Looking at the inseparable pride on Brother Min Jong's face, there was a low-key sense of luxury, and Kim Jae-ho was very envious.

He couldn't help but wonder if a few years later, there would be a group of people who were still looking at their works, passing on certain lines and scenes as classics, and even, years later, when they were old, would anyone remember them.

Why would he think about this?

Because he knows very well that in his previous life, he did not do anything that can make everyone remember him, everything he did was just living for himself, although he was in society, but independent of society.

He can insult others on the Internet, he can say foul language at will, he can be bad, why? Because no one cares what he did, except, of course, the person he hurt.

Of course, he has never done this, as a Buddhist teenager, he prefers to chase dramas, watch movies, watch anime, watch small movies, play games, that's all.

Chasing dramas is cool for a while, and chasing dramas has always been cool.

But today, when he saw this situation, he couldn't help but think, in this life, can he live a different life?

Like this, it generally boils down to three words - think too much.

I put this down to the troubles of the rich, you know, when a person is poor, he doesn't think about it, and when a person's material life is already roughly satisfied, the more he thinks about it.

Without further ado, the battle has begun, and everyone must use a witty method to change their clothes without Minzhong noticing.

The first challenge is Haha and the End Country.

What they want to play is a classic rival play, probably in order to cheer up the disciple, the teacher hit the disciple and slapped, and then the disciple returned the teacher's slap in anger, and the teacher fell to the ground to express gratification, which is probably such a plot.

The origin is temporarily the deputy director, he regrets the action, that is, the start of shooting, haha the whole expression changed.

From a short body haha, instantly transformed into an arrogant short body haha!

Then, with the cooperation of Jin Zhiguo, he directly hit Jin Zhiguo to the ground with two punches as soon as he came up, which caused everyone to applaud, mainly the applause of Jin Zhiguo's usual bullying targets.


This is the average person.

"Good!! Well played!! Ah! This should have come to me! Right! That's it! Hit him! Hey, it's really relieved!! "

This is Kim Jae-ho.

Looking at the majestic Jin Zhiguo in the past, he was actually pressed to the ground and beaten by Haha, which instantly gave the oppressive class a sense of substitution, Haha directly incarnated as "Ha Tailong", and threw his eyes to the sky without saying a word, and threw it directly to the audience.

Kim Jae-ho caught it like a flower ball, and then shouted, "Ah! How handsome! Oppa Huaiting! "

Taking advantage of this opportunity, haha to the ground Jin Zhiguo is a continuous beating, the lines are gone, turned into a violent little teddy, crazy output to the Jin Zhiguo on the ground, when the love is strong, the coat is taken off and thrown on the ground.

After a minute of inhumane unilateral output, both of them took off their coats, fortunately they still wore clothes inside, otherwise with Jin Zhiguo's figure, this face would probably become some kind of ineffable philosophical play...

Next is the key, haha has to slap Jin Zhiguo, and Jin Zhiguo has to show his eye acting skills when he is beaten several times.

"From now on, you and I are no longer a teacher-student relationship!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Haha slapped Jin Zhiguo, and after being beaten, Jin Zhiguo instantly threw his head back, his eyes widened, and the sharp eyes scared Haha back two steps and made everyone laugh back two steps.

Next, haha slapped Kim Junguo several times, and each time Kim Junguo would throw his head back, and his eyes widened more and more, Kim Jae-ho swore that the first time he saw Kim Junguo's eyes were so big, looking at that, Kim Jae-ho was distressed.

"He's really trying!" Kim Jae-ho laughed distressedly.

Just in the midst of laughter, the arrogant short body haha delivered the last blow, and at this moment, he suddenly recalled the horror from the Jin Zhiguo...

Haha hit after blow, knocking tons of damage on the dignity of Jin Zhiguo, it's time to teach Haha to be human.


In the midst of everyone's exclamation, Jin Zhiguo suddenly took off his T-shirt, and we can see his angry abs in the process, fortunately, he actually wore a T-shirt inside, which was really disappointing...

Jin Zhiguo, who took off his T-shirt, seemed to liberate his own power, transformed into a Spartan, grabbed Haha and threw it on the ground, looking at Haha's miserable figure, Jin Zhiguo did not forget to shout, "Teacher!! "

What a dutiful actor~ never forget his identity.


"It's really rotten, hahaha~" Liu Zaishi couldn't help but say.

Even Kim Jae-ho had to admit that from this moment, this scene was a little embarrassing.

It stands to reason that this should be the end, but Jin Zhiguo obviously has his own ideas, you know, actors have their own ideas, it is a reasonable thing, they just want to enrich their roles, but what Jin Zhiguo did, it was more like retaliation more...

I saw that Jin Zhiguo grabbed Haha is a set of combination punches, and finally hit Haha's clothes were beaten out, how tragic you say!

This can't help but make people worry, if it continues to fight, will this show be banned for nineteen...

But Min Jong is indeed a conscientious director who immediately stopped their ridiculous behavior, and he didn't want to watch a live-action philosophical wrestling, so he tinked the alarm bell of failure.

"Ah~ Director Jing is really strict~" Kim Jae-ho said when he saw this.

Seeing that he had failed, Jin Zhiguo accused him and said, "It's all to blame that you fought too much in front!" "

Haha thought to yourself, this is obviously the failure of you who fought too much later...

Of course, the play was over, so he didn't dare to say ...

Then, Song Zhongji secretly gave them a thumbs up.

I believe everyone knows what they are doing~

On the surface, he was wrestling, in fact, he was taking the opportunity to change his T-shirt, and Brother Min Zhong obviously didn't see it, after all, it was very reasonable to PK off the equipment, so he didn't have any doubts.

And in fact, while they were performing, Lychee also took the opportunity to change his clothes behind Min Zhong, and Kim Jae-ho kept talking on the other side, which was attracting Min Jong's attention, I didn't see it~

Well, I didn't see it either, in fact, he didn't even know that Litchi had changed his clothes, this guy was just purely watching the play, or the kind of audience who likes to nag ...

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