Chapter 208 – Nami Joins! The dragon is destroyed.


This identity seems to coincide with her idea of traveling through the great voyages, the various charts of the sea world. To be honest, at this moment, Nami’s heart moved.

But in the end, she shook her head.

“To be honest, I’m very touched by your proposal, but I still have to say sorry to you, because I have a reason why I have to stay here Nami’s face flashes with a hint of bitterness, not because she doesn’t like adventures, but because this land is her hometown.”

She can’t just abandon her hometown for the sake of her so-called dreams.

“I can help you solve your worries, isn’t it Aaron?!”

Uchiha shrugged his shoulders and said with a look of contempt.


Nami was stunned, she never thought that this guy in front of her actually knew about Aaron’s existence. But if you think about it, it’s relieved.

After all, Along is the only pirate in the vicinity, and he is also the most powerful fishman in the East China Sea.

“Aaron is indeed very strong, but can you beat him?”

Nami looked at Uchiha with some suspicion.

Although Uchiha Chen is very handsome, she is not narcissistic enough to think that Uchiha Chen can defeat Along.

“Don’t worry, I will defeat him and make you my navigator.”

There was a playful smile on the corner of Uchihachen’s mouth.

“You… What the hell are you?! ”

Nami stared at Uchiha with a look of amazement.

She was shocked by Uchiha Chen’s momentum and did not react for a while.

“Huh! My name is Uchiha Chen. ”

Uchiha Chen smiled slightly, revealing white and neat teeth, and a mouthful of white teeth made Nami’s heart tremble slightly.

“Uchiha… Chen, what a strange name! ”

Nami muttered, but remembered the name and Uchiha’s appearance.

“Aaron is very strong, no one is his opponent, I have seen many bounty hunters come to defeat Aaron, but they are easily solved by his subordinates, and they are not even qualified to let him strike.”

Nami clenched her fists tightly, her tone full of solemnity.

“Very strong, can he be so strong?”

The corners of Yu Zhibochen’s mouth turned up, and when he stretched out his hand, the Tiancong Cloud Sword instantly struck, and a huge slash was swung out, and the air shook violently.

The sea in the distance was broken through a huge ravine by the terrifying slash.

The sea water on both sides seemed to be formed into two worlds, churning and roaring, and a devastating aura spread throughout the sea, and all the fish fled, not daring to approach.

“This… This is! ”

Nami’s eyes widened, and her face was full of disbelief.

The scene just now plunged her head into chaos, this is the sea!

“Such an attack should be enough to defeat Aaron!”

Uchiha Chen lightly withdrew the Tiancong Cloud Sword, as if he had done something sparse and ordinary.

“You… Who are you, exactly? ”

Nami took a deep breath and stared at Uchiha with dead eyes.


Uchiha pointed to himself, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

“An adventurer of interest.”

After Uchiha finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving the sluggish Nami. Uchiha Chen’s words lingered in her ears.

“Adventurer of interest?”

Nami muttered a few words, and then her face changed unpredictably, and her eyes became firm.

“Since you are so keen on thrill-seeking, then I will accompany you crazy once!”

A meaningful smile rose at the corner of Uchihachen’s mouth.

“Do you want to join my fleet?”

Suddenly, Uchiha Chen spoke again.

This made Nami stunned, a little hesitant, not knowing how to choose.

“What I can tell you is that joining my fleet is definitely much safer than you staying in the Pirates!”

The curve of the corners of Uchiha’s mouth widened, and he stared at Nami with a smile.

“Why did you invite me?”

Nami asked after a long silence.

“It’s simple! I said at the beginning that I need a navigator, a good navigator. ”

Uchiha shrugged his shoulders slightly, he was indeed missing a navigator.

When Nami heard this, she suddenly realized.

“I would like to join!”

Nami nodded without hesitation.

Uchiha Chen nodded with a smile, in this way, his plan can also be carried out!


Gold Melly. The other side.

“That abominable little thief cat actually stole all our treasures!”

Solon gritted his teeth and roared. He also treats Nami as a companion, and as a result, Nami has been thinking about his wallet.

“Not only that, but even the food on our ship was stolen, what a delicious freeloader.”

Sanji said with a helpless look.

“But then again, why did Nami steal our money.”

Usopp scratched his head and asked blankly.

“I don’t know.”

Solon said coldly.

“Well! I don’t care, Nami is our navigator anyway. ”

Luffy waved his hand, he was now desperate to find Nami…

“But where are there people around here!?”

Solon looked around, and it was barren except for the ocean.

“Huh! You see, it should be there. ”

Through the telescope, Usopp shouted.

Everyone gathered in front of Usopp to look, and an isolated island appeared in their eyes.

“Nami should be there.”

Luffy’s eyes flashed.

“Then let’s go check it out!”

The rest nodded and followed Luffy towards the island.

Along Land, also known as Dragon Paradise, is where the Aaron Pirates live. The fish man in the paradise saw Nami bring a stranger over.

Not surprisingly, Uchiha Chen was directly stopped.


At the door, two fishmen blocked Uchiha’s way.

This place is the exclusive area of Aaron Paradise, and the rest of the strange humans are absolutely not allowed to enter except Nami.

“Shinra Heavenly Sign!”

Reaching out and hugging Nami beside her, her crimson pupils burst out with a powerful repulsive impact.


The terrifying power struck, and the two fish people screamed, were knocked to the ground and vomited blood, and directly lost their breath. That…

Is this move going to put his arm around me!

As a girl’s reservedness, Nami’s rosy pretty face flushed a hint of crimson, and she felt warmth coming from her waist.

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