Although he may not be very happy.

"Okay, then I'll retire first, Mr. Director."

Leaning slightly, Rita took her caricature away under Teresa's desperate gaze.

After that, the thing about reading comics at work was discovered.

Leaning on the back of the chair with her eyes blank, Teresa felt that her majesty had gradually faded away.

"No, no, now is not the time to be depressed!"

After her brain was emptied for a while, Teresa suddenly bounced off the chair.

Just grab a document and start working hard.

Today, Theresa is still working hard to maintain her majesty.

Chapter 18 ALPHA

"Damn, what the **** is this?"

In a factory on the outskirts of Chiba, the person in charge of the factory quietly observed a sparrow statue that was vandalizing through the window.

That's right, in his opinion, this thing is a moving statue.

"That's not something you should consider."

A young man holding a tablet gently tapped the person in charge on the shoulder and motioned him to go back to his office.

Some helpless shrugs, the person in charge had to go back to the office and sit according to the other party's wishes.

Before leaving, he inadvertently glanced at the tablet held by the youth.

A logo similar to a sniper scope is printed on the back of the tablet.

After the person in charge entered the office, the members of the institute began to contact the members of the nine-tailed fox team.

Although the manpower is a little tight, there is still time for a team.

"The nine-tailed fox team will arrive in three minutes, and Luo Zhen will arrive in one minute."

After hanging up the phone, the members of the institute muttered to themselves.

Although the above has always regarded Luo Zhen as the object to be protected, for these ordinary members, Luo Zhen's combat power can be said to be an existence that needs to be looked up to.

Even those fighters who are equipped with the standard exoskeleton armor developed by the institute cannot compete with Luo Zhen in frontal combat.

If such a person can come, there should be no surprises.

Thinking of this, the members of the research institute breathed a sigh of relief.

Generally speaking, E-class members of his research institute would not be able to know such details.

But he is an exception. He has passed a series of exams within the institute, and being promoted to a C-level member is just a matter of paper order.

Therefore, a lot of information will not continue to be kept secret.

Of course, only some insignificant information.

For example, the institute's new generation of standard exoskeleton armor will soon be developed.

It is estimated that he will be fully equipped when he takes office.

A minute later, Luo Zhen arrived at the factory on time.

"Thank goodness you're finally here."

Seeing Luo Zhen's arrival, the hearts of the members of the research institute finally let go.

The sparrow statue had grown more manic in the past minute.

Although the opponent's attack power is not strong, a team of normal task force soldiers can contain it.

But the problem is that they are just a few foreign editors who have little force.

The strongest among them was a civilian who had been practicing boxing for a year.

This level of boxing is not even embarrassing to say that he has practiced in the research institute.

"Is that the statue?"

Putting the schoolbag aside, Luo Zhen took out the belt from behind.

He was slightly impressed with this containment.


It is a general term for a group of rough sparrow statues with a wingspan of no more than five meters.

Most of these entities are composed of scrap metal and polyester fabric.

Each individual individual component may be somewhat different.

If I remember correctly, there are also letters 'CTM' engraved on the underside of the statue.

"According to the account of the person in charge of the factory, the statue was dug up from the nearby ground a week ago."

"Originally, I was going to turn the wasteland behind a little and plant trees."

"But I didn't expect to find this thing."

"They didn't care at the time, they just threw it aside."

"The statue was really peaceful a few days ago, but today it suddenly moved like a living creature."

"At present, the aggression towards humans is average."

The members of the research institute holding the tablet spoke fast but articulated clearly like Luo Zhen explaining the current situation.

Said to be generally offensive to humans, but this is based on the fact that no one harassed it.

It doesn't mind destroying buildings and killing a few humans along the way if someone's around.

This has been attested to by several previous workers who have been sent to first aid by members of the institute.

Luo Zhen strode towards the sparrow statue that was being vandalized, and at the same time listened carefully to the words of the members of the institute.

The memories that were not very clear before were being awakened little by little.

As one of the few containment objects that Luo Zhen can remember clearly, 6264 does not have any very special abilities.

The reason why I remember it clearly is only because it was one of the earliest containment objects that Luo Zhen came into contact with.

When Luo Zhen approached the hummingbird statue a certain distance, a burst of music came.

The members of the research institute around him also lowered their voices and said:

"This is the song "Night of the Barren Mountain", which came from the loudspeaker on it. As of now, it doesn't seem to have any special effects."

Saying so, but this member has no idea in his heart.

What if this thing has some unknown special effect?

It is not that such a containment mechanism has not been encountered in the mission.

Although in Luo Zhen's memory, this sparrow statue is really not dangerous.

But he still placed his hand on the transforming device very cautiously.

What he faced was not an ordinary monster.

It's a strange and unpredictable containment.


Randomly flipping an electric car over, the sparrow sculpture noticed Luo Zhen's existence.

Turning around and staring at Luo Zhen for two seconds, he seemed to be thinking about Luo Zhen's threat.

"You go back first, remember to be optimistic about those people."

After instructing the soldiers of the task force beside him, Luo Zhen returned his attention to the sparrow sculpture.

After a few seconds, the sparrow sculpture finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The sound of the music in the loudspeaker suddenly became louder, and it clearly did not enter the ** of the music, but it gave people an inexplicable feeling of excitement.

In the melodious music, the sparrow sculpture launched a charge on Luo Zhen.

Seeing this, Luo Zhen also turned the grip without hesitation.


The indicator light in the middle of the belt lights up, as if a sleeping beast was awakened.

Lines that are somewhat similar to meridians start from the center and spread to both sides.


The familiar scorching air waves spread out recklessly towards the surroundings with Luo Zhen as the center.

Under the action of this force, the sparrow sculpture that was rushing towards it was directly thrown away.

When it landed, Luo Zhen in school uniform had disappeared.

In its place was a warrior who exuded a wild aura.


Opening his mouth and exhaling a breath of mist, Luo Zhen moved his wrist slightly.

"Get you sorted before they come."

As if he had made a decision, Luo Zhen's compound eyes shone with scarlet rays of light, like a beast that devoured people.

It is so conspicuous in the mist that has not yet dissipated.

Chapter Nineteen Buried Buried

After moving his wrist a little, Luo Zhen walked towards 6264.

After all, it's just a moving sculpture.

Neither the ability of Little Peanut to move at the speed of light nor any incomprehensible ability.

6264, which was overturned on the ground, stood up flapping its wings made of polyester fabric and metal.

The previous air wave directly knocked it down from the air to the ground.

The music on the loudspeaker was still playing quietly.

One person and one sculpture are like cowboys dueling in the west, dueling in the tragic music.

A leaf blown by the breeze flutters in the wind, and when it hits the ground is when the cowboy draws his gun and shoots.

At that time, only one person can stand. . . .


With a sudden step under his feet, Luo Zhen turned into a red lightning and rushed towards 3428.

The naked eye of ordinary people can only barely catch a red figure rushing out, let alone react.


3428 flapped its wings quickly and tried to avoid Luozhen's attack by flying.

Its body is not as hard as imagined.

Rather, its body is relatively fragile.

"Get down!"

The 6264 waving its wings had just left the ground more than one meter high, and a pair of black sharp claws pressed against the root of its wings.

Pressing down with both hands, Luo Zhen firmly pressed the 6264 to the ground.


6264's body had a close contact with the ground.

The suppressed 6264 struggled frantically, trying to get rid of Luo Zhen's suppression.

The bird's claws and beaks, which were shining with cold light in the sun, were constantly waving indiscriminately, trying to cause damage to Luo Zhen.

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