Kuaiwen: Have any grievances? Crazy Patriarch will help you counterattack

Chapter 646 Guiding Light (End of Warlord Chapter)

Three days later, Lianyi appeared on the front line in a military uniform, with bright eyes and calm command of the battle, and began a full-scale counterattack. This time she issued a death order. The invaders should stay as long as they can. As an invader, you must do a good job. Be prepared to be defeated and killed.

At the same time, Mu Zongqing and his daughter began to fight back at the same time. Within four years, all deployments had been completed, and all that was left was to shrink the front line and drive out the invaders steadily.

A total of more than two million people were mobilized on the northern and southern battlefields in the final battle, which severely drove the D country invaders out of the country, leaving a strong mark in the history of Xia Kingdom.

Although the war was victorious, what awaited the entire Xia Kingdom were the mountains and rivers that needed to be reorganized, the economy that needed to be restored, and the food, clothing, and housing of the people.

Lianyi quickly returned to Nanning with a team of personal guards, joined Duan Zongqing, and settled the new government in Nanning. Duan Zongqing became the first president.

Lianyi took command of the country's troops and became a veritable general. The generals of the Duan family who studied abroad with her were tempered by blood and fire. They all took charge of their own duties and guarded the four sides. The Xia Kingdom entered a time of recuperation, and Lianyi formulated five A ten-year plan to promote the development of Xia State step by step.

Duan Zongqing fought in various battles in his early years, and he was already injured. In addition, post-war reconstruction was not his strong point. Naturally, he worked hard and passed away in his sleep after his sixtieth birthday.

Lianyi remained unmarried all her life and devoted all her energy to the construction of the Xia Kingdom, becoming a role model for millions of women in the Xia Kingdom. When she retired from the position of general because of her blindness, she had already cultivated herself well. The successor was pushed forward and the smooth transition of power was completed.

Two years after his father passed away, Lianyi arranged everything and returned to the Space-Time Management Bureau.

For the Xia Kingdom, they lost the person who led them to the light, and the whole country mourned. At this time, a crazy woman ran out and shouted:

"The Duan family father and daughter should have died long ago. These achievements are not yours! They are not yours! Hahaha!"

Then the crazy woman was caught on the spot, and the people around her kept throwing stones at her. Even a lunatic could not insult the most respectable person in their hearts.

This crazy woman was Yun Siyu. She died in the cell in the end because even a prisoner would not allow her to slander the late president and general.

When Yun Siyu opened her eyes again, what she saw was the hanging bottle on one side. She was in a daze for a long time and did not make a sound. When the nurse came to change her dressing, she realized that she was awake and immediately said:

"Doctor Yun, are you awake? I'm going to find someone to check you out."

After an examination, Yun Siyu was sure that she had returned to her original world after her death. She didn't know whether what she experienced was real or fake, or just a dream.

"Dr. Yun, the small amount of bleeding in your brain has stopped and absorbed by itself. All that's left is to rest. You are lucky."

"Thank you, Dr. Liang!"

Yun Siyu weakly thanked her.

After all her colleagues went out, she found her mobile phone, charged it, and then eagerly opened the Internet to search for events from that year. Then her eyes were as big as a copper bell.

Because it is shown above that Duan Zongqing was the first president of the Xia Kingdom, and his daughter Duan Lianyi was called the "God of War" of the Xia Kingdom. Until the other party's death, her reputation shocked everyone, and the Xia Kingdom's army also inherited her The fighting style makes surrounding countries fearful.

Then Yun Siyu searched for her name with trembling hands, and the one that popped up along with her name was Zhang Xuetao, who was also an unofficial historian. In this record, she was the one who ruined the marriage between Duan and Zhang families.

However, the person who bears more infamy is Zhang Xuetao. If he hadn't been unable to control himself and even wanted to kill the Duan family and his daughter, he would not have been used by the forces of country D. In the end, he got burned and killed himself and others. His own father.

With a "bah" sound, the phone fell to the ground. Yun Siyu trembled all over. At this moment, she was sure that because of her, this butterfly, she had completely changed history.

Looking at Yun Siyu's face, Lianyi nodded with satisfaction, which should make her live in fear.

"Lianyi, you completed your mission beautifully this time, and even ended the war early, so you have merit, congratulations!"

Shijiu's red phoenix eyes narrowed to a slit and he said with a smile.

"Tongxi, this time I will rest for a few more days before taking on the mission."

"No problem. After completing the previous mission, you entered this mission seamlessly, so you have eight days of rest. It's not too late to take up the mission after you have rested."

Lianyi nodded, disappeared in front of Shijiu, and returned to his own space.

When she opened her eyes again, Ripple felt like the world was spinning, and then she sat on the ground uncontrollably.

"Hey, there's a new person joining!"

"It's all raw melon and eggs. I don't know how many rounds I can last. I don't want to carry these burdens."

"The rules of the game are to at least protect them from death in one round so that we can get points. If they die as soon as they come, our points will be deducted, which is not worth it."

"That's right, just be a nanny for one round, and the points you earn can be used to upgrade equipment."

Listening to what these people said, it seemed that she was not in danger now. Ripple calmed down and got up from the ground. Just as she was about to find a place to receive the memory of her original body, she heard a steady male voice:

"What is this place? How did I get here?"

"This is a game world. Only by completing the corresponding tasks can you return to the original world. You'd better adapt as soon as possible and don't hold us back when the tasks begin."

A lazy female voice said.

Only then did Ripple see clearly that there were four people on the opposite side. A beautiful woman in black tights. There were knives and guns hanging on the outside of her thighs and on the belt around her waist. She was looking at Ripple and the other person next to her with a half-smile. three people.

The first man to speak was probably the man in the sleeveless jacket. He was wearing a pair of jeans, riding boots on his feet, and a big knife on his back. His exposed arms were bulging muscles, and he had a beard. It's not someone to be trifled with.

Standing next to the man was a thin and gloomy boy. He was wearing a white armor and was shaving his nails with a sharp knife. His eyes were too white and stared at the person, which made people very uncomfortable.

There was also a bald middle-aged man. His eyes were lingering on Ripple and another girl next to her, as if he were looking at goods. Then he grinned at Ripple, revealing his big yellow teeth. People are disgusting.

The weapon he held in his hand was a crimson whip. When he saw Ripple looking over, he proudly tapped his hand twice and said in a broken gong voice:

"Don't worry, Master Song will protect you and will definitely help you pass the first level smoothly. You two just need to be obedient."

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