Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 719: Near Zhu Zhechi

The latest website: Ye Gengyi did not disturb the suddenly quiet Huiyuan Ai, but turned around and continued to be busy.

Obviously, rather than telling stories, doing scientific research is the theme of his visit to the basement.

Those slender fingers constantly manipulated and tapped on the console. The movements were not fast, but they gave people a very calm and capable feeling.

the other side.

Haibara Ai felt that she had only done a good job. When she realized it, she saw that the cadre of an organization in front of her had turned into a scientific researcher, and she did not have the consciousness to continue telling stories to herself.

Forget it, let's listen to the tape...

Haibara Ai silently put the last tape into the player, and it started before it started. Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to the tube of bright silver liquid on the console.

Liquid metal... is it mercury?

No, the color is darker than mercury.

Is that mixed metal?

Hai Yuanai gave a guess, and at the same time was a little curious, wanting to see what Ye Gengyi was going to do next.

Speaking of which, it was the first time I watched him do experiments up close...

"Wear this if you want to see it."

Ye Gengyi didn't look back, but he seemed to be aware of the gaze from behind him, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. From the equipment area on the side, he took a shape that resembled a diving goggles, but there were several more wires connected to the equipment on the console. come over.

goggles? It’s not like… Haibara Ai took it and looked at it carefully for a while, but still couldn’t see what it was.

Put it on your face.

Haibara Ai immediately felt as if her entire body had fallen into a sea of ​​bright silver.

Bright, but not dazzling, those flowing objects can be clearly seen...

Is it a robot? !

Ai Haibara's eyes widened.

At this moment, she seemed to have left the basement and came to an exhibition hall full of technology.

And those robots that are constantly moving, seemingly chaotic, are in fact orderly.

Zooming out again, you can see that they are moving back and forth with an incomprehensible regularity.

Lines, triangles, circles, ellipses, polygons...

Although Haibara Ai couldn't figure it out herself, she could conclude that these robots were definitely operating within a well-established framework.

The reason is simple, they did not collide.

The thought just came up, the next second.

Within the range of sight, those bright silver robots suddenly began to gather in one direction like crazy.

Out of order?

Haibara Ai felt as if she was in a zombie frenzy, and the whole world began to shake.

In an instant, she saw bright silver dots flying all over the sky.

A pair of robots collided, a group of robots collided, and the silver liquid that was continuously shot swayed, fell, and merged...

Like rain dripping into the ocean, and like the ocean swallowing the entire sky.

Haibara Ai found that her eyes could no longer keep up with the changes in the movement of objects, her energy was burning, and she felt like she was about to be swallowed up.

At this moment, a warm palm touched her forehead and took off the equipment that looked like diving goggles.

The picture is broken, and the senses return to reality.

Hai Yuanai was stunned for a while... He was still in the basement, and the person in front of him was Ye Genyi.

"Then, what is that?"

Hui Yuanai's temples were already sweating, although there was not much physical discomfort, but from the expression, it was obvious that the phrase "fear comes from the unknown" has been vividly displayed.


Ye Geng's words were concise, and it seemed that he did not intend to explain the next-generation nanotechnology to the biologist.

"The organization... has been researching this?"

Haibara Ai was shocked. Even though he caught a cold, he still felt that his voice was so hoarse.

"No, this is my own thing," Ye Geng thought for a while, then added: "Well, it was perfected by me to be precise... The doctor has 1/12 of the credit. Originally, he had 1/6 of the credit. It's a pity that I've been looking for various reasons to be lazy lately..."

Haibara Ai ignored Ye Geng's complaints about Dr. A Li, and focused on the point of this sentence:

"The organization doesn't know you're working on this?"

"You can interpret 'this' as the reason why I don't want to return to the organization for the time being."

Ye Geng yawned, "Speaking of which... When are you going to make coffee for me?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

After a few minutes, the strong aroma of coffee filled the basement.

And Ye Genyi's work area has also been transferred from the operating desk to the writing desk on the other side.

A laptop, a pen and a stack of A4 paper.

Looking at this scene, Hai Yuanai was silent again, and did not speak for a long time.

...I always feel that if I had the motivation of this person, I am afraid that aptx-4869 would have been successfully studied long ago.

Do not!

This idea is wrong!

That kind of medicine should not have been developed in the first place!

Haiyuan Ai rubbed his brows and suddenly understood why the doctor has been avoiding doing scientific research with Geng Yi, consciously or unintentionally.

Just sitting here and watching, I have the urge to do research, the radiation halo of this workaholic is too terrifying...

Calm down, calm down, I'm still in a cold state, and it's not suitable for researching medicines that need to be made in a sterile environment... Wait, if it's just a delay in the calculation on the straw paper...


Haibara Ai suddenly covered her forehead... What was she thinking, why did her thoughts go astray again.

I have to change my mind, by the way, I'll still listen to the tape.

Thinking about it, she put on the headphones again and pressed the play button on it.

The gentle voice sounded again.

16, 17, 18...

【…Shiho, do you also regret what you are doing? Mom will support you no matter what, follow your own ideas, mom will always be on your side, come on... See you on your 19th birthday, bye bye...]

"Goodbye, Mom."

Haibara Ai also responded silently in his heart. Although taking aptx-4869 has become what it is now, he is just 18 years old this year.

I'll listen to the remaining two paragraphs Although I don't know if I can't live to my next birthday...

She smiled self-deprecatingly and reached out to press the switch on the player.

At this moment, Miyano Elena's voice sounded again in the earphones:

[Ah, and... Maybe it's time to tell you, in fact, mom and dad are making a very scary drug now, and the lab partners regard it as a dream drug, but your dad and I are It holds another kind of expectation and calls it - silverbullet, silver bullet. 】

[Your dad and I have to be separated from you because of the completion of this drug, I hope you can understand this, Shiho, forgive us...]

This is the end of the 18-year-old recording.

Hai Yuanai silently pressed the shutdown button... In other words, even my mother is like this, should I really do research?


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