Chapter 144: The Four Shadows of Envy.

Uchiha’s voice fell.

A group of ninjas raised their fists and shouted, and the atmosphere reached its peak, as if it could pierce the clouds and spread throughout the ninja world.

“Is this the strength of our Ninja Alliance Captain? It’s so strong! ”

A Konoha ninja clasped his arms excitedly.

“yes, that’s great!”

The Yunyin ninja beside him also laughed, and with this kind of power, it also made their hearts a lot calmer.

“We can definitely win!”

The Ninja Alliance was unusually determined.

“Is that Susanoo just now?”

Luo Sha, who was in the five shadows behind Yu Zhibo, saw this force that destroyed the world and destroyed the world, and a drop of cold sweat fell on his forehead, and his heart was terrified.

“Yes, this is the strongest force of the Uchiha clan, Susano!”

Onoki looked at Uchiha’s back and said with a solemn expression.

Another guy comparable to Uchiha! Really!

Choosing to be attached to Konoha was the right choice!

Uchiha actually has a pair of eyes that can exert this power! The fourth generation of Lei Ying was horrified in his heart.

At the beginning, a Uchiha Chen’s Susa destroyed half of their Yunyin Village. Now there is even a pair!

320 Uchiha family, what a terrifying strength!

The point is that this is only revealed, behind the scenes, who knows if there are other eyes that can reach this level. Looking back at this moment, the fourth generation of Lei Ying couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart.

Fortunately, Iwa Shinobu attacked them in the first place, otherwise if he and Kirabi went back, they would probably join forces with Iwa Shinobu and Sand Yin to besiege the Land of Fire.

Thinking of another complete body Susano, the body of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow couldn’t help but tremble, and he shivered fiercely.

“Can Susa care?”

Terumi was seeing this power for the first time, and her eyes widened in surprise. The power of the Uchiha clan is really terrifying!

Even Uchiha Kong’s strength is so strong, so what about Uchiha Chen, who is the patriarch? It’s unimaginable!

“You guys… You Konoha are really strong! ”

Terumi was shocked, and said to Tsunade faintly. Why is Uchiha not in their fog.

Envy! Terumi sighed in her heart.

Not only Terumi was envious, but none of the four ninja villages present did not envy.

“Hahaha… Yes! It’s okay. ”

Tsunade smiled modestly.

It’s just that the pride on his face can’t be hidden, and it’s obvious that his heart has already blossomed. Mountain cemetery.

Medicine Master Pocket and Ah Fei stood side by side, and in the open space in front of the two, rows of coffins broke through the ground. As the coffin landed, the medicine master slowly spoke.

“Dirt rebirth!”

The voice of the medicine master constantly echoed in the mountains and forests, echoing for a long time. A coffin rises from the soil.

These coffins are large and small, male and female.

“The once prominent powerhouses, use them for me!”

The medicine master looked up at the coffin, his eyes full of fanaticism. As soon as the voice of the medicine man’s pocket fell, the rows of coffins began to make abnormal noises.

Looking around, among the nearly a hundred coffins in front of him, all of them were powerful people who were famous in the ninja world! The weakest are also elite Shinobi.

Each of them was prominent in the ninja world during their lifetime.

But the only thing they have in common is that they are deceased people.

“Well done, Pocket! It was actually possible to find the corpses of so many strong people. ”

Fei clapped his hands and praised.

“That’s nature! With the help of Lord Orochimaru and Lord Tatsumi, these gadgets are just a breeze. ”

The medicine master said proudly, looking into the distance.

“Huh? Found it? ”

Fei seemed to sense something and raised his head. The three-hook jade writing wheel in his eyes turned slightly.

“What’s wrong?”

The medicine man asked.

“One hundred thousand white absolutes have been discovered!”

Ah Fei’s expression was solemn and he said in a deep voice.

“One hundred thousand white absolutes have been discovered?”

The medicine man was taken aback.


Ah Fei nodded heavily, his expression serious.

“What now?”

The medicine man frowned.

“What else can be done, go to war!”

More than 80,000 ninjas were divided into five combat brigades, as well as several special teams.

The site of the war, also fought in the Land of Fire.

The 100,000 Bai Je was also divided into several strands, looking for their respective targets.

Through a special liaison instrument, Yamanaka Haichi in the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance suddenly opened his eyes and reported to Uchiha and the other five shadows.

“Found the trail of Bai Jue, 100,000 Bai Je passed through the ground, the goal is… The headquarters of the coalition army, accompanied by the reincarnators of the soil, numbered no less than a hundred. ”

“Go according to plan!”

Uchiha ordered coldly.


The order is issued.

The battle horn blows again!

At this moment, the prelude to the war officially began! On the border of the Land of Fire, a large area of white is spreading.

They were extremely fast and rushed into Konoha’s defense net in the blink of an eye.


The Konoha ninja greeted undeterred, and the two sides began to fight. As soon as the battle began, it was in a state of scorching, and the battle was terrible.

“It’s really hard to deal with!”

Sasuke, as a member of the group, watched the enemy in front of him fall silent.

In front of them, in addition to Bai Jue, several people with the forehead of the Mist Hidden Village walked out. Their faces are covered with cracks, representing their identity as reincarnated in dirt.

In addition, there are also dirt reincarnators from other ninja villages, and the dirt reincarnators from the five major ninja villages are gathered on the battlefield. Above the sky.

The bird spreads its wings, the white bird made of clay soars in the sky, and two figures stand on the white bird.

“Big Brother Scorpion, it seems that we are acting together again!”

Deidara looked at the ground and grinned.


The scorpion nodded, without any words.

At this time, he was staring intently at the battlefield below.

His face was bloodshot, his eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious that the scorpion was tired from studying the puppet core during this time.

But fortunately, he finally got some results in research.

Now he can activate the puppet of the Six Dao Immortals and use it for battle. This makes the scorpion psychologically calm a lot.

The intensity of the fourth ninja world war was simply beyond Scorpion’s expectations.

But now that there are such strong hole cards in hand, it can be regarded as an extra guarantee. The battlefield is full of whites, and the number of whites is too many to count. The fighting was fierce.

“Art is an explosion!”

Deidara shouted, and dozens of clay spiders flew out of his hands. Fell to the ground with a booming explosion.

Their mission is to harass the ninja coalition forces on the ground in the air.

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