Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 464: Drinks that are too sour are not easy to drink

A cafe with a dignified atmosphere.

The man with a slightly thin body and a somewhat handsome appearance sat side by side with Concubine Yingri.

Opposite him, the Maori father and daughter looked serious, just like the scene of 'catching a rape'.

Ye Genyi was sitting at another table drinking coffee. Considering Fei Yingli's occupation, he finally gave up the idea of ​​videotaping.

"Why did you follow me?" Fei Yingli asked.

"Heh..." Maori Kogoro said with a dark face, "What? Are you disturbing your happy trip?"

This atmosphere is not good.

In case Xiaolan can't help it after a while and insists on taking pictures...

Conan, who was sandwiched between the two, hurriedly got out from under the table and ran to Ye Genyi's table.

"What kind of fun trip, didn't I say it!" Fei Yingli explained, "Today I was out with my lawyer colleagues. I originally wanted to go to Mermaid Island, but it was said that there seemed to be a murder there, so we changed our way. Come to Karuizawa to play."

"What about the tie you just bought?" Kogoro Mori continued with a dark face.

He actually paid in front of him, and packed it as a gift and put it in the bag...

If it's for yourself, it's too no surprise, rule it out! Must have bought it for someone else!

"It was bought by a friend who asked me to buy it," Fei Yingri said, "that's why I asked Saku to help me try the color."

"Oh? That's it," Saku Hoshi was the first to hear this reason, and said a little disappointedly: "I thought you bought it for me..."

"Hey! Saku, don't talk nonsense!" Fei Yingli was a little flustered.

"Cut..." Maori Kogoro spit out a smoke ring very roguely, "I was so easy to cheat when I was a three-year-old child, just picking a tie, is it necessary for the two of you to be together?"

"I'm so sorry, I'm just that serious!" Fei Yingli turned her head and glared in dissatisfaction, and said, "Do you have an opinion?"

"It's a miracle..."

A woman with short hair and beautiful facial features came to the table of several people, "The queen who is eloquent and invincible in court, when she meets her husband, she becomes an ordinary little woman. ..."

The table next to it.

Ye Geng took a sip of coffee and lowered his voice: "It feels more and more exciting."

Conan whispered: "Yeah, she's actually called Aunt Queen..."

Ye Genyi: "So, is he serious in this court?"

Conan: "..."

I'm too young to understand...

"Uibing..." Fei Yingli made a big red face, "Don't talk nonsense any more."

"I'm not talking nonsense." The woman called Usui continued: "Your awe-inspiring attitude in court that no one can violate, and the debate that even the presiding judge admires, is why you won the judiciary. Queen's title!"

"Okay, it's time to stop," Fei Yingli felt that the more the topic was talked, the more deviated she hurriedly stopped: "This is only what you are talking about..."

"No, the prosecutors also call you that," said another person who seemed to be a member of the team of lawyers, but his appearance was obviously not suitable for a tie model, said: "They often mention it in private, if in When encountering a concubine lawyer in court, you often feel as if you are a rebel against the queen."

Ye Genyi: "..."

So, is he really serious in this court?

"However, among us there is also a rising star who is no worse than the concubine's lawyer," the man continued: "Isn't that right, let that high-profile case be overturned at the second instance, and transferred to the top female lawyer of the Supreme People's Court. , Ms. Usui!"

"It's normal to win that kind of case." Ritsuko Usui said.

"Sorry, because of my negligence at the first trial," another male lawyer who was not very suitable to be a tie model walked over embarrassedly, "I will let a case that is easy to win lose..."

"Ah... No, that's not what I meant," Ritsuko Usui found that the topic was not right, and hurriedly diverted her firepower: "I just want to say that even if I win that lawsuit, I'm still not as good as our Queen. A finger!"

"Please, Usui... You are too exaggerated to say that..." Fei Yingli frowned slightly, but still maintained due courtesy, and said: "In front of my husband and daughter, don't Let's talk about this, come... let me introduce you to each other."

Saku Fashi, Usui Ritsuko, Shiozawa Kenzo, Mikasa Yuji.

As Fei Yingli said, the five lawyers of them got together today just to travel.

When it's the introduction here, Maurilan and Conan needn't say much.

Ye Gengyi had no intention of stealing the limelight, so he only said that he was a friend of the famous detective.

Therefore, the topic of chat soon returned to Kogoro Mouri's head.

"Invincible female lawyer, plus a famous detective..." Kenzo Shiozawa said with a smile: "Although you are separated, your achievements in your respective careers are really enviable."

"No," Mori Kogoro smiled, but was actually still annoyed by the tie he had just now, "I just married an ordinary man whose wife was the wife of Her Majesty the Queen who was arrogant and tough."

"Then I chose a famous detective who loves to inquire about other people's privacy and blames them, but doesn't demand anything from myself, a silly woman who is a life partner, alas..."

Fei Yingli said with emotion: "It's really smart for a lifetime, and I was confused for a while."

Saying that, the two laughed at themselves and he laughed terribly.

"What's the smell?" Ye Gengyi said suddenly.


Several people looked over.

"You guys continue, I'm talking about coffee..." Ye Geng picked it up with a calm expression and took a sip: "It's a little sour."

Maori Kogoro:"......"

Feiyingli: "..."

Then you still drink?

"Haha, I really love being brave, no wonder you two come together..." Fashi Saku said helplessly, "I visited your place last time, but I saw it, you always cut out the ones that Mr. Mori solved the case. The reports are collected..."

"Ah?" Mouri Kogoro suddenly felt open-minded.

" read it wrong." Fei Yingli blushed and refused to admit it.

"Wow, it turns out that my mother is the same as my father!" Mao Lilan immediately sent an assist, "I have seen it several times. Dad pretended to watch Miss Yoko Okino's show, but he was actually secretly using the TV in the bedroom to watch it. Mom is in charge of the defense case report."

"Husband..." Fei Yingli was also stunned.

"Okay, okay, I just couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I just looked at it casually." Mouri Kogoro was stubborn.

"Haha, the temper of the two of you seems to be Ye Genyi: "Aojiao. "

Conan: "..."

No, he doesn't know about the concubine and aunt, but the uncle is not sleepy at night, it must be because he sleeps too much when he usually solves the case...

"Okay! Since it's rare for everyone to go out to meet each other, why don't you guys stay too, Mr. Mouri, let's have a good time here!" Kenzo Shiozawa suggested, "We can all have a drink together in the evening."

Mouri Kogoro was not angry at all, "If Yingri doesn't object, I have no opinion..."

Feiyingli blushed, "Since there is nothing else, let's stay together."

The atmosphere in Conan's coffee shop couldn't help but whisper: "Maybe something good will happen at night..."

Ye Gengyi: "The plan to take you to see a psychiatrist should also be put on the agenda."

Conan: "..."

He shouldn't be sitting here.

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