Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 134: Buddha's interception

Remember in a second【】

Facing Ning Que, the thirteenth teacher of the academy who had already been possessed by demons, and Sang Sang, who was confirmed as the daughter of Hades, before Qi Nian returned to the Xuankong Temple, the head lecturer had already received the news from the temple master.

Regarding the appearance of the daughter of Hades, Fozong's reaction was far more intense and tough than Xiling Temple expected.

As a result, many ascetic monks came out of the bottomless tiankeng. These ascetic monks who had served the Buddha for half their lives made the world fear when they appeared.

No one expected that under such sudden circumstances, the Buddha Sect would actually be dispatched. Dozens of ascetic monks in the realm of Dongxuan, led by several ascetic monks in the realm of knowing fate, rushed to the must-pass of Mr. Thirteen of the academy a few days ago. Many of them were ascetic monks from the White Pagoda of the Moonland Kingdom. After getting the news, they spontaneously joined in.

At the foot of a certain mountain, the ascetic monks from the tiankeng sat cross-legged in the forest on both sides of the road, reciting the Sutra of Light handed down by the Buddha.

After waiting for many days, an ascetic monk in tattered clothes looked up at the gloomy black cloud under the blue sky, and when the ascetic monk took a few more glances, he put his hands together and said, "The daughter of Hades has arrived. "

Although it was only a very brief sentence, to the ears of dozens of ascetic monks, it sounded like the whisper of the Buddha. The ascetic monk who had not eaten for several days got up from both sides of the road and stood in the middle of the road, preparing to use the simplest way to end the meeting. The daughter of Pluto who caused the eternal night to fall.

The ascetic monk from the White Pagoda said, "The daughter of Hades should also die."

He didn't think that under the interception of dozens of practitioners who had taken the secret medicine, the thirteen of the academy, even Xiahou, who was able to fight against the peak of martial arts, would have difficulty protecting the daughter of Hades from escaping.

The noisy sound of the black crow has been surrounding the very heavy carriage, but because Master Yan Se used a lot of precious materials and arranged a lot of talisman arrays when building this carriage, the noise of the black crow was reduced. to the minimum.

Ning Que looked at Sangsang, who was hiding in the quilt and kept coughing, and asked with concern: "Sangsang, don't worry, we will arrive at Rangke Temple in Washan in a few days, and when you eat the green pears, you will never have to worry about it again." suffer from the cold."

Sangsang, who had been on the road for many days, was very pale. She looked out the car window at the black crow in the distance, and said, "Master, is it true?"

Ning Que caressed Sangsang and said, "Of course it's true." While talking, he took out the letter Master gave him, shook it, and said, "This is a letter from the teacher to Master Qishan. Don't worry. You will definitely get better, we have come here with great difficulty."

He remembered the massacre that night, remembered how hard he had escaped from Chang'an, and remembered the little baby girl he picked up under the tree. At that time, he probably would not have thought that he would marry Sang. mulberry.

Sangsang looked at the smile on Ning Que's face and asked, "Master, what are you laughing at?"

After Ning Que came back to his senses, he said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something, you go to sleep first, I'll go outside to see the way."


After the carriage door was pushed open, it was quickly closed by Ning Que. When he came outside the carriage, he heard the endless noise of the black crow. He waved a few talismans, but the gap left by the black crow was quickly filled . …

"I can't go on like this anymore, I have to find a way, it's too obvious to go on like this."

Ning Que was also very helpless for the black crow who had been following him. Ever since Guanhai shook the Yulan bell that day, the black crow had been following Sangsang. If anyone dared to shake the broken bell in front of him, he would definitely Split it into two neat halves.

Just as Ning Que was planning to clean up the black crows above his head, the **** horse pulling the carriage stopped and Ning Que looked forward vigilantly.

Not long after, dozens of ascetic monks appeared on the road and walked slowly towards Ning Que. Ning Que sensed the cultivation of those ascetic monks, and took out the Yuan Thirteen Arrows, and made a full moon shape with the bow and arrow.

Daoist talismans appeared on Yuan Shisan's arrow, and Ning Que looked at the ascetic monk in front of him, and said with a livid face: "Masters, my wife has caught the cold and is going to a distant place to see a doctor. Masters, please leave quickly."

If it was not necessary, he didn't want to fight these ascetic monks to the death here, because at this moment, Sangsang's soldier's condition could not be delayed any longer.

The headed ascetic monk, after chanting the Buddha's name, said: "Mr. Thirteen, you even took out the Yuan Shisan arrow, so why bother talking so much nonsense, the Buddhist sect respects the master, but the daughter of the king of the underworld must die today."

Hearing the ascetic monk mentioning Sangsang, Ning Que replied indifferently: "Sangsang is my wife, if you want Sangsang to die, then I have no choice but to ask you to die first."

In an instant, Ning Que was possessed, and the cluster of arrows escaped from the bowstring very quickly, and the cluster of arrows drew an arc across the blue sky. This arrow Ning Que did not lock anyone, because Ning Que locked everyone, and Ning Que knew it when it came. This trip is full of dangers, so many poisonous and difficult to distinguish poisons have been quenched on the arrow clusters.

The headed ascetic monk looked at the incoming arrow and smiled contemptuously: "Mr. Shisan, your 13th arrow cannot kill me."

He stretched out his hand to mobilize the powerful thoughts in his body, activated the big handprint of Tianqing, and with amazing perseverance, he held the iron arrow. The cluster of arrows cut through his palm, and a few drops of blood fell on the ground.

Ning Que looked at this scene, smiled happily, and said, "Master, iron arrows can't kill you naturally, but the poison on the cluster of arrows is prepared by my eleventh brother. Seeing the poison that seals the throat with blood, do you think you can kill it?" Will you survive?"

The cluster of arrows in the hands of the headed ascetic monk fell to the ground. Looking at Ning Que's smiling face, he thought of a certain person, and naturally knew the poison that person prepared.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Just how powerful the medicine is, he clutched his chest and spit out black blood, but facing this poison, such methods were useless.

In the end, the ascetic monk who had taken the secret medicine and cultivated in the realm of fate fell to the ground and died, dying with regret!

An ascetic monk from the White Pagoda nudged: "Amitabha Buddha! Mr. Thirteen, the Buddha also has anger. The daughter of Hades must die today."

Standing on the roof of the car, Ning Que watched. The idiot who was uttering wild words did not speak, but kept pulling the Yuan Thirteen Arrow in his hand. As the arrow clusters flew, the ascetic monks retreated three feet. Ning Que also took advantage of this gap , driving a carriage out of the ascetic siege.

And on a certain path hundreds of miles away, Qingniu pulled the carriage and walked slowly on the road.

Su Xuan, who was sitting on the side of the car, looked at Ning Que, who was killing all directions, and said, "It's really insidious. It is indeed an unexpected method to quench the poison on the arrow clusters that have been drawn with the talisman array."

But this method can only be an unexpected blow after all. The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is because the hole card has not been taken out yet, but Ning Que took out all the hole cards at the beginning.

This year's Yulan Festival must be very exciting!



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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