Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 676: Be careful when speaking after drinking

"Oh? Was it just now?"

"Uh, yes, the beetle car suddenly accelerated, because there is very little traffic on this street, I think I may have been exposed, do I need to contact other team members to follow it?" Feng Jianyu also reported truthfully.

As the public speaker of the 'Zero' group, the tool person of the valley zero.

Today, he will be on standby near the Dongdu Tower, all because Mr. Yugu on the other end of the phone has unlocked the secret code that was sent to the various branches of the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, what happened now left him a little confused.

First, the bomb was actually dismantled by a primary school student, and then Mr. Fukugu inexplicably asked him to track a beetle car. The most important thing is... he was also discovered by the other party.

"so fast……"

An Shitou muttered in a low voice and said, "No need to change, Feng Jian you continue to follow."


"Don't worry, it's not dangerous," Amuro explained. "I'm just interested in the guy who caught the bomber."

Hagihara Kenji, Matsuda Jinping...

Originally, he wanted to avenge the two friends and caught the bomber himself.

After unlocking the code, Toru Amuro also thought that the bomber was probably nearby, where he could see the Dongdu Tower and admire his 'masterpiece'.

But since he didn't have Ye Gengyi's positioning method, and he had been distracted by listening to the live broadcast of the Dongdu Tower, it was not until he saw the rushing figures of the Mumu Police Department from a high point.

Only then did he realize that the bomber might have been caught.

The binoculars are in the car, which is parked a little further away on the corner.

Prompted by various coincidences.

When he managed to get through the relationship and obtained information from the criminal investigation department, he only saw a vague figure and got on the beetle car...

Amuro Toru parked the car on the side of the road and closed his eyes.

Need a more detailed investigation?

No... With my current status, I might hurt the other party.

"Mr. Jianggu, that car entered Mihua General Hospital. I noticed that there were a lot of criminal police in ambush here, and they didn't approach it rashly... What should I do?"

At this time, Kazami Yuya's voice came from the earphones again.

Criminal police?

It seems that the matter of thanking can only be said at a later date... Amuro thought for a while, "I understand, let's retreat."


Feng Jianyu also scratched his head, always feeling lonely.


the other side.

The parking lot of Rice Flower General Hospital.

As soon as Ye Geng was about to get out of the car, he was stopped by the nervous and worried Doctor and Xiao Wai.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

However, because both of them had scruples in their hearts, no one asked the doubts in their hearts for a while.

Seeing this, Ye Genyi said, "The person who followed us didn't come."

"Who are they?" Huiyuan asked sadly.

She didn't plan to ask this question in front of the doctor, but after thinking about it, she felt that if the other party was really from the organization, with Geng Yi's perfunctory art of speaking, he would definitely be able to hide it well.


"I don't know." Ye Gengyi said.

The first stalker was very careful, and immediately gave up the stalking after realizing the problem.

As for the second one, it's more interesting. After he deliberately revealed that he found the other party's flaws, he still followed up to the Mihua General Hospital where the criminal police were stationed, as if he was not afraid of the big things.

If there is no first stalker, Ye Genyi will definitely regard him as an idiot, but now...

Maybe the official one?

Criminal police? public security?

Or is it just a daring artist, similar to Hattori Heiji or Hakuba Tan, the second generation of 'father' who has some strength in himself?

Therefore, Ye Gengyi said "I don't know" is really not perfunctory, but because there is too little information, he can't be completely sure.


"Don't think about it," Ye Geng interrupted Hai Yuanai's words and said, "Maybe it's just a simple stalker."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Dr. Li: "..."

Is this consolation?

It's even more worrying...


Considering it's not great to visit empty-handed.

So, Ye Genyi bought a few bottles of canned coffee from the vending machine on the first floor of the hospital, and carried it to the ICU ward of the hospital.

"In good spirits."

Ye Geng has confidence in his nano-robots. Unless Ke Nanan rushes to the hospital to perform an episode, the probability of Shiratori Ren Saburo having an accident is almost zero.

"Hey... it's Mr. Ye and Mr. Li, you are here."

The police officer Shiratori, who was lying on the hospital bed watching the news, looked sideways and smiled: "The Mumu police department called and told about the situation over there, Mr. Ye, you are still very powerful, and you actually caught the bomber. "

Ye Geng nodded and said "um". He looked at the unfortunate coral head who was struggling to raise his arms. He was obviously more curious about the other's physical condition:

"You took it?"

"No, it's Yumi. After knowing that the bomber was caught and no one would come to kill me, she went straight to lunch. As for me..."

Shiratori Ren Saburo smiled wryly and glanced at his bandaged hands, "Although the doctor said it's fine, but if you want to recover, I'm afraid you will have to rest for a week or two."

It's not good to make you dizzy, and then force the treatment.

Considering the previous tracking incident, Ye Genyi temporarily gave up collecting the body data of Shiratori Ren Saburo:

"If you think about it, you are lucky enough to survive an explosion at that distance."

"Hey, that's right..."

Shiratori Ren Saburo adjusted his mentality, "It's a pity, I won't be able to go to the villa in Shizuoka tomorrow."

"I still want to go out and play even when I look like this. You, Mr. detective, are too free to do whatever you want?"

Thinking of a certain unrepentant idiot detective, Haibara Ai couldn't help but No," Shiratori Ren Saburo explained immediately: "Because there is a crew who will borrow my villa tomorrow, Shooting a TV show about detectives, let me tell you…”

He paused, "The name of the person who invested in this drama is Feng Jian Lang Hui, he is the eldest young master of Mi Hua Daily, and he is also the leading male lead of the drama. He and I met at a banquet. We both drank a lot of wine, and I also took the initiative and promised to lend him the villa."

"Regret?" Ye Geng asked.

"A little bit, but it's not the villa's problem..."

Shiratori Ren Saburo showed a remorseful expression, "That person's wine is very poor. It doesn't matter if the villa borrows him. The key is that the wines in my wine warehouse that have been treasured for many years, I am afraid they will suffer."

"Oh," Ye Geng nodded lightly, and in the eager eyes of a certain coral head police department, slowly said: "Sorry, drink less next time."

Shiratori Ren Saburo's expression froze on his face: "..."

Hello, is there any problem with your focus...

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