Chapter 190: Five Old Stars: Let me show you the power of the world government

“Lord Im’s all-out blow can destroy any country in this world, and it is the first time I have seen it today, someone can defend against her blow.”

The long, straight-haired old man, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were staring at Erdao.

In the end, he underestimated the power of the five dragons released by Al.

He had thought that even such a terrifying move.

It is also completely impossible to parry and punish the heavenly blow.

But the result really surprised them.

Although it is said that more than ninety percent of the area of the country of Wa.

It has been destroyed by the king of heaven, Ouranos.

However, with Ayer as the center, the area with a radius of several kilometers is almost complete.

It was not affected by the power of the heavenly king Ouranos in the slightest.

“Although there were some mistakes in our expectations, the previous battle between Al and Kaido caused Kaido to be injured not lightly, and the winner of this battle, 08, still belongs to us.”

The old man with the knife said indifferently.

Their original idea was to let Im use the heavenly king Ouranos.

One blow severely damaged Kaido, as well as injured Al.

But because of them, they successfully defended against the heavenly punishment of the heavenly king Ouranos.

Now they need to face Al, who is in form, almost at his peak.

And, Kaido, who was wounded.

However, they are still not afraid of this.

“Sengoku, Kaido will be handed over to you, and Al will be handed over to the two of us.”

The long-haired old man glanced at the Warring States and reminded.

The strength of the Warring States is not much different from Kaido.

If it is a normal confrontation, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time to distinguish the winner and loser.

But now, because Kaido was seriously injured by Al before.

Therefore, Sengoku should be able to defeat Kaido in a short time!

“I see.”

Sengoku nodded.

As the voice of the Warring States fell, the two five old stars jumped down.

Fell in front of Kaido and the others, and Sengoku followed closely behind.

Kaido frowned, and looked at the three people in front of him vigilantly.

“Is it the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Sengoku? Who are the two people standing next to him?”

Although Kaido has heard of the name of the five old stars.

But after all, the five old stars are highly powerful, and it is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

“The supreme leader of the world government, the five old stars.”

Al reminded.

Although he has not yet met, he feels a very extraordinary aura in the five old stars.

This aura is more terrifying than any strong man that Al has encountered on the sea before! It is worthy of being a monster who has assisted Yim and ruled the world for 800 years!

“Five old stars? Unexpectedly, people with such status actually ran to our territory!”

Quinn said coldly.

“It seems that we can only face ah, this group of bastards, destroyed so much of our territory, none of them want to leave alive today.”

Jack’s eyes lit up with killing intent and he said angrily.

“Don’t be careless, Jack, they’re not ordinary opponents.”

Ember reminded.

Although there are only three people on the other side, none of them standing in front of the three of them is a simple character! Or rather, standing in front of them, the weakest is the Sengoku as a marshal!

“So what, don’t forget, Governor Al is still here!”

Jack said nonchalantly.

If the Hundred Beasts Regiment, there is only such a big brother as Kaido.

Jack would have panicked.

But don’t forget, they have a hundred beasts, but there is also Al! As the world’s strongest man with a bounty of 8 billion and 50 million Bailey! Al’s strength gave Jack great confidence!

“Well, that’s what I said, with Al here, we won’t be afraid of this group of people.”

As soon as he heard Jack mention Al, Ember couldn’t help but relax in his heart.

“Giggle…….. Warring States, the previous battle, your naval headquarters, but the losses were extremely heavy, how come it was only a few days later, I wanted to come to our Hundred Beast Regiment for trouble.”

“Besides, just the three of you, do you dare to come? Aren’t you afraid that you will all be killed today?”

Kaido carried a mace on his shoulder and glanced contemptuously at the three people in front of him.

“Huh273 huh……. Kill us? You little ghost, you really like to laugh.”

The long-straight-haired old man stroked his beard with an indifferent hand.

“In these eras, a few of us old guys have really never made a move, and this sea has forgotten the shadow of being ruled by us old guys.”

“You should be honored to arrive, let me let you see today, the power of our world government to rule this world for eight hundred years!”

The old man with the knife took off the cloak behind him and pulled out the original ghost on his waist.

His momentum instantly climbed to the top, and there was an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Instantly enveloping the entire battlefield.

Under this great sense of oppression.

Ember, Quinn, and Jack were suddenly shocked into a cold sweat.

The strength of the three of them is not weak, but they are much different from Kaido.

Not to mention, compared to monsters such as the Five Old Stars whose strength is far above the generals!.

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