Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 74: King Tang's will

Before the Xuanjia heavy cavalry drew its saber, Mo Shanshan's block formation had already landed three feet in front of the bullock cart, and the Dao sword in Su Xuan's hand drew a white line in the air, flying back and forth around the Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

Xu Shi, who personally led the team, saw this situation and signaled that the Xuanjia heavy cavalry stopped, and the Xuanjia heavy cavalry who were rushing forward at a very fast speed reined in the horse's head almost at the same time, like a horizontal line, which was worthy of Stopped in front of the block barrier.

The practitioners in the army who were mixed with the Xuanjia heavy cavalry could already clearly see the vitality of heaven and earth flowing continuously on the talisman array in front of them. The practitioner sitting on the horseback was panting heavily. A white mist formed in front of him.

Xu Shi rode a horse, walked to the front, looked at Su Xuan who was standing on the roof of the bullock cart, and asked: "Su Xuan, a disciple of the Guanshan Gate, the Taoist prefect, something happened to you, you have to go back to the military headquarters with me." Go to jail."

In fact, whether it is Ning Que or Su Xuan, Xu Shi is not pleasing to the eye. Both of them are lawless people who regard the laws of the Tang Kingdom as nothing. If there is no real evidence, he can't touch Ning Que at all. It is different for Su Xuan, a disciple of Taoism Zhishouguan, there are all the witnesses and material evidences, so Su Xuan can't help to mess around in Chang'an.

What's more, his coming this time is itself a test for Su Xuan by the Tang Dynasty. Although he is not in Chang'an, he has heard a lot about what happened in the first year of Tianqi. No matter how this matter is resolved in the future, it should not be left People from Xiling intervened.

Su Xuan looked at the elderly Xu Shi, saluted slightly, and said, "General Xu Shi's movement is really big enough, you are so old, and you still lead your cavalry to stop me, but this Chang'an I still want to enter the city after all.”

"Hmph!" Xu Shi snorted coldly, and said, "Lian Po is old, can he still eat! Mr. Su, do you want to say that I am old, so I should take care of my children at home? But I still refuse to accept my old age. If Chang'an killed someone, Tang Law will naturally deal with it, if you are not convinced, you can see if you can stop the Xuanjia heavy cavalry outside Chang'an city."

Even though many adults in the court chose very weak means when faced with whether to stop Su Xuan, but he obeyed! So the three thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry were waiting outside the city early this morning, waiting for this moment.

Hearing Xu Shi's threat, Su Xuan said flatly: "General Xu, I think you should be clear that the only one who can decide whether I can enter Chang'an City University is the old master, and you have no right to stop me outside the city.

The Tang State is very powerful, and the Tang State's frontier army can even sweep across all the countries in the world in a very short period of time, but General Xu Shi, have you ever thought about it, if there is no Master, is Tang State still the same Tang State? "

This is human nature. There are many people in the Tang country who can't see the situation clearly. They all think that it is the iron cavalry of the Tang country that makes the Tang country stand on the top of the other countries. Will the still exist?

Standing under the tree, Li Slowly frowned when he heard the argument between the two. Although what Su Xuan said was correct, if these words were put on the bright side, it would cause many people to alienate the academy. He can always be bullied, so naturally he can't let Su Xuan continue to talk nonsense.

Li walked forward slowly, looked at the eloquent Su Xuan, and persuaded: "Mr. Su, Tang State is the Tang State of the people of Tang State, not the Tang State of the Academy, and the mountain behind the Academy will not interfere with the court of the Tang State. It's the iron law set by the master, so Mr. Su, it's better not to say such things."

Su Xuan laughed softly and said: "Mr. Da, my patience is very limited. Chang'an has my house. Besides, even if I really violated the law of the Tang Dynasty, it should be the servants of the Chang'an government office who came here, and I shouldn't use such a large amount of money." Xuanjia heavy cavalry and practitioners in the army."

Since Xu Shi wants to talk about Tang law, then he should discuss Tang law with Xu Shi. He would like to see what kind of crime it is to intercept a person who has not yet been registered in Chang'an.

Li slowly shifted his gaze to Xu Shi who was sitting on horseback. He wanted to use Xuanjia heavy cavalry to intimidate Su Xuan, but he didn't want Xuanjia heavy cavalry to kill Su Xuan outside Chang'an City to bleed into rivers. In his vision, it was inevitable for Su Xuan to enter Chang'an City, but he could negotiate the conditions, but now it seemed that Su Xuan, who was about to fight with Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry, obviously would not negotiate any conditions with him.

Seeing Li Manman's profound gaze, Xu Shi's face suddenly turned cold. He waved his right hand and shouted, "Draw out the saber and charge forward!"

He is a general of the Tang Kingdom, so naturally he would not allow Su Xuan, such a dangerous Xiling practitioner to enter Chang'an, even a senior student from the Academy could not stop him. Before he left the barracks, Xu Shi made up his mind that he would not go back Even if today is a situation where there are ten deaths and no life, he will kill Su Xuan.

The mountain behind the academy is an unknowable place, and the disciples of the mountain behind the academy are not allowed to be involved in politics, but Xu Shi still wants to know, when the general of the Tang Dynasty is fighting with the disciples of the Taoist school, what choice will the gentleman of the academy make, Your Majesty Believe in the academy, but the master will grow old eventually, what will happen then?

Li said slowly: "General Xu Shi, don't make mistakes!"

However, Xu Shi, who had made up his mind, would not care about Li's slow Xuanjia heavy cavalry began to retreat slowly, while Mo Shanshan on the bullock cart was still worried, because the iron cavalry retreated, It's just because the current distance is not enough to give full play to the speed advantage of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry. For the Xuanjia heavy cavalry who are good at piercing the enemy's formation, speed is equivalent to lethality.

Su Xuanzhao held the Dao sword in his hand. He looked at Mo Shanshan and said with a smile: "Don't worry, although Xu Shi is the pinnacle of martial arts, I am about to reach the sixth realm after all. If Master and Mr. Dao don't make a move, who in Tang country can hurt me?" I."

Mo Shanshan looked at Kuai Lei and said, "But in this way, how can we enter Chang'an?"

This is a very tricky question. Killing Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry will cause enemies with the Tang Kingdom. Even if the master agrees to them entering Chang'an, the people of the Tang Kingdom in Chang'an will not allow them to enter.

Su Xuan looked in the direction of the city gate, and said: "Xu Shi is sincerely going to die, but Tang Wang who is sitting in the palace will not let Xu Shi come to die, so I hope Tang Wang's will come sooner."

Since the king of Tang has already planned to sacrifice Xiahou, Xu Shi is the only one who can restrain the Tang army. It is true that Xiahou is a member of the Demon Sect, but the Northern Army of Hundred Thousand Towns will only think that it is just the dirty water thrown by the princess .

Only Xu Shi, a veteran, can deter the thorns in the army and let Xia Hou's death be smooth, so Xu Shi can't die easily.

Not long after, the Xuanjia heavy cavalry galloped forward and charged in the geese formation, not far behind the geese formation formed by the Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

Zeng Jing, a scholar of the Tang Dynasty, rode his horse and galloped wildly, while holding up the will of the king of Tang, and shouted: "Your Majesty's will, General Xu will immediately lead Xuan Jia to ride back to the camp."

"It is His Majesty's will that General Xu immediately lead Xuanjia to return to the camp with heavy cavalry."



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