Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 2039: 23 things in the ward


Darkness that makes it impossible to see.

Conan felt as if his body was being pulled by a huge force, spinning at high speed.

His heart was pounding, trembling as if it was about to be ripped out of his chest.

I don’t know how long this feeling lasted.

Finally, after the chaos again and again, the surrounding scene gradually became clear.

It's like being in a world pieced together by broken lenses.

He saw countless versions of himself, standing in an alley surrounded by darkness and gloom.

Occasionally, lightning pierced the darkness, and heavy rain poured down, as if it wanted to engulf him in the violent storm.

Suddenly, a cold wind hit from behind, making Conan start to tremble involuntarily.

He didn't even need to turn his head, he could see a monster wrapped in darkness approaching him from other broken pictures.

He wanted to see the other person's appearance clearly.

But that terrifying face seemed to be eroded by an unknown substance, constantly squirming and flowing, and it was impossible to distinguish its appearance.

He wanted to escape, but his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

He wanted to say something, but couldn't make a sound.

As if the scene was reenacted, he could only watch helplessly as the other party stuffed a reagent containing a red solution into his mouth.

His consciousness began to fade, and the scene in front of him became blurry again.

The **** that he couldn't break free made him feel that his body was being pulled by the invisible force again.

Until a strong white light flashed before his eyes.

Conan suddenly woke up and his consciousness returned to reality.

Only then did he realize that he was lying on a hospital bed, and his thin hospital gown was already soaked with sweat.

The fear and helplessness of the nightmare still remain in the body.

He took a deep breath and waited for a while before his racing heart gradually calmed down.

"Conan?! You're awake! How do you feel?"

Beside the hospital bed, Mao Lilan and Dr. Ali heard the noise and saw Conan's eyes open, staring at the ceiling aimlessly, and they suddenly panicked.

"I...cough cough cough..."

The heavy loss of sweat made Conan's voice hoarse. He coughed a few times and said to the two of them, "I'm fine. Is this... a hospital?"

Mao Lilan said softly:

"We met Teacher Judy at the first observation deck of the Belltree Tower. She said that dangerous people had also entered the tower and asked us to meet you on the first floor. We saw you lying on the floor of the power distribution room. superior."

"Conan, what happened?" Dr. Ali asked with worried eyes.


Conan felt very heavy when he thought about the member of the organization who fed him the unknown liquid. He shook his head slightly and said:

"I don't remember. He must have been attacked by someone."

Mao Lilan and Dr. A Li looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

A few seconds later, Conan said hoarsely:

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm a little hungry, can you help me buy some food?"

"Well, I'll go right away." Mao Lilan had no doubt that he was there.

As the door to the ward opens and closes.

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