Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 915: Da Vinci's eggs

That's right, with Geng Yi Ge's temperament, if you don't want to watch the magic show, you'll definitely refuse it from the beginning...

As for what he said just now, although in the noisy venue before the performance, the probability of being heard by others is not high, but if you haven't seen the performance, it is not rigorous at all to say that the level of others is not good.

Hattori Heiji thought deeply for a few seconds, then whispered:

"I don't really have any opinion on Xinghe Tongwu, it's just that I'm a little upset to see He Ye adore other men so much..."

"Do you need to sit inside?" Ye Gengyi moved his legs symbolically, indicating that he could pass in front of him.

Because they bought the six seats in this row, but due to the previous quarrel between Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye, when choosing seats, both sides sat on each side in a **** off, causing Ye There is also a vacancy on the right-hand side.

Did I just speak that loudly? It was actually overheard by the first brother.

"No, don't bother, it's fine for me to sit here..."

Hattori scratched his cheek, but the embarrassed expression only lasted until Toyama and Ye next exclaimed:

"Xiao Lan! Look, is there a Xinghe Tongwu in the backstage? The real person seems to be more handsome than the one in the brochure."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji's face suddenly darkened.

Conan's mood is not very beautiful.

Yesterday, after handing over all the props to the doctor for maintenance, he tossed and turned back to the office until he fell asleep in the middle of the night. In his dream, he also dreamed of the young man wearing a flat mirror, mocking himself with a face full of sarcasm. ...

I originally thought I could come out today to change my mood, can just watch the handsome guy, why do you still want to drag Xiaolan together?

On the one hand, it is the danger that the identity exposure brings to familiar people around him, and on the other hand, it is the pressure that the tuba can't log in for a long time, and can't justifiably stay beside Mao Lilan.

The savior of a certain Japanese police, the famous detective Kudo Shinichi, felt uneasy and cramped like never before.


Time passed by minute by minute.

After most of the audience entered the venue, the lights in the venue gradually went out, and finally only the stage was left.

"Welcome to Xinghe Tongwu Super Magic Show!"

A neutral voice came from the loudspeaker.

Immediately afterwards, six beauties with plump **** and good figures stepped onto the stage in sequence.

In each of their hands, they held a square board with a red and black grid printed on it.

Stack it on the ground to form a complete cube.

Slowly, all the noise in the venue disappeared, and the audience's attention was focused on the square box at the center of the stage.

At this moment, the smoke suddenly rose, and a figure walked out from it.

It was a man with tan hair who looked to be in his mid-30s, wearing a black and white tuxedo.

... At first glance, the facial features are not bad, but the makeup is a little thick, and regardless of age, the appearance is also much worse than Kuaidou.

Therefore, Kudo Shinichi's template is the vane of the beauty world in the world of Ke Xue?

Ye Geng consciously compared the two, and then touched his face again, and commented very objectively:

Hmm... Of course, no matter which one it is, it's still a little worse than me.

"Wow! It's so handsome!"

On the side, Yuan Shan and Ye couldn't help but sigh again.

Hattori Heiji clenched his fists suddenly, the black tendons on his forehead raised a 'hah', and deliberately said:

"Oh, those female assistants are really beautiful, and their bodies are amazing!"

"Huh?" Yuan Shan and Ye glared at him immediately.

Hattori Heiji ignored her and still applauded the stage, as if he wasn't the one who complained about the poor magic performance before.

Ye Geng directly ignored the childish cold war between the two, and like the rest of the audience, he focused his attention on the stage.

I must have used Naruto...

Although it is true that the flaws in magic cannot be seen from this angle, if we reversed the result of the great change of living beings, the position where the magician started at the beginning should be directly below the cube.

It seems to be a six-sided construction, but the bottom piece is the least important and the one that confuses the audience the most.

The magician only needs to use Naraku and the timing of the smoke to present the effect that seems to appear in a completely sealed box.

Of course, if he had the same magic as Koizumi Koizumi, then everything would be a different story.

Next, Xinghe Tongwu performed the trapeze and the iron cage escape almost perfectly.

Especially when the magician who was supposed to be imprisoned in an iron cage and was pierced by a spear miraculously appeared in the audience.

The emotional release after the nervousness caused bursts of applause and cheers in the venue.

However, listening to Yuan Shan and Ye's compliments of "too amazing", "really handsome", and "it's like a **** descended from the earth" came into my ears.

Hattori Heiji was very upset, extremely upset.

Then, he mercilessly dismantled it and said: "It's really stupid, you can't see such a big flaw?"


Yuan Shan, Ye and Mao Lilan looked over suspiciously.

Hattori continued:

"There must be a secret door on the back of the big birdcage. He immediately changed into his assistant's clothes while the cage was covered, and then sneaked away."


Conan Banyueyan held his face with one hand, "Because the audience's attention is still on the birdcage, even if someone goes to see the assistant, they will not deliberately count whether there is one more person."

"Heh..." Hattori Heiji sneered: "It took three or four minutes for the assistants to take out the spears from the backstage, and then stab in and ignite the cage. This time was enough for him to run to the auditorium."

Yuanshan and Ye: "..."

(-.-#) The novelty has dropped from 100 to 0...

"But the trapeze's magic is really good!" Mao Lilan tried to liven up the atmosphere.

"Hmm, yes!"

Yuan Shan and Ye's eyes lit up when they heard it: "It seems that they can really I can't see the hanging wire at all!"

"Of course, because there is no rope at all."

Hattori Heiji continued to dismantle: "When he was flying in the sky, he only faced the audience, right? Because he supported his body with a stick, and then moved the stick with a crane, so it looked like he was flying in the air... …”

"Yeah, in this light condition, even if there is a gap in the curtain, it will not be found, and the audience also thinks that the magician is hung by an invisible rope, so they can only look above him."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Fired up by success...

I couldn't bear it anymore, I couldn't bear it any longer, just when the two girls were about to go crazy.

Ye Gengyi suddenly asked, "If a stick and a crane were used, what about the side of the auditorium?"


In an instant, the four of them looked over in confusion.

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