Miyata looked at the receiver in his hand. What came out was the blind tone after hanging up. He frowned tightly, feeling a bad premonition.

He came here today to make final preparations before evacuation and to eliminate all traces. As a result, he didn't see his deputy Mori Yue all morning. He had just arranged for someone to look for him, but before anyone responded, he received a call from the man who turned against them. A phone call from a Kuomintang intelligence officer.

The call was obviously made in a hurry. After finishing speaking, he hung up without waiting for his response. It was obvious that the situation was very urgent at that time.

Miyata immediately asked someone to call Yamamoto, the captain of the death squad, and asked him to go to Ripple's residence to check. Then he asked the operator to check the address where the call came from, and arranged for someone to confirm it.

About forty minutes later, Yamamoto came back and reported to Miyata:

"Section Chief Miyata, I went to see the new address of Wu Lianyi. There were two people nearby watching her house. I avoided them and entered the room, but there was no one inside."

"Did you notice anything unusual?"

"The house is very clean and has all the necessary supplies. It doesn't look like someone left in a hurry."

"I understand. I'm afraid things may change. You should leave first with the people left behind and lurk immediately."

Miyata immediately ordered.

"Yes, we will definitely not betray the Emperor's trust."

Yamamoto bowed and quietly left the headquarters with twenty carefully selected people.

After Yamamoto left, the phone on Miyata's desk rang again, and he picked it up directly:

"Section Chief Miyata, I found out where the call came from. It was made from a public phone booth on Hongxia Road.

Our people went to check, and according to a nearby vendor, they only saw a woman wearing a white cheongsam go in and make a phone call throughout the morning, and the time was very short, and then the woman turned in with a hurried look. In the alley to the side.

Because the other person was very beautiful, these vendors took a second look and remembered the other person. "

"Are there no other clues?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, you guys gather up the team first."

Miyata hung up the phone, and the bad feeling in his heart deepened. He opened the door directly and shouted to the aisle:

"Is Moriyue not here yet?"

"Report to Section Chief Miyata, but he still hasn't been found."

Immediately, a female officer trotted out and replied to Miyata's words.

"Wasn't he on duty yesterday? Where was he? Didn't you see him when he left?"

Miyata said displeased.

"Section Chief Miyata, it was true that Morikoshi was on duty yesterday. He also checked the post last night. Everyone saw him, but..."

"It's just what? You're hesitating, tell me!"

"The last person who saw him said that Mori Yue entered your office, but he was not sure when he left. He was not seen during the shift."

Miyata's eyebrows twitched, then he turned back to the room and immediately went to check the important documents in the secret compartment.

The documents were still there, but a piece of hair he had caught in them was missing. This made his heart skip a beat and he threw both documents into the brazier.

Miyata sat back on the chair, his eyes darkening. Lianyi probably didn't expect that her night visit to the Japanese headquarters was discovered by the adjutant, which actually made her plan more perfect.

Miyata considered all possible situations and then asked the intelligence personnel to send out different messages.

All that was left was to wait. Miyata waited until midnight. Just when he lost patience and thought Lianyi was probably dead, the guard called and said that a man named Wu Lianyi wanted to see him.

"Bring her to me immediately."


The soldier at the door took Ripple directly to Miyata's office, then turned around and guarded the door.

Miyata looked a little embarrassed, wearing a black cheongsam and a black scarf, and asked directly:

"If you don't come, I'm going to leave."

"Mr. Miyata, I'm sorry! I hid after I got rid of the tracking. I didn't dare to come during the day, so I waited until now."

"Who is following you? Why are you following you? What important information are you talking about?"

Miyata didn't talk nonsense at all and asked three questions directly.

"The person following me is your adjutant. I don't know his name! He is following me to silence me! Because when I went out in the morning, I accidentally found him meeting with an intelligence officer of the Kuomintang. I felt surprised. After a few glances, he spotted me and I ran away!”

If Lianyi had said this a day ago, Miyata would never have believed it, but now he had reservations and asked with a frown:

"Are you sure that the person Moriyue met was an intelligence officer of the Kuomintang?"

"I'm sure, that person once trained me and taught us how to decipher intelligence. I won't be mistaken."

Ripple said firmly.

At this time, the phone on Miyata's desk rang again. He frowned and picked it up. The doorman's voice came from inside:

"Section Chief Miyata, Mori Yue is back. He seems to be drunk. He shouted that he wanted to see you, and he didn't let us help him. He went directly to your office."

"Are you sure it's Morita?"


"I understand, please don't act rashly for the time being."


After Miyata hung up the phone, he saw Ripple with a frightened look on his face. He started circling in the office, and then said with a pale face:

"He knew that I would definitely come to see Mr. Miyata, so he was waiting for me. Otherwise, why would he come after me as soon as I entered your office! Do I want to hide?"

"No, as long as I'm here, you can confront me face to face!"

Miyata said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh well!"

Ripple nodded quickly, then took a few steps back to reach the desk, some distance away from the door.

A knock on the door sounded. Miyata held a gun in his hand and said in a deep voice:

"Come in!"

The moment the door was opened and closed, a man with his head lowered walked in. As soon as he took a step, he crawled and fell to the ground. Then a strong smell of alcohol floated into the noses of Miyata and Ripple.

"Wow! Miyata. I made a discovery!"

The people on the ground spoke vaguely.

Lianyi seemed to be frightened, and retreated to the side, wishing that he was thousands of miles away from the other party, and didn't even have the courage to go up and check.

Miyata always felt that something was wrong. He stood up with the gun in his right hand. Watching Ripple hide away from the two of them, he walked over directly. He grabbed the other person's hair with his left hand and forced Mori Yue to look directly at him. The next second, he His expression changed, and he was about to shoot when he felt a cold hand hold his neck.

Miyata immediately backhand, trying to turn the gun, but unfortunately the next second, he heard a "click" and then lost consciousness.

"Moriyoshi" who was lying on the ground also jumped up. When he saw the woman who came in early, he stuffed Miyata, who had broken his neck, under the table.

"Hurry up, get ready to destroy the power supply, and I'll get the explosives."

At this time, Lianyi had covered his face and said to Lao Zhou who was dressed as "Sen Yue".


"Sister Mei's craftsmanship is very good. People who are not familiar with it will not be able to spot the flaws, especially after the power outage."

Ripple commented, then opened the window, avoided the searchlight, and jumped out.

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