In order to get the money as soon as possible, Qin Ye acted quickly. It didn't take long for him to make all the prepared pills. He also practiced a lot of elixirs. He saw that the results he made were the smallest. , Weiwei wolfberry, with these things, I will not be in the same situation as before. I believe that those people will be able to use these medicines.

After all, he has observed that basically every one of those people has some symptoms, but he doesn't know why these people don't seem to have eliminated the symptoms. It just so happens that he can use this opportunity to cure those people, so that Not only did I have a sign for a famous tourist attraction, I also won money.

After thinking of this, he could almost imagine that his life must be very prosperous. After all, medicine is very important to fishing boats. Since he can make medicine, those people will definitely look for him to make some medicine for a long time. In this way, he will not worry about running out of money. Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and then he found another pharmacy. , he had already observed this pharmacy.

There are usually a lot of customers who come here. Although they don't look like much, they are just what he wants. Qin Yejiao enters the pharmacy without saying a word and tells his situation to the shopkeeper. After listening, he just nodded and said nothing, because in the eyes of the shopkeeper, you may not be able to sell the medicine you bring, you just borrowed one of their places, so he didn't say much. Don't let Qin Ye keep it here. Qin Ye will specially thank the shopkeeper after knowing it.

But he discovered a problem. He didn't know why there were customers coming to this store and asking my people to see his medicine, but no one bought his medicine. When he saw this, he felt a little anxious. If this continues, he doesn't know when he will be able to sell the medicine. Such a situation is not what he wants. Thinking of this, he feels that he should come up with some special means, and then Qin Ye comes over got a patient.

He also handed the patient a pill before introducing the efficacy of the pill to the people around him and asking the patient to take it. The patient looked at Qin Ye suspiciously, but in the end he chose to believe Qin Ye and took the pill. But what he didn't expect was that after eating the whole night, he was feeling hot all over, and just as he was about to curse, Qin Ye turned his head and realized that the feeling of weakness in his body before he broke into a sweat was gone.

When the people around him saw this situation, they were immediately surprised. They did not expect that Qin Ye's medicine would work so quickly, and that the medicine would cure the disease. They gathered around and asked Qin Ye's people. Some people bought the medicine directly due to its medicinal properties.

Qin Ye was very happy to see this situation, and he kept grinning. Sure enough, his medicine was good, and it didn't take long for so many people to buy it. However, the shopkeeper also got some discounts because there were not many people coming to his store before, but now there are dozens of people coming and going, and the number of people is constantly increasing. When he saw this, he felt I was even more happy. It seemed that I had made the right choice in letting Qin Ye stay.

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