Konoha's Destiny Twins

Four hundred and fifty-nine -

The Yoshio Maru cruise ship is the largest and most luxurious multi-masted sailing ship in Xulan City. Only local wealthy gentlemen or dignitaries can afford the expensive tickets for this luxurious ship.

Today, the crew of "One Piece" chartered this luxury cruise ship and opened a large number of boarding spots to the public at an extremely low price. They did this while recovering the cost of chartering the ship, and also took advantage of this ultra-high price popularity to promote his new movie.

On the deck at this time, the crew was busy preparing for the last scene of the movie - the decisive battle at sea. You must know that for this final battle, they also spent a lot of money to invite two ninja masters.

Later, they will each use ninjutsu, plus some special effects to render and complete the final battle of the movie.

"Xuee isn't ready yet?" The director on the side shouted loudly in the direction of the cabin with a loudspeaker.

"It'll be ready soon, the makeup artist is taking the final steps." A distant voice came.

"Attention everyone, check the props on the deck for the last time." The director immediately began to give instructions. At the same time, he pointed at the people eating melons not far away and said loudly, "In addition, all non-crew members must stand outside the yellow line. keep quiet……"


"It's Yukie-chan!"

"Ms. Yukie herself!!

The crowd suddenly burst into wild cheers, which instantly drowned out the director's trumpet and completely drowned out his so-called "quiet".

Seeing the director's helpless look, the staff on the side immediately whispered comfort: "This is a good thing, it shows how popular Yukie is now. Our "One Piece" will definitely be a big seller!"

This is indeed the case.

The director had no choice but to wait for the crowd to calm down before regaining command of the deck: "Everyone, keep quiet. We will then start filming the final battle."

"Yukie, please stand here on the deck. Later, the pirate played by Ninja-sama will jump down from the mast and kidnap you."

Yukie, who was wearing a snow-white princess dress, nodded.

She just stood here so quietly, and she naturally became the focus of almost everyone present: she had long dark blue hair, and her beautiful face was dotted with a pair of purple eyes, which added a lot of mystery to it.

She just opened her red lips and said, "Then when will my knight appear?"

In the play, she plays a princess who has lost her country, and it is precisely because she knows their country's last treasure that she attracts pirates who covet the treasure to hunt her down.

"The knight who protects you will appear from the sea later. We have made arrangements." The director patiently explained Xue Hui's question and asked at the same time, "Do you have any questions?"

"there is none left."

"So, the last scene of "One Piece", the decisive battle at sea - start shooting!"

However, the next moment, a sudden voice suddenly came from the crowd: "Pirates!"

"It's a pirate!"

"Really a pirate!!"

more and more people exclaimed.

Soon, the director also saw the pirates on four small boats, and he instantly felt that he was unlucky.

Didn't it mean that the army just wiped out a group of pirates last night?

Why did it appear again today? !

Soon, the four small boats successfully intercepted the Yoshio Maru from all directions.

They can't escape.

"Don't panic, everyone. Pirates only seek wealth and not life." The director tried his best to calm the restless crowd with a loudspeaker. "As long as you give them enough money, they will leave."

A "bang" sound was heard, and one huge iron hook after another was seen hanging on the side of the Jisheng Maru, and then a full thirty pirates quickly boarded the deck.

"Bold pirate, you dare to intercept this ship. Do you know who is sitting on this ship now?!" The one who spoke was the pirate actor standing at the top of the mast, the ninja invited by the crew.

At this time, he was condescendingly yelling at the thirty or so pirates who had just landed on the deck.

In his opinion, although the thirty pirates were outnumbered, they might choose to give in after knowing his identity as a ninja.

And what you need to know is that he is not the only ninja on this ship now.

"It's been a long time since anyone dared to talk to me like that." Shortly after thirty pirates successfully landed on the deck, eight more people came up at some point, and the leader of these eight people was holding... It was his companion.

"You..." The ninja felt extremely horrified in his heart.

Because he suddenly realized that those eight people were all ninjas.

And he is a powerful ninja whose strength far exceeds that of a genin.

"For the sake of everyone being ninjas." The leader said with a sinister smile, "Hand over Fuji Feng Yuetie and I will spare your life."

The ninja immediately subconsciously glanced at the deck, but Miss Yukie was nowhere to be seen there.


"If you don't know, then die!"

Several kunai shot out instantly, drawing several fatal arcs.


At this point, the crew's last hope, the second ninja-sama, has died.

"My name is Sen Luo. I think some of you should have heard of my name." The middle-aged ninja who called himself Sen Luo said loudly, "Yes, I am the captain of the ninja army hired by Lord Fury Tao of Snow Country."

"I have received accurate information. Miss Fuji Kazue is the Princess Fenghua Koyuki we have been looking for all these years."

"You should know how we do things."

"Hand over the Fuji Fugetsu E and I will spare your life."

For a moment, the entire deck was silent.

But everyone looked at each other, where was the originally eye-catching Miss Xue Hui anywhere?

The director replied tremblingly: "Earlier today, a ninja from Konoha came to see Miss Yukie. But Miss Yukie has made it clear that she is not Princess Fenghua Koyuki..."

"Whether it is or not is not up to you." Sen Luo leaned closer and whispered, "You just need to hand over the person."

"But...but Miss Xue Hui is important to us..."

"Pah." A loud slap hit the director's face.

"Don't try to test my patience with your so-called power and connections." Sen Luo was already a little impatient, "This is my last warning."

"if not……"

Following Sen Luo's gaze, the director soon saw the two motionless figures of the ninjas they invited.

The scarlet blood was a stark reminder to him of the rules of survival in this world.

Ordinary people, no matter how rich they are, no matter how powerful and prestigious they are, have to bow to powerful ninjas.

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