Konoha: This Uchiha is very stubborn

Chapter 10 Werewolf Killing

"The name of this new game is Werewolf. There are five types of characters: werewolves, civilians, witches, hunters, and prophets. We have ten people here in total. So in one game there will be three civilians, three werewolves, one witch, and one A hunter. A prophet. Each plays a role."

"Then there is one more person? Isn't there only nine people?" Uchiha Longhuo couldn't help but asked curiously.

"There is another person, of course, the referee, and Dragon Fire. Don't interrupt my explanation."

"I will prepare nine cards that represent their respective identities. At the beginning of the game, each person draws one card that represents their identity and then..."

Following Uchiha Toshiro's tirade, a group of brats surrounded him, sometimes nodding and sometimes shaking their heads. Sometimes there is an expression of realization.

"Does everyone understand the rules of the game?"

"Don't ask anymore, Toshiro, let's start playing a game first." Uchiha Ryūhuo spoke impatiently.

After listening to Uchiha Toshiro's long speech, I couldn't help but feel a little dizzy. Let him look at the rules of the game and whatnot, and it’s going to be so much trouble! Let’s try it out first.

Uchiha Homura, Uchiha Asaka, Uchiha Taro and others on the side also nodded and agreed with Uchiha Ryuuka's opinion. Some of the precocious ones felt that this game should be quite fun.

"Then let's try a game first. Listen, the player who drew A is a werewolf, the player who drew K is a prophet, the player who drew Q is a witch, the player who drew J is a hunter, and the player who drew 10 is a commoner Does everyone understand?"

As he spoke, Uchiha Toshiro and his friends sat in a circle. From the poker, nine cards representing identities were selected and distributed to everyone one by one. After everyone has confirmed their identity, the game begins.

"Everyone, remember your identity and listen to my command. Fortunately, it's dark now, so everyone please close your eyes."

"You idiot, Kaizaku, why don't you close your eyes?" One of the slightly dull children looked at Uchiha Toshiro with a blank look on his face, as if he had just woken up and hurriedly closed his eyes.

"Okay! If you are a werewolf, please open your eyes, please identify your companions, and please identify the person you want to kill tonight." Following Uchiha Toshiro's command, a group of Uchiha brats began to play this popular game in the previous life. The game of the world.

"Housaku, don't expose the fact that you are a werewolf! You are out!"

"What do you want to say? Speak to express your position. Can you analyze who is the good guy or the bad guy?"

"The witch's poison can only be used once per game!"

"Well, a werewolf can self-destruct. After self-destruction, it can directly cross the day and enter the night."

Uchiha Toshiro pointed out their mistakes while repeating the rules of the game. He also guided them on how to speak and helped analyze the situation.

It wasn't until after three games that these guys slowly started to feel like they were actually playing Werewolf.

Starting from the straightforward statements at the beginning, "I am a werewolf", "What should I say?", "Asaka is a werewolf", etc., we get to the point. Although each speech is still quite immature, Uchiha Toshiro believes that as time goes by and everyone becomes more proficient, these will change one by one.

"Suguoyi, it's really Siguoyi, Toshiro, how did you come up with such a fun game?" Uchiha Ryuuka spoke, with a red face and a look on his face, and said to Uchiha Toshiro Feeling. The companions around him also nodded and hurriedly praised him.

"Haha, it's not that powerful." Uchiha Toshiro said perfunctorily after laughing, but he also had some emotions. When he took out this game, he was still thinking whether a four-year-old child could control it. After some experiments, he had to lament the precocity of children in the ninja world. After only three or five games, everyone was able to play well.

"How could I be a werewolf? Don't believe Taro's words. He is the real werewolf. Don't let him fool you..." Uchiha En looked at everyone with a look of despair until Huosaku cast the final vote. Helplessly out.

"Okay, it's dark, please close your eyes. Werewolves, please open your eyes. Werewolves, please choose the person you want to kill..."

Ignoring Uchiha En who was thrown out, Uchiha Toshiro, as the referee, spoke calmly.

As they became more familiar with the rules and gameplay of the game, everyone who came into contact with the Werewolf game for the first time became more and more enthusiastic.

"Homura, you are so cunning!"

"Housaku, you idiot, I'm obviously a good person!"

"Zhaoxia, the werewolf is actually you!"

In nature, females always seem to be more cunning than males, and games are no exception. Watch Yan, Zhaoxia and Caiyi win the game again and again. Uchiha Toshiro couldn't help but sigh.

And as they shouted, the shade of the trees above their heads slowly moved to the east. The shadows under my feet are becoming more and more slender, and time is slipping away quietly...

And slowly people gathered around them, children with a similar age difference. Gather the people playing the game in the center and look at them with surprised and searching eyes.

From time to time, one or two adults would come over to take a look and see what these kids were up to.

Happy time is always short-lived, as the sun sets. The sunset shines on these little guys who are immersed in the new game and can't extricate themselves.

"Dragon Fire is going home! It's already dinner time..."

"Kasan! Wait a little longer, there are still ten minutes, and the game will be over in the last ten minutes."

"Ah! Let go! Let go quickly! Mom's ears are about to fall off!!" The young mother is also impatient. Without waiting for his son to finish playing the game, he directly reached out and picked up his ears to take him home.

Uchiha Ryuuka, who was well aware of his mother's bad temper, did not struggle too much. He didn't care about his ears, which were slowly turning red.

He hurriedly handed the identity card in his hand to a friend next to him who had been watching for a long time. Dejectedly, I followed my mother and embarked on the road home. It is quite tragic and heroic that "the wind blows and the water becomes cold, and the strong man will never come back".

The little friend next to him also lived up to his expectations. I joined the game with excitement and entered the role-playing...

However, in less than twenty minutes, parents kept coming over to call back their reluctant children. There are also people who continue to hand over the playing cards that represent their identity to their acquaintances and follow their parents home helplessly.

When the last civilian is killed, it also declares the end of the game. Uchiha Toshiro clapped his little hands and said to everyone, "Okay, it's not too early, so I'll be here today. I believe everyone understands the rules of the game. See you tomorrow!"

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