Just when he wanted to rush up and fight Jiang Yao, he suddenly felt that he was crazy to do so. After all, that place was still someone else's territory. If he accidentally hit too loudly and attracted other people, then he would Aren't both the child and the child in danger? Thinking of this, he hesitated. Of course, he hesitated not because he was afraid of harming himself, but because he was afraid of harming the child. The child might still have a chance to live, but if it was because of his child, If he couldn't live, thinking of this, he felt that he couldn't be so reckless.

After that, Qin Ye hurriedly retreated without saying a word, and thought of a foolproof method. Although Jiang Yao was not afraid of him, Jiang Yao would definitely be afraid of those officers and soldiers. These officers and soldiers were not freeloaders. Seeing such people Jiang Yao would definitely be arrested in this situation. Thinking of this, he ran away without saying a word. He went out to find someone to declare to customs. After he completed the declaration, he immediately ran back. However, what he didn't expect was Jiang Yaobi. His reaction was faster than he expected. He heard someone say that after customs declaration, he ran away without saying a word and left the child here. When Qin Ye saw the child alone, he stepped forward and picked up the child.

By the time he took the child out, the officers and soldiers had already arrived. Qin Ye handed the child over to the officers and soldiers. He had more important things to do now. Those who abused these children had not yet been punished.

"You nosy guy, who did I think you were?You have such courage to reveal my affairs. I didn’t expect it to be you. Let me tell you, we are the bosses here. Although those people discovered this matter, you can be sure that they can always protect the child, otherwise How long will it take for them to put that child in front of me with both hands, and I will chop that child to death."

Jiang Yao laughed arrogantly after saying this, and Qin Ye's eyes widened after hearing what Jiang Yao said. What she usually hates most is that these people are doing evil, and Jiang Yao is still with her. He kept jumping in front of him, so he attacked with his weapon without saying a word. But what he didn't expect was that Jiang Yao was completely different from the previous few days. It should be that his skills had made a breakthrough in the past two days, so When fighting with him, he could clearly feel that Jiang Yao was already stronger than him.

Although Jiang Yao was stronger than him, Qin Ye was still unwilling to let Jiang Yao escape so easily. If Jiang Yao had If Yao continues to do bad things, what should she do? Is it possible? As long as those who are more powerful than her in martial arts don't go, are they just minding other people's business?

Thinking of this, Qin Ye frowned. He stepped forward and started fighting with Jiang Yao, but what he didn't expect was that Jiang Yao was much more powerful than he thought, so he often got injured because of it, but what he said was just minor injuries. When he When he wanted to escape, Jiang Yao gave him a fatal blow. Although he dodged it, the blow was no joke. It made him feel extremely sore all over his body. In the end, he took advantage of Jiang Yao's inattention. When I saw him, I slapped him back, and then ran away in a hurry.

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