Jagged Germany

Chapter 1286: A rare opportunity

Admiral Konrad Abbrecht, commander of the fleet, Lieutenant General Oscar Kumetz, chief of staff, and Lieutenant General William Canaris, commander of the aircraft carrier formation, on the aircraft carrier Aries, the flagship of the German Navy's Pacific Fleet , Although he didn't rest all night, he was in good spirits. For senior generals like them, in the middle of a fierce war, it is nothing to stay up all night.

"General, General Theodor Bourchaud sent a telegram. They were attacked by nearly two hundred carrier-based planes from the islanders. Our **** fighter jets shot down most of the islander-based planes. However, the remaining Those island country carrier-based aircraft were very crazy, and they directly drove the carrier-based aircraft to hit our capital ship. Under this crazy style of play by the islanders, the battleship 'Crown Prince' was severely damaged." Oscar? Lieutenant General Kumets reported.

"God! It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is right. The islanders are really a very crazy nation. They can also use such a suicide attack method, and they simply don't take human life seriously." Conrad? Admiral Albrecht sighed.

  Before the war broke out, the German Emperor Qin Tian had already warned the German Navy and Army. When facing the islanders, you must pay special attention. The weapons and equipment of those islanders are certainly not the best, and their tactics are also very backward. But we must pay attention to their fearless fighting style. That kind of tactic that doesn't even take one's own life as a matter is a huge threat to the army of any country. In another time and space, when the army of the island country attacked the Philippines, didn’t the hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops defeated by tens of thousands of people? The weapons and equipment of the US military are much more powerful than those of the Japanese army. The reason why the islanders were able to win was the fighting spirit that was not afraid of death. The pampered Americans were immediately petrified when they saw the tactics of the islanders.

   "Your Excellency, it seems that in this war, we must be extra careful of the islanders!" Lieutenant General William Canaris also said.

"Yes, no matter how crazy the islanders are. We just need to wipe them all out. Then, they will not be able to pose a threat to us. This time, with so many carrier-based aircraft lost, the strength of the island nation's naval aviation will inevitably It will be greatly reduced. The possibility of us winning this naval battle can also be greatly improved." Admiral Konrad Abbrecht said.

Lieutenant General William Canaris nodded: "It's a pity that the location of the islanders' aircraft carrier has not been discovered until now. If their aircraft carrier can also be destroyed, then we can truly win this war." .”

  At this moment, a staff officer hurried in.

   "Report, one of our submarines has discovered the location of the island nation's aircraft carrier." The staff officer reported.

   "What?" There was a surprise smile on everyone's face. This is undoubtedly good news for the German Navy. If it is possible to find out the location of the aircraft carrier of the navy of the island country, and then sink them. In this naval battle, the German Navy will be able to win the final victory.

   "Has it been confirmed?" Lieutenant General William Canaris asked.

   "Yes, General. The submarine reports that there are at least four island aircraft carriers!" the staff officer reported.

"This should be just an aircraft carrier team of the island nation's navy. However, since one is found, the other must be nearby. This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for us." Konrad Abbrecht entered will say.

  If you can seize this opportunity and severely damage or even sink the aircraft carrier of the island navy in one fell swoop, then the German navy will undoubtedly win the final victory of this naval battle.

   "How far is our carrier-based aircraft fleet from the islanders' aircraft carrier?" Lieutenant General William Canaris asked.

  The four aircraft carriers of the Pacific Fleet are relatively far away from the theater, so the carrier-based aircraft were dispatched to take off first. But if the carrier-based aircraft's fuel consumption is almost exhausted and there is no trace of the island navy's aircraft carrier, then they can only order the carrier-based aircraft to return, or land on the airport of Pohnpei Island and refuel. up. Fortunately, now they have discovered the location of the aircraft carrier of the island navy in time.

   "Our fleet is less than 300 kilometers away from the aircraft carrier of the island navy that has been discovered!" The officer reported.

   "Very well, order them to go immediately and destroy the aircraft carrier of the islanders. Send them all to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!" Lieutenant General William Canaris ordered.

   "Yes, General." The officer immediately went to convey the order. It is necessary to notify the carrier-based aircraft fleet by radio to let them go to the sea area where the aircraft carrier of the navy of the island country is located.

   "In addition, let our seaplanes and submarines focus on searching the nearby waters and find another aircraft carrier team of the island navy." Admiral Konrad Abbrecht ordered.

   This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for the German Navy. If this opportunity can be seized and all eight aircraft carriers of the island nation's navy are eliminated, then the island nation's navy will no longer be able to fight back in this naval battle.

   "Yes, General."

"Notify Ponapei Island, take off a batch of fighter planes, and join in this attack. We can't leave the island people any chance, we must sink all the island aircraft carriers!" Oscar? Ku Lieutenant General Metz added.

  At this moment, on Ponapei Island, there are still two battalions of dive bombers and two battalions of torpedo attack aircraft. The power of these 144 fighters is also quite amazing. If you are lucky, it will be enough to cause serious damage to the island fleet.

  After the order was issued, the carrier-based aircraft of the Pacific Fleet of the island nation's navy and the airport on Pohnpei Island immediately took action. The carrier-based aircraft group of the Pacific Fleet, which was heading north at a cruising speed, began to adjust its course and flew to the sea area where the aircraft carrier of the island country was located. This fleet consists of 48 carrier-based BF-109 fighters, 96 dive bombers and 48 torpedo attack aircraft. The scale is very large, and the combat power is also very powerful. Once an attack is launched on the aircraft carrier team of the island navy, it will be enough to make the aircraft carrier team of the island navy pay a heavy price.

   Not to mention, after the airport on Ponapei Island received the order, a brigade of dive bombers and a brigade of torpedo attack aircraft, under the protection of a brigade of BF-109 fighter jets, also took off immediately to participate in the battle.

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