Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1593: Making a decision is a kind of courage

"I will not give up being a policeman." Gao Mushe said.

A person's psychological endurance is manifested in many ways, because it is an important factor for a person to adapt to different environments and face different challenges for a long time.

Gao Mushe's expression was reflected in Ye Gengyi's pupils, which made him discover a characteristic of this criminal policeman who didn't know whether it should be called an advantage.

"Oh... the decision is of course up to you, so call first, and I'll go buy a can of coffee. Doctor, do you drink mineral water or cold boiled water?" Ye Gengyi changed the subject and looked at a certain inventor.

I want to drink coffee too... Dr. Ali muttered silently.

However, after thinking about the limited menu that Xiao Ai set for himself, the coffee is one cup for three days, sighed, and said:

"Mineral water..."

"Officer Takagi, what about you?" Ye Gengyi continued to look sideways.

"Uh... I don't need it." Takagi waved his hand and refused.

In front of Ye Gengyi, he was still very guilty. After all, there were many serious and important cases, and it was because they found it troublesome that they gave the credit to himself, who was just playing a supporting role.

the other side.

The apartment at the scene of the murder.

Shiratori Rensaburo, who was still struggling, suddenly received an inquiry call from Takagi Tsubasa.

"Eh? You asked if there were any traces left on the drink cup I drank before?"

There was a wild beating in his heart, and it was more of a sense of guilt for concealing clues.

"Yes, it is a bit difficult to find witnesses. I want to find the drink first, check the ingredients inside, and the fingerprints attached to the cup." Takagi said.

Takagi really noticed it...

Shiratori Ren Saburo took a deep breath: "It is surrounded by a garland of cherry blossoms folded from straw paper. The time I watched the movie was in the second screening hall. You can look for it in the trash can at the exit."

"Cherry blossoms made of paper? Okay, I get it."

Gao Mushe felt Ye Gengyi's sensitivity in his heart, and out of caution, he asked, "Are there any other traces?"

"Well, this..."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang hesitated for a while, and once again violated his original intention, he said: "There is no more, you should go and look for it, it should be easy to find."


Conan, who was eavesdropping, showed a surprised expression when he heard this.

Just now he saw with his own eyes that a small piece of cherry blossoms made of paper slipped out of the notepad that Shiratori Ren Saburo carried with him.

Combining the frustrated criminal policeman's first love experience with "Destiny Child" and his attitude towards Nakai Kasakura, it is not difficult to guess that this must have been torn from the cherry blossom wreath by Ren Saburo Shiratori.

A cherry blossom ring with one corner missing, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to surround the cup again, right?

What is Officer Shiratori thinking...

When Conan deals with other people's emotions, he can always maintain absolute objectivity and calmness.

He was about to go after Rensaburo Shiratori who hung up the phone and said he wanted to wash his hands.

"Hey, Edogawa..."

Haibara wailed and stopped him, "Is the murderer really that Miss Kasakura?"

"Ah, I've been wondering since she mentioned that her boyfriend lives in the apartment."

Conan explained: "Obviously he cares so much about the stalker, but he went to watch the special film alone on Sunday..."

"I didn't ask that."

Hui Yuanai interrupted, "Judging from Officer Shiratori's expression, he seems very unwilling to believe that the murderer is this beautiful woman who is destined to be with him... What about you? Are you going to expose the truth like this?"


Conan Banyueyan: "If she is really a murderer, then she must not just let her go."

"Even if she has a reason?" Hui Yuan asked.

"Even if there is a reason, it is not the reason for her to kill someone."

When Conan was startled, he asked suspiciously, "Hey, what are you trying to say?"

Hui Yuanai shrugged, "I just want to tell you that it's better for Officer Shiratori to figure it out on his own, and don't use anesthesia injections to increase the number of members of your 'Sleeping Mystery Show'."

"Come on... so you thought I was going to knock him out?"

Conan sweated.

Uncle has been in a coma for less and less time recently. In order to ensure the quality of his reasoning, he asked the doctor to increase the concentration of anesthetic.

Not to mention that Officer Shiratori took sleeping pills in the movie theater.

even without...

After receiving such an injection, at least he would be groggy for a week.

"Who knows what you can do." Hui Yuanai refused to comment.

"...Hehe," Conan laughed dryly, and stepped into the kitchen.

Shiratori Ren Saburo finished washing his hands.

After patting his cheeks with the cold water remaining in his palm, he took out his handkerchief and opened the cabinet.

He wanted to check the evidence that Kasakura Nakai was living with her boyfriend.

Unsurprisingly, I saw cherry blossom garlands on the two teacups.

"Officer Shiratori, why didn't you tell Officer Takagi about the straw wrapping paper just now? That might become critical evidence, right?" Conan's voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang typed 'haha', pretended not to understand, and asked nervously: "You, what are you talking about?"

Conan was unaffected, and continued to remind: "Search work is strictly forbidden, isn't it? Officer Shiratori..."

Crowded road.

Ye Gengyi held a can of coffee and drank it one sip at a time.

After confirming this case so far, there is no shadow of other forces.

He wasn't in a hurry to fetch him back.

Regarding the energy tentatively named 'emotion', it has always been a difficult problem in front of me.

Even Koizumi Hongko, the witch with the most extraordinary ability at this stage, can't explain the phenomenon.

As a doctor who specializes in physics, I really didn't have any good ideas for a while.

He pondered for a while After repeating the question in words, he asked in his heart...Xiaobai, do you have any good ideas?

[Sir, from a scientific point of view, emotion is not a specific energy, but a complex mental state produced by the joint action of neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain. It is the result of the interaction between consciousness and neurophysiological activities. 】

[Humans have five basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, joy, and fear. Each emotion has some commonly related physiological reactions and manifestations, such as heart rate, shortness of breath, facial expressions...]

[Besides, emotions have a lot to do with the activity of the nervous system. According to my database data, when a person feels a stimulus, the nervous system will quickly transmit information to the emotion-related areas of the brain, and then stimulate the release of neurotransmitters and the activity of neurons, thereby triggering the generation of emotions . 】

[Of course... Sir, what you need to pay attention to is that the generation of emotions is a complicated process, and it manifests differently in different people. At the same time, emotions will also have an impact on the human body, I suggest you not to make dangerous attempts...]

(end of this chapter)

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