I've already reached the top level, so I only need to gain proficiency

Chapter 256 Classic flying kick! Do the same with puppies!

Beijing Film and Television Base.

At this moment, the set of Jingwu Heroes was already surrounded by staff.

All the actors from the crew were present.

Including there were many extras watching around.

Everyone is here to watch today's scene.

The most important fighting scene in the story of Jingwu Heroes is naturally the scene at the end where Chen Zhen carries the Sick Man of East Asia signboard alone and forces his way into the Hongkou Dojo.

This is also the biggest climax of the whole world.

In fact, as the entire storyline develops around that era, it will give people some depressing emotions in the early stages.

After all, there are indelible old and new hatreds between the Chinese nation and them.

In the end, Chen Zhen's master, Huo Yuanjia, was framed by a traitor and died of poisoning in a competition.

This will almost become a huge stone in the heart of the audience, and even uncontrollable anger.

Therefore, in the end, Chen Zhen broke into the dojo alone, killed everyone inside, and finally nailed the enemy officer to the pillar of shame. This was the most important ending.

Including the sign of letting the traitor eat the sick man of East Asia, and the classic flying kick at the end that shattered the sign of Xiaoli Dojo.

It can be said that everyone's emotions are vented to reach the climax.

Compared with the previous one, Ip Man fought ten in the competition venue.

In Chen Zhen's scene, the action scenes are more complex and more difficult.

The first is the large number of people, and secondly, in the final one-on-one battle with the enemy officers, Ning Houan wanted to pursue reality, which means that there may be real fights in many places.

So many actors present also knew it.

The importance of this scene is that it carries the emotion of the entire play.

If the final fight scene is not performed well and the emotions that should be released are not fully expressed, all the previous efforts may be in vain.

Ning Houan, Yuan Zheng and others came to prepare early.

In the past few months of filming, the two of them have cooperated very well, and they have very high standards for actors, and they even feel a little picky.

The purpose is to make this show perfect.

At this time, the actors in the crew were all discussing, including Du Qifeng and Chen Yang.

The two of them joined specifically at a reduced salary.

Since the last time I hugged my thigh and enjoyed the sweetness, I have completely figured it out.

If you want results, you don't need to work hard at all. As long as Su Mu plays whatever he wants, they can just come over and join in the performance. Just close your eyes and take off.

"This scene is very conscious. I read the script and it's not easy to act. Su Mu has to play from beginning to end."

"I have read the script, and the final one-on-one is the difficult part. If you pursue the realism of kung fu, you may have to fight for real."

"Su Mu must be fine. After all, he is a professional now."

"By the way, the opposite character is Shen Youmin, right?"

At this time, someone set their sights on a burly man.

Shen Youmin is an actor Ning Houan specially found from Military Art Media.

In fact, he is a relatively famous actor in China.

He is a tough guy type who often shoots action scenes and military themes.

In terms of qualifications, he is slightly higher than Su Mu, and it is worth mentioning that in terms of box office performance, theoretically speaking, Shen Youmin is also above Su Mu.

The current box office ranking of Hua Xia can surpass Su Mu's work, which is the 5.1 billion "The Fierce Fight in China".

Shen Youmin played an important role in the play.

Of course, this period war drama does not actually have a specific starring role, but the participating roles will naturally count the box office in its performance.

He was born in the army, so he is very skilled. In action scenes, he is not Su Mu's type at all.

He plays the enemy officer who fights Chen Zhen in the end.

Many people are looking forward to the scenes between him and Su Mu.

Du Qifeng and Chen Yang stood side by side in front, listening to the discussions of the people around them, and they smiled.

Chen Yang: "Brother Feng, you said that now that Su Mu has finished filming the Jingwu Hero, if he fights that Okamoto puppy, will it arouse the anger of the people in Xiaoli? What if he boycotts him?"

Du Qifeng: "Probably yes."

Chen Yang: "Ah? Wouldn't that make it more difficult?"

Du Qifeng smiled and shook his head: "You can't understand this. According to my guess, it was all planned by Su Mu in advance.

Everyone knows what the script of Fist of Heroes represents, and looking back at Sumu's challenge to Okamoto Xiaonu this time, isn't this exactly in line with the script?

So you said, this script is reflected in the real world, and if it happens at the same time, what will be the effect then?

In the movie, Su Mu kicked Xiaozhi away, but in reality he still beat Xiaozhi to pieces.

I'm afraid this movie doesn't even need any publicity. It just needs to be released. It doesn't say how many miracles it will create at the box office, but it will at least make it into China's box office rankings, with a box office of 3 billion.

This is where Sumu is profound! "

"Fuck, that's awesome!" Chen Yang was shocked after hearing this: "According to what you said, I doubt he will fight all the way to the United States."

Du Qifeng: "It's possible. You have to know that this person is Su Mu after all."

At this moment, when the two of them were blowing.

The studio is ready.

As Ning Houan called out on the walkie-talkie, the filming of the movie finally began.

"Jingwu Heroes, Game 486, God Ike!"

At this time, the high-altitude lens gave a panoramic view of the Hongkou Dojo.

From top to bottom, it finally landed on a man wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

In the dojo, one person stood up and cursed, pointing to the sign in front of the door: "Come here! Drive him out. Didn't you see that it says Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to enter?"

At this moment,

When hearing such lines, everyone around them fell silent.

Even though they were filming, the atmosphere was still a bit angry and depressing.

But the next second,

Chen Zhen, played by Su Mu, didn't respond at all and already gave his attitude.

The man was struck down and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, everyone rushed forward and the group fight began.

These action designs were also arranged by Yuan Zheng before.

But the fighting was quite realistic, and Su Mu controlled the strength and distance of his moves with ridiculous accuracy.

They are all touched by millimeters, but they are not really touched.

The set was divided into two areas, and Sumu fought from one end to the other.

The movements and movements are spot-on, all the way to the end, a coherent yuppie.

Then, he took off his shirt and took out his nunchucks.

This game lasted almost twenty minutes.

After spending all his little life, he finally faced Shen Youmin.

Ning Houan shouted once in the middle of the journey.

But it still doesn't affect Su Mu's participation in the play.

During the duel with Shen Youmin.

He integrated all his inner emotions into every move and expressed them vividly.

Almost everyone present could feel the anger and hatred from his moves, as well as the catharsis after the rage.

Facing the enemy, only by punching hard enough can you protect the person you want to protect.

The props and scenes on the set were in a dilapidated state.

In the end, the character played by Shen Youguo was beaten to death by Su Mu until he vomited blood.

It wasn't until that moment that everyone felt relieved.


Su Mu also had scars on his body, but he did not stop.

He walked to the front of the dojo, and then took off the plaque with the little date on it.

He raised it high, followed by a flying kick in the air!


There was a loud noise, and the signboard made of solid wood was literally kicked to pieces by Su Mu.



Everyone present looked at this scene in shock.

My blood was boiling, I was excited, and I even had goosebumps.

It was as if the long-held emotions were released at this moment.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Ning Houan didn't even have time to shout.

Suddenly someone shouted.

"Sumu is awesome! Come on! Do the same when beating Okamoto puppies!"

"Yes! Just fight like this to relieve your hatred. We support you!"

Some people at the scene started shouting.

But Ning Houan and Yuan Zheng just smiled and did not stop them.

The fact that everyone has such a reaction can only show the success of this scene.

Afterwards, thunderous applause erupted from the set.

Late August.

Sumu is officially finished.

At the same time, he has also won six consecutive victories as a dark horse and won the first place in the selection!

And obtained the qualification to challenge the MMA mixed martial arts rankings in the entire Asian division.

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