I’ve Became An Overmind In Star Wars??

Chapter 11 - Zerg management part 2

After Jason asked Serra if she wanted to come along she immediately said yes so they headed out to the city they left burning.

"Things will be a little different so be careful Serra. Since I'm building in the ruins of the city there will be people who come to see what happened to it and sooner or later there will be more battles to fight and when the Jedi come I'll have to be ready for the backlash." Serra was confused so she asked.

"What do you mean backlash? How would they know you killed them?" So Jason then explained.

"They might not know it was me but once they die they will send a search party to look for them and they will find us so that means I'll have to start to mass-produce the Zerg so we can fight the republic. So just be ready for that time to come." Serra put on a serious look and told him okay she will be ready when that time comes.

They arrived at the ruined city the fire has died down so all that was left was ruin and ash. Jason walked to the building where he had the so-called meeting with the elders and started up a Hatchery it would take some time so he spent time with Serra and asked her.

"Once everything is done I mean the republic and all that is gone what do you want to do?" Serra told him.

"I want to get back at all the Mandalorian's that abandoned me... then I want to spend more time with you on a beautiful planet then we can have kids, I want three... No five! I want a big family then we can go on a honeymoon and have fun!" The human side of Jason felt cold sweat on the back of his neck... he thought.

'I have no clue how to raise a kid no less five of them! But it would be nice to have kids I'll need to make sure I leave a planet alone so it doesn't get ruined.'

"Well I haven't raised kids before but I'm sure with your help we will be fine and I'll find a good planet to keep just for us." We continue to talk while sitting waiting on the hatchery to finish and after a few hours it was ready so I then started the new Queen.

Another few hours later she came out and she had blonde hair and a great figure this caused Jason to think.

'So will all my future queen have a charming body?' She then said.

"Hello, Overmind I Hope I can serve you to the best of my ability." When she said that Serra didn't take that well. The way she said it sounded like a different kind of service... but she just thought about it too much and since Jason didn't know what to name her he said.

"At the moment I don't have a name for you yet so I'll give you one soon." He then looked at his HUD he smiled.

[Overmind: Jason

Personal BioEnergy 10,000/100,000

Zerg Swarm BioEnergy 61,000/1,000,000 (+9,500 BioEnergy per day from creep.)

Alignment: Dark side

Building's: x3 Hatchery, Spawning Pool, x4 Roach Werren, x4 Baneling nest

Zerg Creatures: 600x Drones, 3500x Zergling's, 3x Queen (Jasmine, Selena, ????? ), 100x larva, 300x Overlord's (Gives 30 population),

3,100x Roaches, 1,200x Baneling's

Stage: 3 (Next unlock at 1,000,000 Bioenergy spent)(Unlocked: Hatchery: larva, Queen's, overlords, Zerglings, spawning pool, drones, Roach Werren, Baneling nest, Spine Crawler, Spore Crawler, Evolution Chamber, Lair, Hydralisk Den, Infestation Den, Spire, Nydus Network)

Total Zerg population: {8,803/9,000}]

"All my Queens hear me, prepare to mass produce all Zerg and prepare for war. Build more hatchery's and Lairs and make are new Zerg and spread the creep as much as possible. In the process of expanding if you come across anything that's not one of one kill it to grow the swarm. It's time to control Are planet fully."

[Hey everyone this is to make up for the super short chapter yesterday so here you go. Also, what should I name the new queen? Because I don't know well I gtg and right my other novel now... later]

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