With the two consecutive shots of this energetic girl, the atmosphere of the scene was immediately hyped up, and a group of big uncles and brothers were also laughing and couldn't find their eyes, even Song Zhixiao was the same.

Today's guest is Lizhi alone, this is also an old friend, can not do too much introduction, Liu Zaishi directly entered the topic, began to introduce today's main venue.

That is, the cruise ship that Kim Jae-ho lamented at the beginning, this is undoubtedly a big ship, as for how much money to rent for filming, it is not something that poor people like me can imagine, poverty once again limits my imagination.

"A luxury passenger ship that travels between the island nation and this country, and we will be here until tomorrow morning." Liu Zaishi said.

"Huh? All-night again? Kim Jae-ho was shocked.

Haha on the side heard a whispered question, "Don't you know?" "

"No one told me!" Jin "740" was speechless in Hao, he also naively thought that this time there was no need to stay up all night, and his good life finally came, but now it seems that the revolution has not yet succeeded!

However, unlike him, everyone else was immersed in Liu Zaishi's introduction to the ship, full of expectation.

Kim Jae-ho's happiness just now because of the lychee was instantly sunk, and after Kim Jae-ho gave himself a second of silence, he also hurried into Liu Zaishi's speech, he didn't want to pit himself again because he listened less.

"The scale of six floors above ground and two floors underground~" Liu Zaishi sighed.

Suddenly, he cued Li Guangzhu, who was standing on the side, and Li Guangzhu replied that it was the first time to come to Busan, haha followed the heat of the previous issue, and directly said, "Ah! Don't speak in a kind tone, scary fellow. "

Because of the image of the bad guy who was once "unknown" and exposed, Li Guangzhu was also popular in the last issue, and Li Guangzhu, who has always been a good person, also subconsciously shrunk into a ball when he heard it.

However, Li Guangzhu reacted instantly and said, "Excuse me, please take off your glasses." "

This means that you take off your glasses, otherwise you will be embarrassed when I break them, and I may not be able to pay for it...

Cough... In short, this is also a flash of Li Guangzhu's artistic ability, Li Guangzhu's sense of artistic ability is really strong, he can seize every opportunity he can, almost every cue to him, can have laughter.

This sudden reversal, everyone was also laughing, originally loud haha is also afraid to retreat.

Li Guangzhu's acting skills are really powerful, acting like it is real, such natural acting skills, really deserve his current fire.

"It's worthy of being a pearl of light~Very good~" Liu Zaishi sighed.

Haha showed a look of anger, it seems that Li Guangzhu was frightened and humiliated, haha's sense of artistic ability is also reflected here, haha is really a best assistant, he is very good at receiving other people's reactions.

Just after PD signaled that he could board the ship, Song Zhixiao suddenly asked, "Are we going to sea?" "

"Yes, what's wrong?" Everyone is strange.

At this time, Kim Jae-ho suddenly said, "Is it Tannick?" "

This sudden commotion is also to let out, Kim Jae-ho is not enough, continue to say in English: "You jump me jump? "

The audience king haha gave Kim Jae-ho applause, he felt very proud to have such an excellent and provocative brother.

Song Jihyo was also laughed by Kim Jae-ho's commotion, especially Kim Jae-ho also began to whistle, blowing the titanic, the tone is still accurate, really, too coquettish.

After Kim finished laughing, he finally boarded the boat, under the blue sky, the wild goose V-shaped was flying, the sea breeze was blowing, and Kim Jae-ho shrunk into his clothes again.

It's so cold...

"Hurry up and go up, it's too cold!" Kim Jae-ho said, stroking his arm.

But not so fast, boarding such a big ship, there must be a sense of ceremony, the captain and the flight attendants are waiting in line, the members line up one by one to walk over, and then one by one took the balloons handed over by the flight attendant at the head of the line.

Kim Jae-ho walked over and looked, boom! White girl!

Then he immediately stopped and stretched out his hand and put on a smile that he thought was very murderous and asked, "HELLO~HOW-ARE-YOU?"

The white girl was also caught off guard, but she seemed to have a good impression of Kim Jae-ho's performance, and also smiled and shook her hand.

Kim Jae-ho then said to himself, "I'M-FINE.thank-you~"

How can anyone ask themselves and answer?

It's really humiliating, shouldn't you only have these two sentences? Really, after everyone complained a few times, they quickly pulled Kim Jae-ho away, leaving him here is too humiliating.......

Kim Jae-ho waved his hand while being dragged and shouted, "Bye bye! Nice-to-meet-you"

"Don't say it!" Haha quickly dragged him while freeing a hand to cover his mouth, and Liu Zaishi kept apologizing to the flight attendants waving in the back.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't care about this, this last sentence is matched, if he can't say it, he is uncomfortable!

"Be reserved! Song Zhixiao is still here! "

Liu Zaishi listened to the loud rebuke from behind, and now he feels a little like lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot, and last week he told Kim Jae-ho to be enthusiastic about doing the show and be enthusiastic about everything, but Kim Jae-ho This is really too enthusiastic.

However, this humiliating feeling soon became a passing eye, because as soon as everyone entered the cabin, they were shocked by the luxurious decoration inside, and to be honest, they also believed the decoration inside.

Soon, everyone began to visit, and the exclamations kept coming, and a group of people shouted as if they had never seen the world, and the loudest of them was Kim Jae-ho.

Lee Kwang-joo, who followed behind, kept recalling the words Kim Jae-ho had said in his mind, "Look at you like that~ It's like you've never been on a boat~"

After everyone toured, they returned to the place requested by the film crew, and suddenly, everyone heard the sound of the radio, but it was hazy and a little inaudible.

4.5 "What is this saying?" "Everyone listens with their ears up.

"Really, can such a luxurious ship be equipped with a better broadcasting system?" Kim Jae-ho complained.

Litchi looked at Kim Jae-ho in amazement, thinking that Kim Jae-ho really dared to say ah~ Although she also thought so in her heart.

But even if it was very vague, everyone quickly reacted that this originally said that the ship was sailing!

When he heard PD say that the boat was going to drive to the Gwangan Bridge for a night, Song Zhixiao waved his little hand and was so excited that he couldn't do it.

"Why is Zhizhi so happy? Like it there? Next time I'll take you~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

The sudden commotion also flashed to everyone's waist, but Song Zhixiao is really much livelier tonight, and it may really be the reason for the ship.

In any case, sailing is always fascinating, and today's cruise ship has just begun. _

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