Jean Of Bright City 13

Chapter 301: Dinner for the lunatics (Part 1)

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The last light of the setting sun stained many parts of the city in red. On a down stone path, Gate and Song Ying held hands, with strange smiles on their faces, and many households on both sides came out. The aroma of food.

"It's true, I can't be careless at all, the dean is right, the lipstick in my bag is gone."

Song Ying said, looking at his shoulder bag, Gate smiled strangely, and most of the houses around them looked a bit old. This is the junction of the 38th and 39th districts located on the ground floor in the north and the middle floor. In an old town, many of the facilities in it still retain the appearance of a hundred years ago, and some houses can also see chimneys and a tiled house.

Most of the slate has been smoothed, the original dark gray slate is now white, and most of the slate has cracks.

The trail is long and curvy, and the planning here is a bit confusing, because when the city was built, the climate on the north side was the best. A large number of people flocked to build houses here, which led to the intricacy here. Many places were not Monitored.

At this time, the whole trail winding down seemed to be covered with blood, and the light was gradually reddening. This was a phenomenon when the artificial sun was extinguished, and the true color of the big fireball in the sky.

A breeze blew, and some dry leaves rolled up, a semi-circular square, just in front of a huge building, there was a statue without a head in the middle of the square. What kind of person.

There are two trees on both sides of the huge building in front of you that have been twisted and crooked due to long-term malnutrition. The leaves above are green and yellow, which looks very deformed. It is also because the building in front of you is difficult to have all year round. With plenty of sunlight, only at noon every day, the sun's rays will spill on the buildings in front of you.

Two rusty iron fence gates, black fences up to 10 meters high on both sides are piled up by black stone piles, there are spiked fences on the fence, and there are certain reasons why the sun can't enter these fences.

The building inside is a five-story long building, nearly 300 meters long. There are three small round buildings that look like large pillars. Standing in three places in this Changxing building, there are rows of windows. There are iron fences with shadows flashing from time to time.

At this time, the light directly opposite the building had lighted up. On the right side of the gate, there was a column with a large row of letters, Fry Mental Hospital.

"Every time I come back here is not very comfortable. It's true. This is a place far darker than the barrier area, the abyss of the bright city."

Gate smiled strangely, holding Song Ying's hand. The eyes of the two were slightly excited at this time. When they reached the gate, a person wearing a white coat and a mask with dull eyes came and opened the right side. A small door, when they walked in, they clicked, and the man locked the chain again, then his eyes smiled strangely.

"Yes, No. 091, I can finally come here today to unlock and close the door."

The person next to him immediately smiled sharply, then squatted on the ground, clapped his hands, and constantly gave a creepy laugh.

Song Ying crouched down slightly, looking at the laughing man.

"The lock I told you before, did you find it?"

Song Yingxie asked with a smile, the people on the ground suddenly had terrified eyes, a look of uncomfortableness, rubbing his neck with his hand, and after a while, he broke the skin and began to bleed, he whimpered, mental Shaking unclearly, shaking his head, he kept saying locks, locks and the like in his mouth.

"Okay, don't tease him, the dean is still waiting for us."

On both sides of the big iron gate, below the main building is a flower bed. Some men and women are wearing masks. People in white clothes are taking care of the flower bed. Both sides are farmland, which will exude a smell. Some people are Carrying the big dung water, many people looked dull, and from time to time a burst of noises came out.

This is the largest Fry psychiatric hospital in Bright City. It houses nearly 30,000 psychiatric patients, most of whom are people who regularly deliver food or provide money. As the most common disease in modern society, mental illness is extremely suppressed In the environment or encountering insurmountable injuries, people with fragile hearts are easily susceptible, and once they get mentally ill, they will lose everything. Eventually, if the treatment is unsuccessful, they can only be sent to the mental hospital by their families , And then family members regularly provide food or money as the only vitality to keep these mentally ill patients alive.

Most psychiatric patients who do not provide money from their families will either be euthanized after the determination of the 4 departments or be directly exiled to the barrier area, but as long as the psychiatric patients have a certain cognitive ability and can do some work, they can also survive.

Gate and Song Ying walked slowly to the entrance of the psychiatric hospital facing the gate of the iron fence. In front of them was a half-old man in a white coat, gray hair and beard, and a good spirit. He was wearing gray pants and a pair of Some old and damaged black leather boots have a large piece of ear on the right, only one third left, the nose is crooked, and the teeth are already incomplete.

This man was named Fry, and he was the most famous psychiatrist in the bright city fifty years ago, but he only came to this one, which was called First Psychiatric Hospital, after only 3 months in the Department of Operations Place, as a doctor.

Frye smiled, this smile was slightly gloomy because of his incomplete black teeth, and there were many places on his cheeks. There were only three fingers on his right hand, and the little fingers and ring fingers were gone.

On the back of the left hand, there is a seal eroded by the acid substance. The bones under the skin can be clearly seen. Fry looks a bit scary.

"The two have worked hard."

Frye's voice was a little hoarse and slightly thick. At this time, the two women next to each other fought, talking madly, one put the mud on the ground into the other's mouth, the other chewed, a pair With a happy look, he didn't know that his mouth had been broken by the stones in the soil, and blood was flowing down.

"Your master is here, hurry up, No. 354, No. 578."

Fry said a moment, and the two women who were wrestling next to the flower bed suddenly stood up and knelt on the ground, grinning vocally with cheeks on their cheeks, as if they were stuck in their throats, their saliva and tears flowing. Came out.

"What happened?"

Frye asked, and the two immediately bowed.

"President, my lipstick is gone."

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