Tong Wanwan was stunned for a moment as she listened to the blind voice on the microphone, feeling that something was beyond her expectation.

Afterwards, she immediately went to the restaurant where she often ordered food, delivered the news that the messenger had been killed, and then went back to wait for the order.

Tong Wanwan didn't know that everything she did was being monitored, including the restaurant.

Wan Liang interrogated the messenger at a secret interrogation location, hoping to get more information to help Lianyi.

Ripple waited for a week, but the other phone never rang, so she ignored it and just asked Ma Lu to be ready to follow it.

Shortly after Zhen Yunyi was buried, Lianyi received a call from Felix.

"Yun, how are you lately?"

"Thanks to you, Mr. Felix, I'm fine."

"Are you satisfied with the last batch of goods?"

"It's not bad. I found a good buyer from the Middle East. He uses it for his own use, so it won't flow into the market. This is also a test for me, and the result is much better than I expected."

Ripple turned on the speaker and answered Felix's call.

"As long as you're satisfied! I have a batch of goods here that were eliminated by the F country's army. I have them in my pocket. Are you interested?"

"Are there any heavy weapons?"


"Against the air or land?"


"It's really tempting. The profit should be very high. There should be a lot of buyers in Europe!"

Ripple asked tentatively. She didn't believe in pie-in-the-sky things.

"Yun, have I ever said that you are the smartest oriental woman?"

Felix complimented.

"I just heard it. Thank you for your compliment. If you have any questions, just say it!"

"I swallowed this batch of goods and offended some colleagues, so they teamed up to block the sea lines. My cargo ship could not leave the port. This batch of goods could only be transported by land or air. This increased the cost and risk, so I urgently needed a A reliable ally.

At the same time, in order to avoid the European market and not completely anger them, I thought of you. If this batch of goods enters the Southeast Asian market, you will make money and occupy the market, killing two birds with one stone. What do you think? "

After hearing this, Lion was about to translate for Lianyi, but she directly replied in fluent F Mandarin:

"Feili, you are very proficient in Chinese, and you also know how to kill two birds with one stone. Please send me the detailed information of this batch of arms. I will make an evaluation. Although what you said is very tempting, I am a businessman and I have to weigh it. Pros and cons.”

"Yun, you can speak the F language! It seems that the lion has revealed his secret a long time ago."

"He taught me well."

"Haha! It seems that our communication will be smoother in the future. I will send the information over in a moment and give you three days to think about it. I'm waiting for your good news."


Shortly after hanging up the phone, Ma Lu's computer received a message from Felix.

"You pass the news to your superiors to see if there is anything urgently needed by the military, and then decide whether to do this business. In addition, use your contacts in Europe to see if what Felix said is the truth."

Ripple said directly to the lion.

"Well, I know what to do."

Three days later, after all the information was summarized, Ripple called Felix:

"Mr. Felix, I am very interested in this batch of arms."

"Yun, you always seize the opportunity. This decision is definitely the right one."

After Felix blew his rainbow fart, he entered the bargaining stage.

After communication between the two parties, the first payment entered Felix's account one day later. The two parties reached an agreement and Lianyi prepared to personally go to Country F to bring back the shipment.

"Take land?"

Gong Fan asked.

"Air transport! Traveling by land takes too long, the risk is too high, and the chance of being intercepted is too high."

Ripple replied directly.

"The cost is a bit high."

Malu whispered.

"Ma Lu, do you really think you can make money this time? It's good if you don't lose money."

Ripple said with a smile.

"Ma Lu, you are really out of your mind! If it weren't for studying the core of surface-to-air weapons this time, there would be no need to accept this order."

Xuan Xi teased from the side.

"You guys don't look at the financial statements, but I do.

Yunyi Group's official business profits are considerable on the surface, but it is still a bit difficult to support the private arms trade.

Therefore, in addition to keeping some of this batch for research, we have to sell the rest appropriately, otherwise it will arouse Felix's suspicion. If we only purchase goods but do not ship them, sooner or later he will doubt Yunyi's identity. "

The road crackled and explained.

"Ma Lu is right, so I have discussed with professional managers to prepare for diversified development, focusing on industrial development, and placing some high-return investment projects in the third batch."

Lianyi looked through the information in his hands and told a few people about the development direction of the group.

He Yi also heard about Lianyi's purpose of going to European country F this time. He was a little worried and planned to add a few more guards to her, but Lianyi declined.

"I'm already familiar with the four of them, and we cooperate with each other quite well. There is no need to add more bodyguards for the time being. They are familiar with Country F, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

After doing his homework, Lianyi left China with his entourage and boarded a direct flight to Country F.

Lianyi and his party stayed in country F for fourteen days, and it can be said that every day was wonderful.

Felix didn't lie, because he swallowed this batch of arms alone, which made his colleagues jealous, so Lianyi and his party encountered a lot of trouble when they arrived.

From the moment Lianying landed and got on the pick-up car, they were faced with unkind stares from those around them.

"Yun, we have to be more vigilant next. I just found some old friends."

The lion had already taken out his pistol, loaded it with bullets, and spoke as a reminder.

Malu's fingers flew on the keyboard, calling up the surrounding surveillance as quickly as possible. Xuan Si took out a local mobile phone from country F and started sending messages to contact the helpers. Gong Fan motioned to Lianyi to check his equipment, and he himself Checking his weapons.

Ripple was relatively calm, she said coldly:

"This time I will act with you. All those who dare to reach out to us will be eliminated!

They are both a temptation and a threat! If we don't even survive to reach Felix's territory, this batch of goods will really have no chance with us. Don't expect Felix to help us. "

The four of them looked up at Ripple, as if they had just met her today, and they had never found her to be so decisive and ruthless. In the past, they always thought it was Ripple in disguise.

But Lianyi just curled her lips and smiled, with the gun in her hand already pressed against the back of the driver's head, and asked in fluent F Mandarin:

"Sir, you seem to have taken the wrong route."

"Miss. Miss, please be careful."

Before the driver finished speaking, Ripple pulled the trigger, killing the other person instantly.

The car was a little out of control. Lianyi held the steering wheel with one hand and unbuckled the seat belt with the other hand. He easily pulled the person out of the driver's seat and threw him into the back seat. A gun fell out of the other person's arms.

"Xuan Xi, come and drive!"

There’s still time before ten o’clock~

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