Konoha: The King of Souls from Uchiha

Chapter 8 Ohnoki’s big gamble

The Iwagakure elders thought for a while and finally nodded.

The last time they lured the enemy deep into their Iwagakure, they killed the Third Raikage. Although the losses were heavy, it was not a loss overall.

Before the Third Raikage was left alone to cut off the queen, Kumogakure had killed many people.

"Sunagakure was already fighting among themselves because of the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, and their vitality was severely damaged. Afterwards, they attacked Konoha to get a piece of the pie, and the damage was not small."

"This time Konoha has wiped out some people. Do you still have the energy to provoke our Iwagakure Village?"

"If you are really worried, we can send an envoy to Kirigakure Village to seek cooperation."

"The conflicts of interest between our Iwagakure Village and Kirigakure Village are very small, while conflicts of interest between Sunagakure Village and Kirigakure Village occur from time to time due to conflicts of interest in places such as the Country of Tea, so there is not much room for cooperation."

"So some of the troops defending the Suna Ninja can also be mobilized."

"If we squeeze through the village again, a thousand-man army will be formed."

"I knew it was a gamble."

"If the bet is successful, the future development of Yanyin Village will reach a new level and create unprecedented brilliance."

"If the bet fails, Iwagakure Village will be the first to withdraw from the Ninja World War, and there will be almost nothing to gain."

"I decided to bet, what about you?"

Onoki's face was full of determination, his body was floating in the air, and his sharp eyes were looking down at the surroundings.





The expressions of the elders of Yanyin Village changed, and after a few breaths of mental battle, they all agreed one after another.

"very good."

"Since we want to open a new front, we need a new logistical replenishment route."

"After breaking into the Country of Fire, the front line is stretched, and the logistics supply route is even related to the success or failure of this gamble."

"There is no room for error in this..."

Ohnoki flew to the map hanging on the wall behind him, and his fingertips turned into a slender stone stick and clicked on a place name.

The elders of Iwagakure took a closer look and saw that the name of the place was Kannabi Bridge.

Looking at the geographical situation around the bridge on the map, the Iwagakure elders nodded in approval.

To open a new logistics supply route in the Country of Grass, this bridge cannot be bypassed.

"Okay, now let's perfect this plan."

Ohnoki flew back to his seat lightly and said in a deep voice.

Elder Iwagakure began to speak freely.

Some people may wonder, can a mere bridge be said to be worthy of failure?

In fact, it really counts.

Although the river under Kannabi Bridge is not particularly wide, it is not narrow either and the river flows very fast.

Because not all ninjas can climb trees and tread water, that requires fine chakra control, which is usually only possible by mid-to-high-level ninjas.

Moreover, the difficulty of stepping on flowing water is different from that of calm water. The faster the flow speed, the higher the difficulty.

In the original work, Sasuke learned to tread water on a calm surface, and it took him several days to learn it, and he was made disgraced.

What kind of education did Sasuke receive?

After a famous family, he received a complete ninja school education in the peace era. He was the first person in the ninja school and was personally guided by Kakashi. He faced the Kirigakure chunin ghost brothers and was an elite who could not fall behind in one against two.

The five major ninja villages, no, it should be the vast majority of the genin in the entire ninja world. Apart from the three kaya techniques, they don't know any other ninjutsu. They fight with physical techniques at close range, and only kunai, shurikens, and detonating talismans at medium and long distances. I can't bear to use it either.

The price of detonating charms is not low, and normal genin usually use them as trump cards.

The quality of the twelve little heroes in the original work does not represent the quality of most genin. Those inconspicuous sidekicks and even backgrounds without faces are the real quality of genin.

Moreover, during the Ninja World War, all major ninja villages were expanding their armies and preparing for war, leaving little time for growth, resulting in a further decline in the quality of genin.

However, most of the country's defenses are vast Gobi deserts formed by high mountains and rocks, and water sources are scarce.

Moreover, Yanyin Village is an existence that likes violent troops. Thousands and tens of thousands are dispatched at every turn. One can imagine the quality of such soldiers.

