At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Genmei Uchiha stretched out, stood upright, got up energetically, dressed and washed himself.

Bang, with his hands forming seals and white smoke rising, Gen Uchiha tried a transformation technique, then opened the door and headed to the hotel restaurant.

When away from home, Gen Uchiha would not treat him badly if he could. The hotel he stayed in was one of the most famous and luxurious hotels in Shirai City.

The guests of this hotel are basically wealthy businessmen, nobles, officials and other people with relatively high status and status, and the last few are also wealthy samurai.

After grabbing a luxurious breakfast, Gen Uchiha found a free seat and sat down, leisurely listening to the discussions of the residents.

"Did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"My servant just came over and told me that the Viper Gang headquarters was completely wiped out overnight."

" could that happen?"

"The Viper Gang is one of the most powerful gangs in Baijing City, and they are backed by powerful figures in Baijing City!"

"so what?"

"Beings that have been offended that should not be offended will still be destroyed. And you know, the most terrifying and weird thing is that the hundreds of people who died did not have any wounds on their bodies, but they looked extremely frightened!"

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it's scary just thinking about it."

"Hiss...really, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"How could he not have any wounds and die in extreme fear?"

"What good will it do me to lie to you?"

"My servant heard this outside, and people outside said so."

"The members of the Viper Gang who returned to the headquarters in the morning were almost scared crazy when they returned to the headquarters."

"In addition, the residents around the Viper Gang heard the collective screams of the Viper Gang in the middle of the night last night. They seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying."

"This...who did this?"

"Shhh... I prefer not to be made by humans."

"If it's not a human being, what is it?"

"I think it's a ghost or demon causing trouble!"

"Isn't this...a bit ridiculous?"

"I don't think it's absurd at all. You know how powerful ninjas are, right?"

"of course I know."

"Do you think a ninja can do this?"

Without waiting for a reply from his companion, the speaker continued to explain his reasons.

"It's certainly not difficult to destroy the Viper Gang with the power of ninjas, but is it possible to make everyone die in fear without leaving any trace of battle?"

" makes sense."

"Hey, that's right. It might be a ghost or demon causing trouble."

"So I can't stay here any longer. I'm going to leave after breakfast. What about you?"

"Go together, go together."

After that, the two stopped chatting and focused on breakfast.

The news that the Viper Gang was wiped out spread throughout Baijing City at an extremely fast speed. Except for the relevant stakeholders, everyone else clapped their hands and cheered!

Most people are happy that the most notorious gang in Shirai City has disappeared. Without a large group of scourges, the security situation should become better.

Other gangs and the relevant stakeholders behind them are very excited, sharpening their knives and preparing to swallow up the interests left by the Viper Gang.

The elite of the headquarters has been wiped out, and the rudders guarding various industries will never be able to stop a group of greedy wolves.

Regarding the truth behind the destruction of the Viper Gang, many people tend to believe that evil ghosts and demons were responsible, but more people believe that it was punishment from gods and immortals!

Because the people who were kidnapped and persecuted were not killed, but escaped from the devil's cave. If it was a ghost and demon, would they give up the snacks that were readily available?

People who don't know the truth can only speculate, but the Shirai City Lord's Mansion, which is affiliated with the Fire Nation's imperial court, has determined that it was man-made.

Because of the Viper Gang's treasury and prison, human traces were left behind. Unfortunately, even with the level of the City Lord's Mansion, they could only find out that it was human, and there were no other clues.

Who would have thought that the reason why the Viper Gang was wiped out was just because of three gangsters?

Unable to find any other clues, the City Lord's Mansion issued a mission to Konoha and asked Konoha to send someone to investigate.

Hundreds of people died suddenly and mysteriously overnight, and the failure to find out the truth made many big shots with ulterior motives very uneasy.

When Konoha received the mission, Namikaze Minato took it very seriously and immediately sent a team of ninjas to investigate.

This team is also a strengthened team, composed of family ninjas from Hinata, Nara, Yamanaka, Aburame, and Inuzuka.

Five ninjas conducted a blanket search of the Viper Gang's manor and conducted a detailed investigation of the corpses, but did not obtain too many clues.

The only clue is the blood-red feathers falling all over the sky in the corpse's remaining memory!

This move is similar to Konoha's Nirvana Abode technique, but it's not the same. There are so many secret techniques in the ninja world that it's really hard to be sure.

Gen Uchiha had already expected that Konoha would eventually handle this matter, and it must be a ninja from Konoha who was good at investigating and tracking.

Therefore, special treatment has been made on his appearance, smell and other places that may expose personal information, so that he cannot be traced.

Of course, these are all things for later. When the Konoha ninja came to Shirai Castle, Uchiha Gen had already left.

It was a rare trip. Gen Uchiha didn't want to go back so early, and planned to take this opportunity to harvest a wave of souls and lifespan.

The lifespan is not bad, there is not much difference between ordinary people and ninjas, but the soul is different.

Due to the nourishment of chakra, the soul strength of ninjas is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and as the nourishment time continues, the gap between the soul and ordinary people will become wider and wider.

There is a gap in quality itself, and with the chakra attached to the soul of the ninja, the gap is even greater.

The nature of the chakra attached to the soul is slightly different from the chakra in the body, perhaps due to the subtle influence between the soul and chakra.

This soul chakra is a good tonic for the soul.

Although it cannot directly improve the quality of the soul, it can indirectly and subtly promote it.

Therefore, Uchiha Gen set his hunting target on ninjas, and in order to avoid causing trouble, he targeted Langin among ninjas.

Of course, the souls of ordinary people are also flesh, but just after a major case was committed, Gen Uchiha was not planning to attack ordinary people in a short period of time. It was too eye-catching.

If you do too much, no matter how cautious you are, you will inevitably leave the slightest clue. It is better to harvest the souls of ordinary people in a low-key manner.

For example, in the future, you can use spiritual transformation techniques to possess ninjas and seize the body of ninjas, spread them out, do it quietly, and make a fortune in silence.

In fact, ordinary people can also possess people and seize their bodies, but ordinary people's physical bodies are inferior and they do not have the professional illusion skills to create fear. Overall, the work efficiency is not high.

Obviously, the number of deaths in the ninja world will increase every year in the future, but it doesn't matter.

In the chaotic ninja world, there are many people who die every day due to fighting. Death in the ninja world is a rare thing, and deaths due to fighting and accidental death are the mainstream.

The most indispensable thing in the chaotic and dark world is human traffickers, gangsters, villains, robbers, robbers, murderers, perverts, etc.

It would be impossible for Uchiha Gen to purify it all by himself, even with the soul-splitting ability of the Soul-Soul Fruit.

If the root of chaos and darkness is not eliminated, the leeks will never be cut off...

Uchiha Gen's purification method is much more severe than Namo Gatling Bodhisattva's physical purification, which is to eliminate it directly from the root!

Where are the most rogue ninjas?

black market!

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