"Understood!" X3

Hear that you don't have to do these annoying low-level tasks.

The three people who had just walked out of the Hokage Building answered in unison.

Especially Uchiha Tetsuo, his excitement was palpable. He clenched his fists on the spot and jumped three feet high, even forgetting the scars on his face.

"This is also the main purpose of letting you graduate early this time!"

"After more than a month of joint mission experience, you have developed some tacit understanding between you."

"It's time to give you special training!"

Seeing the energetic answers from his three disciples, Uchiha Shigemasa looked at them solemnly. His expression was the most serious since the team was formed.

He couldn't help but not be serious.

According to the information collected by the family, the prices of war-related materials such as food, iron, medicinal materials, etc. have been rising recently.

Ninjas from other countries have infiltrated into the borders of various countries, and border frictions have further expanded. These are all signs that another ninja war is about to break out.

The training of these children can no longer be as casual as before.

"It's getting late today, so we'll meet at the family training ground at six o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Be prepared, this special training will not be like a ninja school where you can pass it easily!"

After saying this, Uchiha Shigemasa left with a 'whoosh', leaving the three disciples behind.

With the mission reward they had just received, the three of them parted ways without stopping here.

[It seems that the situation is getting less and less optimistic. Otherwise, Teacher Shigemasa would not be so eager to give them special training! 】

Toshiro couldn't help but think about this while walking idle on the streets of Konoha. He was still a little confused about the war that was about to break out.

As an urban white-collar worker who lived in peacetime in his previous life, war, death, and killings were all far away from him.

Although I have some superficial understanding through literary works, movies, and the Internet, these understandings only remain on the surface of things. However, there is no way to know the pain and sorrow of experiencing it personally.

And for becoming a ninja.

I have doubts about whether I can kill other people's husbands, wives, children, and parents with peace of mind.

After all, his soul is just that of a modern urban white-collar worker, and these things are inconsistent with his three views. He couldn't understand his true nature until the last moment.

Four years have allowed him to fully understand the profession of ninja.

The profession of ninja begins in the ninja school, and they are trained to kill their kind more accurately and effectively, whether they are ordinary people or ninjas.

Completing the tasks assigned by the village is the first goal.

Abandon personal thoughts and feelings, lurk in dark corners, and endure loneliness and loneliness. Like a cold weapon, ruthlessly completing the harvest of life.

How could he accept such a perverted profession that dehumanized him with peace of mind?

[The history of ninjas is a history of killing and war! 】

Thinking about this in his mind, Toshiro also set a code of conduct for himself in his heart.

If it is some bandit or traitor who is cruel and enjoys killing people. He will raise the weapon in his hand to kill the opponent without hesitation.

If he goes to the battlefield, he will kill the enemy without hesitation for his own safety. The two armies are at war, and each is determined to live or die. Although this is a comforting word. He thinks there is some truth to it. In a chaotic place like the battlefield, there are too many uncontrollable factors.

He's not the Madonna type either.

However, when faced with children of similar age to himself, he would still show mercy on the premise of ensuring his own life safety.

Regardless, keep your weapons in hand. Pointing at those young children, this was extremely inconsistent with his three views in his previous life.

[As a human being with feelings, it’s better to leave some bottom lines for yourself! 】

Just like the way of tolerance in this world, when you have to make some choices that go against your own nature. Be able to point the direction for yourself. You will not let your heart become confused and become insensitive.

Don't underestimate this.

Countless ninjas trampled on their own bottom line and violated their nature again and again.

Slowly it became like a cold machine.

He will only accept orders mechanically, kill the mission target, complete the mission, and then die silently during a certain mission.

"You guys, do you know that if the teacher hadn't taken action just now, Reiko would have fallen to her death!"

While Toshiro was thinking, three people were walking toward him at the intersection ahead. They looked like they were Konoha's regular mission team.

At this time, a boy in the team, about 12 years old, was sternly accusing a white-haired kid. Accusing the other party of their desperate behavior just now.

Next to him, there was a girl about the same age as him. His eyes were red, his face was pale, and he had a frightened expression, as if he had just suffered a huge fright.

At the front of the team, a middle-aged ninja who was about 30 years old and wearing a green vest was walking expressionlessly, turning a blind eye to the quarrel behind him.

"The first rule of thumb for ninjas is that at any time, a ninja should complete its mission as its first goal."

Facing the accusations from his companions, the white-haired kid showed no expression and didn't even raise his face.

He responded in a neutral tone.

"Mission! Mission! You only know the mission! Just now Reiko fell off the cliff, and you were right next to her. But you turned a blind eye and continued to complete your mission!"

"In your eyes, are your companions less important than your mission? You're a 'cold-blooded monster'!" Faced with the white-haired kid's answer, the boy was obviously not satisfied.

His expression changed from angry at first to angry.

The face was also distorted due to changes in emotions, becoming more gloomy.

Even the tone of voice changed from accusatory to scolding.

Even the girl next to her had recovered from the horrific experience just now and looked at the white-haired boy with aggrieved expression, hoping that he could give her an explanation.

"Ninja's first mission is to complete the mission. My actions were not wrong."

"Ninjas must keep their inner emotions stable at all times. You are too excited and violate the fifth rule of ninja experience."

"If you don't control it, it will be very easy for the enemy to find flaws in the mission in the future, causing you to be killed and the mission will fail!"

Face criticism and scolding from peers.

The expression and tone of the white-haired boy remained calm and calm. He even pointed out that the other party's emotional loss of control would have an impact on his own life and mission in the future.

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