-half of the total investment this time. If I am not a real Yongchun master, then why should I ask for this money? Why should I ask for more next time?"

Qian Jida was speechless.

But looking back, it's true.

If you want to get more money, you must be able to do what others cannot and do what others cannot do, so that you can reflect your value.

Otherwise, if everyone is the same, why would your price be three or four times higher than others?

The main thing is great value for money, so you have to really do it.

Figured this out.

Qian Jida could only use his connections.

I asked a friend from the TV station to help me contact him.

Some TV stations in China often hold such martial arts competitions.

And above these competitions, there are descendants of Wing Chun.

A few days later.

Qian Jida found a man he thought was called 'Ye Gang'.

He is the descendant of Wing Chun who won the championship in the "Martial Arts Tournament" organized by a certain TV station.

Qian Jida spent hundreds of thousands to invite people from other provinces.

I plan to teach Sumu Boxing during this period.

The news reached the ears of Yuan Zheng and the crew.

Once again it attracted a lot of attention.

In fact, when an action actor is filming a kung fu movie, it is a routine operation to simply learn the kung fu movements.

It's just that this person is Su Mu, so it's different.

Just like when I first photographed climbers, many people felt that they just needed to feel the intensity of the wind and snow on the snow-capped mountains.

But who knew that Su Mu had boarded 8848 at that time.

So when I heard that Su Mu specially found a successor of Wing Chun to learn boxing, he was even a champion in the ring.

Everyone felt a little bit bad.

Inside the hotel.

Ye Gang has tendons that are not very obvious.

Maybe this has something to do with the style of Wing Chun. People who practice this boxing style don't look particularly strong, but the muscles all over their bodies are quite explosive.

Little Orange: "It would be a pity not to be a bodyguard."

Qian Jida: "Shut up, I am the champion."

The two whispered.

Ye Gang was chatting face to face with Su Mu, which sounded pretty smooth.

"Wing Chun is actually faster to learn than other kung fu, because it focuses more on actual combat, but it is not that easy, and you are older now. It is not easy to practice it to a great extent. I think, since you are a star, there is absolutely no need to practice wooden stakes. I will teach you the routines and you should have no problem doing some movie moves."

Su Mu shook his head: "I have made up my mind, Teacher Ye, don't worry, I know where my limits are, and no matter how far I can practice, I will be in the capital.

I bought a dozen wooden stakes online, and they will be sent to the shooting location when I join the group, and I will practice there. "

Ye Gang: "..."

Su Mu: "Let's start with the basics."

Listening to Su Mu's words, Ye Gang felt helpless.

In his opinion, if adults want to learn kung fu, it doesn’t matter how fast they are.

As far as physical condition is concerned, if it has not been polished over the years, it will not work at all.

It is impossible to become a master by practicing.

At most, I can learn some superficial movements, and that’s it.

But he didn't care. After all, he was willing to teach after hundreds of thousands.

The next few weeks.

Su Mu started from the initial horse steps and stances, and continued to practice the push hand gestures and wooden stake routines. It took him a full month to learn from Ye Gang.

At the same time, it also opened up the proficiency of Wing Chun.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shone through the hotel window.

Su Mu stood in his room and performed output, facing the scenery outside the window, posing in the Yongchun stance.

[Yongchun Fist Proficiency +1]

[Skill point +0.01...]

Not long after.

The door opened, and Qian Jida and Xiao Juzi came in with breakfast.

"Boss, it's time for breakfast."

"Su Mu, if you join the group today, prepare early."

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