Isn't it a little too difficult for a genin of such caliber to tread water that requires them to have good chakra control before they can learn it?

To put it bluntly, if you don't have enough chakra control, you will never learn it in your lifetime.

Therefore, if the bridge is destroyed, it is possible for the middle jounin to pass by, while the genin can only look at the river and lament.

However, the genin are the main force of each major ninja village. The chunin can barely be called a master. The jounin is the real master, the most elite ninja in the village.

In layman's terms, a genin is equivalent to a soldier in the army, a chunin is equivalent to a captain, a jounin is equivalent to a centurion, and a jounin is equivalent to a junior general.

Without a huge number of main players, what can a small number of experts do?

It's not like a master who can open the entire Gundam, it's hard for a shadow-level master to do whatever he wants in a war.

If you can't tread water, can you build a bridge with Earth Release Ninjutsu?

The answer is still no.

In the original work, the three jounin in Kannabi Bridge using Earth Release were just that.

Although these three jounin are a bit weak, they may have just been promoted, but at least they have touched the threshold of jounin.

Even the Jounin's earth escape sounds like that, but what about the Chuunin's?

Moreover, earth escape usually requires the use of geographical advantages to exert its power, and there is no soil on the river.

To extend from both sides of the river requires huge chakra and extremely fine chakra control, and very few can meet the conditions.

It’s just a small bridge. The technical content of building a large bridge is not low. There is a lot of preparation work in the early stage of building a modern bridge. It is built in strict accordance with the standards. If there is a slight problem, it will collapse.

When it comes to building bridges, Yamato's Wood Escape is actually more suitable than Earth Escape.

If someone had the strength of Loess during the Fourth World War, he could do it roughly and arbitrarily, but Loess has not grown to that point yet.

It's very possible for Ohnoki to do it, but as a Tsuchikage, how could he go to Kannabi Bridge to guard and build the bridge?

Ohnoki still needs to make decisions on many things.

So for Iwagakure Village, Kannabi is really something that cannot be missed!

Time passed day by day, and Gen Uchiha did not receive the transfer order, so he stayed in the clan to practice.

As a rising new genius of the Uchiha clan, he does not need to worry about ninjutsu.

At the beginning of the war, the old Uchiha patriarch had ordered that the ninjutsu collected in the clan be fully open to the ninjas in the clan, but only those with corresponding strength could learn the corresponding ninjutsu.

With the special Jonin strength recognized by Yashiro Uchiha, Gen Uchiha can already learn B-level ninjutsu.

As the most powerful family in the ninja world, the Uchiha clan's collection of ninjutsu is of course not only fire escape ninjutsu, but also regular ninjutsu from the four systems of wind, earth, thunder, and water.

After passing this village, there is no such shop. If you want to learn ninjutsu again after the war, you must do things for the family and make contributions.

So we must take this opportunity to pluck up the family's wool!

Gen Uchiha's progress in learning fire escape ninjutsu stunned Yashiro Uchiha, who was temporarily in charge of family affairs.

Learn a B-level fire escape ninjutsu and a B-level genjutsu in one day?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

Yashiro Uchiha didn't believe it at first, but it wasn't until Gen Uchiha showed it to him that he had no choice but to believe it.

Uchiha Yashiro, who was severely beaten, finally gave him permission to read and learn the ninjutsu within his permission.

In fact, Uchiha Gen cheated, to be precise, he cheated half of the time.

Learning Genjutsu Uchiha is indeed like a divine aid.

Perhaps it is because of the Soul Fruit that was added to people in two lifetimes. The genjutsu collected by the Uchiha clan is indeed not difficult for Uchiha Gen. It is as easy to practice as eating and drinking.

Although Uchiha Gen's talent for fire escape ninjutsu is not bad, it is still within the normal range.

The reason why it can be used is because Zhu Rong was integrated into the fire escape to secretly cheat, assisting in increasing the temperature, expanding the range, and controlling the form. In fact, the attainments are not enough.

With the permission of Yashiro Uchiha, Gen Uchiha memorized all the ninjutsu of fire, wind, and earth in his family's collection, and learned it slowly in the future.

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