The streets of Seoul are bustling, and today this originally deserted small shop is suddenly crowded with many people.

When the shopkeeper came to open the door, he was directly stunned, looking at the many young people standing in front of him, he wondered if he was in the wrong place.

"That, Jean Jean..." After the shopkeeper determined that this was his shop, he began to squeeze in, no way, he wanted to do business.

"Uncle! Can you have some quality?! Go to the back and line up!! "

Just as he squeezed inside, a little girl suddenly grabbed the shoulder straps of her backpack and scolded.

The shopkeeper involuntarily said sorry, and then involuntarily retreated, it was the first time he was scolded by a little sister at such an age.

The most important thing was not to scold, but when she scolded, a bunch of people next to him looked at him with a very contemptuous look that was about to kill him.

The uncle looked confused, what's wrong?

He took another step back, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar signboard in the distance, looked at the source, was it not mistaken, that is his own store?

"That... I'm sorry, can you let me over, this seems to be my shop..." the owner said very vaguely, especially when talking about his own store, because he was a little unsure whether it was his own shop now.

"This is your shop? Are you the owner?! The little sister exclaimed just now, and everyone looked over in an instant.

As soon as the shopkeeper nodded, someone next to him shouted.

"Let him in! I know him! He is the owner!! "

Then, the confused shopkeeper was directly pulled in by everyone and came to his shop door unimpeded, and for a moment, he thought that he was not involved in some strange incident.

As soon as he opened the door, the smell belonging to audio and video products had not yet been smelled, and the people surrounding him rushed in, and the shopkeeper almost thought that they were here to rob something, but after thinking about it, it was not right, a few of them were quite beautiful, they should not be robbers!

Just as he was looking at people through colored glasses, the little sister just now walked straight in front of him.

"Boss, is there an album by Kim Jae-ho?!"

"Yes, here it is, it hasn't been opened yet." The owner pointed to the box at his feet, and the reason why he came five minutes early today was to put the albums on the shelves this morning.

"Really! Boss, give me two quickly!! Fast!!! The little sister shouted, suddenly remembering something again, and covered her mouth with her small hand.

But it's late, someone has already heard it, those who have run around the store and have not found Kim Jae-ho's album, after hearing that there is a sale here, they instantly ran over and surrounded the shopkeeper, as if they were afraid that he would run, and shouted in their mouths, sell me, sell me!

After a while.

The shopkeeper stared blankly at the already empty box at his feet, he was still very confused.

He didn't understand, obviously he earned their money himself, but he actually had the feeling of being robbed...

Kim Jae-ho is so hot?!

However, now was not the time to think about this, he had to call and increase his position!!

After making the call, he picked up a book from the counter, and the bottom was covered with Kim Jae-ho's album.

This is what he took out yesterday when he took it apart and checked it, and did not put it in.

He wanted to see what kind of album could make everyone like this...

This is not an isolated situation, today, Kim Jae-ho's single sale, many designated stores for sale are empty in an instant, as long as there is an address on the official website, all sold out, Kim Jae-ho's album was directly snapped up.

It's not like this hasn't happened before, but it's all big singers!

It seems that the bosses after they were robbed have made a decision like the one above, that is-to increase the position!

How many come and how much? Top-up me directly!!

What the?! No?!

Why is your company so rubbish, nothing! Did any of you go to work?!

M.M.P'S PHONE was instantly burst by the bosses, all busy signals, customer service was busy, just hung up the phone to pick it up, but it was useless to ask them! They can't produce albums!

Of course, M.M.P. once again lay down the gun, the album was released much better than expected, and the storage was immediately all raised, they thought they could sell it for a few days, but now, they feel that if they don't do something again, they may really sell out, which has never happened before.

The singer's albums have always been only unsold, and they have never been sold out, and now they can only hurry up and do some more.

Kim Jae-seung-du is going crazy, this is simply faster than grabbing money, what game do you do?!

Kim immediately contacted his partner to speed up production.

"Thank you owner! I wish you eternal happiness!! Kim Jung-won took the album in his hand and ran home beautifully.

He was lucky, he went late, many stores were already sold out, saying that it was out of stock, and he had to wait for the afternoon, but he didn't want to wait for the afternoon, and he didn't expect that when he ran the last stop, he saw that the boss was holding Kim Jae-ho's album in his hand, and he hadn't opened it yet, and he planned to open it.

He bought it home for three times the price, and the boss half-pushed and half-pretended to be embarrassed to sell the album to him, but he could see the boss's dark smile when he got the money, but he didn't care.

It is precisely because it is difficult to buy that he cherishes it even more now, and he still hides well when he rides the bus, for fear of being robbed.

He has the same surname as Kim Jae-ho, and has been chasing Kim Jae-ho since the first episode of RM, although he is a boy, but he likes Kim Jae-ho's character, very funny, very easygoing, but mainly because he is very funny, he has never fanned a male star, Kim Jae-ho is afraid to be the first.

When he got home, he took it out and took a good look.

The packaging was black, a box look, there should be more than one CD in it, and there were many things, he didn't know if it was normal, it was his first time buying these things, but it gave him a good feeling.

The cover is pure black, there is a mysterious high-end feeling, the front is a silver big three English letters, M.M.P, he knows, this is Kim Jae-ho's company, as a fan, he knows that this company, it was hacked very badly on the Internet, and fans regard this as a terrier.

"My family Oppa hasn't traveled for a long time! Did you secretly join M.M.P? "

"Don't work again! Do you think you are M.M.P.?! "

In the end, it developed into, "MMP!" You come to me. "

That's right, in the end, it almost became a word that was like foul language to vent emotions, that is, calling people lazy, useless, and not doing business.

Huaxia next door suddenly found, hey ~ Do you also scold people like this? What a coincidence! We also scold like this~

Suddenly it was very festive, and suddenly the two countries were connected and became a new topic.

It can be said that M.M.P was also shot while lying down.

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