Shimokawa Yukina's story-telling voice is touching, soft and soft, and has a unique appeal.

But the story he told was actually very boring to Duya. It was just the story of a rebellious boy.

However, death is a big deal, and this sad thing should not be affected by other things, so Watari just listened quietly. He knew that this was what the other party needed, a patient listener.

Shimokawa Yukina finished telling the story, and Watari said in a low voice:"Please forgive me.""

"Um."To Wataya's surprise, Shimokawa Yukina responded.

Bang! ~

The door of the medical room made a painful sound

"Watari! The food is here!"Kuno Heiyu walked in with a grin and a big food box in his hand.

"Sister Shimokawa is here too, let’s have lunch together."Kuroyu Kuno didn't seem to realize the gloomy atmosphere in the medical room, and maybe he didn't even think of Shimokawa who was mistakenly killed by the giant puppet from his name.

"No need, there are other patients who need my care."Shimokawa Yukina forced a smile, and after telling someone, her spirit was no longer as low as before. The lunch at the camp was not bad, even if it was not rich, it was enough to fill her stomach, and Kosuke Maruhoshi brought it. I ordered a large bowl of bone soup, and Watari shared half of Kuno Kurosame. In the end, both of them slumped down at the table, patting their bellies, too lazy to move. Shimogawa Yukina helped clear away the tableware.

"Are there any changes at camp?"After the meal, Watari asked casually.

Kuno Kuroyuki held his chin and thought for a moment, then said:"Some people came from the village yesterday, they seemed to be from the torture department, and they looked very frightening."

"Torture Department?"

"I’m not sure either, hehe!"Kuno Heiyu scratched his head in embarrassment

"It's also possible, after all, there is a prisoner of Sunagakure. Du Ye waved his hand and said,"What about other than that?""

"what do you mean? To be honest, it’s not like I don’t know that I’m not good at this kind of thing!"Kuno Heiyu curled his lips, with an angry expression on his face as if you were making things difficult for me, Kuno.

"hehe!"In addition to smiling, what other expression can Wataya have? After all, the other party regards being lacking a muscle as the norm!

"What about support? Where did it come from? Watari could only say bluntly,"I am not the only wounded person who was poisoned. Counting the escorting ninjas, after leaving for the Kingdom of Wind, without support, wouldn't the camp be unable to maintain normal border guarding?""

"oh! You said this, the support came together with those vicious guys, didn't I tell you?"Kuno Heiyu scratched his head in confusion.

"Of course I never said that! Du Ye rolled his eyes speechlessly, twitched the corners of his mouth, and sighed:"Did the two parties come together?" From Konoha Village?"

"This is not true, those seven teams are said to be transferred from the Kingdom of Wind."Kuno Heiyu replied

"Seven teams?"


"What is its approximate strength? How many jounin are there?"

"have no idea."Kuno Heiyu shook his head directly. He didn't pay attention to those things at all.

"hehe! All right."The corner of Wataya's mouth twitched, and he stopped talking nonsense. Anyway, he couldn't get any answers, so he might as well save his energy to ask Gennosuke Aoki.

The next day, Wataya woke up with a feeling of paralysis.

"Don't get excited, that's normal."A soft hand pressed on his chest, and a soft voice came into his ears.

Watari frowned and looked up, naturally it was Shimokawa Yukina

"Sister Xuena, what's going on?"Du Ye asked with difficulty. The numbness in his right shoulder was more intense than before, and even the strength could not be transmitted to his arm. This strange and familiar feeling made Du Ye particularly panic.

"Sunagakure's poison is very powerful. With my ability, I can only suppress it slightly, but the poison is still taking effect."Shimokawa Yukina helped Wataru lie down and slowly explained.

"So, how long? I mean, does this leave some hidden dangers?"Wataya grabbed Shimokawa Yukina's soft hair and asked eagerly, completely losing his previous calm temperament.

"Don't worry, with that adult's medical skills, Sunagakure's poison won't be able to catch her yet."Shimokawa Yukina smiled and comforted:"After all, the era of the flower of ninja has passed, and that adult is the most eye-catching kunoichi in the ninja world."

"Sister Xuena, do you admire that adult?"Wataya suppressed his panic for the time being, pretending to be the age-appropriate side, blinking and saying curiously.

Regardless of whether Shimogawa Yukina's comfort was true or not, Wataya was full of confidence in that kunoichi, so after changing the topic , my mood has calmed down a little bit.

"Of course, especially since I'm a medical ninja."Shimokawa Yukina said matter-of-factly.

"Okay, it's breakfast time……"

"Watari! The time has advanced!"The sound of whirring came in with the sound of pushing the door. Kuno Kuroyu's face was filled with joy that could not be concealed, and he grinned at Wataya.

"What advance?" Watari asked casually, almost getting used to Kuno Kuroyu's carefree character.

"We will set off for the Land of Wind at noon. It was originally expected to be tomorrow, but things in the camp have been taken care of, and Captain Uehara has taken over Captain Sarutobi's duties, so everyone can leave early." Gennosuke Aoki who walked in later explained.

"Let's have some breakfast first."Maruboshi Kosuke was holding a large bowl of bone soup. There was a layer of grease floating on the surface of the soup, and the tangy and greasy smell came out, changing the air in the medical lounge instantly. The corner of

Wataya's mouth twitched, but he did not refuse. Here After all, this is the world of ninjas, which is different from the previous life. If you want to recover as soon as possible, it is necessary to take a lot of bone broth, even for breakfast!

"Captain Uehara, is he a jounin transferred from the Kingdom of Wind?"During breakfast, Watari asked casually

"Well, that's right."Gennosuke Aoki took a sip of the thick soup, exhaled a breath of hot breath, and said:"Captain Sarutobi was too seriously injured this time. Although he saved his life, he fell into a coma. What he needs next is rest. He died yesterday. Being escorted back to the village"

"This is all my fault."Maruhoshi Kosuke murmured, lowering his head with a look of sorrow on his face.

"Senior Gu Jie, the matter has come to this, it is useless to blame yourself, besides, it is not your fault."Gennosuke Aoki patted his shoulder and comforted Maruhoshi Kosuke.

Maruboshi Kosuke remained silent. The past was stuck in his throat. Of course he couldn't listen to this kind of persuasion.

Watching this scene, Watari didn't say much.

Yes. Of course, he had a general understanding of Maruboshi Kosuke's affairs, but he was not good at talking, and he did not have the infectious power of Asura Chakra. On the contrary, he would make mistakes if he talked too much.

In his opinion, Kosuke appeared among the team. It is a fortune from heaven. If you can learn something from it, it will be rare and valuable.

However, although Maruhoshi Kosuke is kind and amiable, his attitude towards his companions is very awkward. He is close and distant at the same time. , with a look that was afraid of causing disaster.

Now it has relaxed a lot. After a fierce battle with Suna Ninja, all members of the Aoki team survived, which made him somewhat let go of the estrangement.

Therefore, for the sake of caution, this matter needs to be figured out slowly. There's no rush.

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