Snake Lao had no objection to Master Jade Fan Xiao Shu's decision. He just felt that they were being used by the government this time and gained nothing, which was very disappointing.

Wang Meimei mainly wanted to follow her brother Xiao, so she had no objection. Moreover, she sent someone to send a message to Lianyi, telling her the time of their departure and asking if she would go with them.

After Lianyi received the news, he decided to act together with these Jianghu people, which would be more lively and less likely to be robbed.

"You! I think you're not afraid of being robbed, but you're afraid of not having fun."

Wang Zhenzhen nodded her head and said with a smile.

"Aunt Zhen, you've discovered this! I do think it's more lively when there are more people. Mr. Qi's identity is a bit special. If we don't want to expose our identity, we shouldn't get too close to him for the time being.

Moreover, the mountain bandits near Huairou County are a matter carefully controlled by Mongolia. It is estimated that there will be more investigation. Human trafficking is also involved in this. They are all children and women, and they were all sold to Mongolia. The water here is a bit deep. , let’s not get involved. Anyway, I have already given all the help that should be given. "

Lianyi smiled and spread his hands.

"These details are certainly abominable, but their allegiance is to the Mongolian country. What is even more hateful are the Han people who are cheating for profit. They are really worthy of the phrase "lust for profit."

It is estimated that none of these people will have a good harvest. As the news spreads, Huairou County will also become the center of the whirlpool. It is better for us to set off as soon as possible. "

Wang Zhenzhen said after thinking for a while.

"Yes, Aunt Zhen, I think so too. Just as Wang Meimei came to deliver the letter, we will set off together tomorrow."

After the matter was settled, Lianyi made preparations in advance and sent Wang Yaozu to buy some dry food for use on the road.

Wang Yaozu took the scraps of silver and went to the commercial street in Huairou County. Before leaving, Lianyi made him a list of things that needed to be purchased. He also promised him that as long as he had the ability to bargain, the remaining silver would be his. .

"Hmph! I only have five taels of broken silver, and I still want to have some left over, but it's probably not enough to spend, so you just want to exploit me!"

Wang Yaozu muttered as he walked.

However, he still subconsciously shopped around, and then started to bargain with the store, hoping to buy the best thing with the least money, not for the remaining money, but to prove that he was capable.

So he didn't notice anyone following him, and the person following him was none other than Hai Zanghong's attendant. He also doubted his eyes a little, not sure if he was following the second son of the Wang family as the young master said. He had never seen someone as rich as a country. The young master of the Wang family still wants to bargain.

One of the two people bought in front and the other followed behind. Then the attendant saw the second young master dressed as a coachman carrying a big basket contentedly. He happily kicked the remaining small dime of silver back into his arms and walked back quickly. Ruyi Inn.

After confirming that the other party had not come out, the attendant immediately went to report to his young master.

"Sir, the young master you mentioned stayed at Ruyi Inn."

"Can you see the people traveling with him?"

"No, he went to Guangshan Street to buy something alone, and then carried it back alone, without even a servant around him."


Hai Zanghong tapped his palm with a folding fan, said with a smile, and then whispered a few words in the attendant's ear, asking him to do it immediately.


The attendant hesitated.


Hai Zanghong immediately turned down his face, frightened the attendant, and immediately bowed and left the room.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yaozu went to the escort office and handed the child and the carriage to the escort leader. Then he returned to Ruyi Inn and continued to work as a coachman, dragging Mrs. Zhen and Lianyi to join the knights. .

Both sides had a good impression of each other, and besides, everyone had the same destination, so it was a matter of course that they left Huairou County together and set off for the next county.

After leaving the city, Lianyi rode on Bailong, and then chatted with Wang Meimei.

"Lianyi, who do you study under?"

"I studied under Su Nu Gong."

"Really? That sect that is rumored to be eternally youthful!"

Wang Meimei immediately became interested, and with a pair of sparkling eyes, she immediately began to look up and down at Ripples.

"You also said it was a rumor. I don't know who deliberately spread it like this. It's just because the internal skills and mental methods of Su Nu Palace are more suitable for women to practice. If you practice successfully, you can indeed delay aging, but you can't achieve eternal youth. Purpose."

Lianyi waved his hand and denied.

"I heard that this rumor spread because the palace owner of the Su Nu Palace attended the wedding of her old friend's son. People who attended the wedding said that the palace owner Su was beautiful, elegant, and had a great temperament, not even inferior to the bride."

As a little girl, Wang Meimei naturally loves beauty and hopes that she will not age old.

"That's just a rumor, just listen to it, don't take it seriously."

"Then I dare to ask Lianyi how old you are?"

Wang Meimei asked in a lowered voice.

"This girl is eighteen years old. She is in her prime. She is not an old aunt wearing a childish appearance."

Ripple said with a smile.

"Hey! You saw what I really wanted to ask."

Wang Meimei pursed her lips and chuckled.

A "swish" sound broke the calm of the advancing team, and an arrow hit Bailong's horse's hoof. The shocked Bailong stood up straight, and paced restlessly after the hoof landed.

Then a "swish, swish" rain of arrows fell, and the target was actually Lianyi's carriage.

When the white dragon stood up, Lianyi had already turned over and jumped onto the top of the carriage. Holding the Thunder Yao Sword in his hand, he spun around and landed on the side of the carriage, pushing the stunned Wang Yaozu into the carriage.

"Lianyi, just concentrate on fighting the enemy. I'll be fine."

Wang Zhenzhen's voice came from the car. She was very calm and could handle this small scene.

Lianyi responded, then raised the sword flower with her backhand, and the Thunder Yao Sword came out of her hand, spinning rapidly in front of her, knocking down the rain of arrows. In a moment, arrows fell on the ground in front of her.

The Jianghu people walking in front also noticed that the team was under attack, and immediately turned their horses and came back to support.

"His grandma! Dare to plot against us! They will never come back!"

The people in the team cursed and waved their weapons to chop down the arrows.

Lianyi frowned and cut open the water bag that Wang Yaozu had left on the shaft of the car. The moment the water came out, she sucked it up with her hand. Then she injected internal force into the water and waved it out. The target was the direction from which the arrow came.

The sound of "crackling" was heard endlessly. It was the sound of water droplets containing internal force, passing through leaves and trees, injuring the attacker, and shooting into the soil. Immediately, a wailing sound came from the forest beside the road, and the opponent The attack immediately slowed down.

Taking advantage of the victory, Lianyi pursued the attack and once again used water droplets as hidden weapons to swing towards the dense forest. After doing this three times, no more arrows were shot.

Hey guys, Ka Wen Ka is awesome today! ! Code as many chapters as you can, please comfort me~

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