"Let's plant! Only plant the three acres of medium-sized fields. We will not plant the newly opened land for the time being. Save some wheat seeds."

Song Dachuan thought for a while and said.

"Listen to you, we will be busy even if we plant three acres."

Hui Niang is a standard woman who regards her husband as her first priority. She does whatever Song Dachuan says.

Lianyi also helped this time. She didn't let Song Dachuan cut off the winter wheat that didn't grow. Instead, she dug fire breaks and burned all the empty wheat straws with a fire. The burned vegetation ash could be used as land. The nutrients can also burn some of the insect eggs in the soil. Although not all of them, it can be a smaller amount.

After that, Song Dachuan began to plow the ground, and Lianyi still took Huzi to cook for the couple. By the way, he also took good care of the vegetable plot in the back yard of his home. When spring started, he could plant vegetables and get a harvest before the severe drought. Wave greens.

Huzi now walks very steadily and speaks more clearly. Perhaps it is because of the nourishment of spiritual energy. He has also grown a little. Now he looks no different from a four-year-old child. Moreover, Huzi is very smart. , you can learn what Lianyi teaches as soon as possible.

Lianyi first started teaching from the Three Character Classic, which is the best-selling enlightenment book. She went to the town to spend money to buy a copy, which is still well kept at home.

When Song Dachuan asked about it, Lianyi just said that she learned it at the Dong family. Because she was going to be a dowry maid, she had to be literate, otherwise she wouldn't be able to organize the study room for the second Miss Dong.

"I learned some lessons from Miss Dong Er on weekdays. Later, when I was determined to be a dowry maid, there was a special female teacher who specially taught me. The purpose was just to help me win over my uncle's heart, but in the end it was cheaper. Me, they can’t take back what I learned in my head, so I just teach my younger brother.”

Lianyi explained with a smile.

"troubled you."

Song Dachuan once again felt that he owed his daughter.

"What's so difficult about this? I've learned something. Now that my family's conditions are limited, I'll teach Huzi what I know first. When the family's conditions improve and Huzi gets older, I'll send him to school. Huzi If you are smart, you will definitely become famous."

Lianyi already has a plan for Huzi.

"Sister, I must study hard."

Huzi promised with bright eyes.

"Okay, when Huzi becomes the number one scholar, I can take advantage of it."

Lianyi said with a smile.

After the villagers finished their spring planting, they prayed to God for rain every day. However, after a spring rain, there was no more rain. In order to make the planted seeds germinate, the villagers could only carry water to irrigate the fields.

The Song Dachuan family also joined the field watering, but this time the main force was replaced by Lianyi and Song Dachuan. Huiniang took care of Huzi at home, taking care of the vegetable plot, chickens and ducks at home.

When Lianyi carries water, she will collect some water into the space. A small amount adds up to a big amount, which at least is enough for food. She also pays attention to the water tank at home, and the water level has never dropped.

Everyone in the village was carrying water to irrigate the fields. The water level in the river dropped sharply. In the end, the village chief came forward and lined up a team to ensure that at least three acres of land for each household could be watered. The rest depended on the water level in the river. situation.

Fortunately, Song Dachuan had the foresight to abandon two acres of wasteland and plant three acres of medium-sized fields. When the land was watered thoroughly, the wheat in the field barely took root and sprouted. The farmers just breathed a sigh of relief. On the day of the Beginning of Summer, overwhelming locusts attacked all the crop fields south of Liangzhou Prefecture. This became the straw that broke the camel's back.

All the towns and villages under the jurisdiction of Yongfeng County suffered from insect infestations. The county magistrate was so anxious that he pulled out his beard and had to write a note all night, and then rushed it to Kyoto for 800 miles. The next step was to appease the affected people, Zhuanzhuang He has to implement everything.

There is no imperial edict to open the granary to release grain, and the county magistrate cannot open the granary privately. However, the people have realized the seriousness of the problem and have begun to loot grain. Many grain stores in the county have closed down, and there are also some grain merchants who want to make a fortune for the country. We have temporarily closed the grain store and plan to wait until the price of grain gets higher before we start selling it to the outside world. We will also limit the amount every day and slowly increase the price as the market goes.

These are what Song Dachuan and the four brothers of the Zhang family learned about in Wangshan Town. Although they have food reserves at home, they will go to the town to grab some food like the people in the village. Everyone is grabbing food, and you are still lying there. At home, people will definitely doubt you.

The Zhang family is now very happy to have listened to Huiniang's words and bought some grain in advance. At least when they bought it, although the grain had increased by one or two cents, it was still within the normal range and they could afford it.

Now the price of grain has risen to an incredible level. One tael of silver can still not buy fifty kilograms of grain, and it is still coarse grain.

"Our family is doing better and we haven't reached the end of our rope yet. But now that the entire state capital has been affected by the disaster, we don't know how long we can hold on with this little food."

Old man Zhang also looked gloomy. They were in a village hit by the disaster this time, so they couldn't just sit back and rest.

If it was just their village, they would sacrifice their old face and borrow some from relatives and friends, but now everyone has been affected by the disaster and is in the same environment, and no one can help anyone.

"Master, let's prepare to escape!"

Ripple said directly when everyone was silent.

After hearing what Lianyi said, Song Dachuan and the Zhang family all focused their attention on Lianyi. Old man Zhang even frowned, obviously disapproving of Lianyi's proposal.

"Girl Lianyi, do you know what it means to escape?"

"I know, but we have to survive first. Should we wait to die waiting for death in a land where not even a grain of food can grow?"

Ripple said disapprovingly.

"The county magistrate will not sit back and watch the people starve to death."

Song Dachuan said without confidence.

"Dad, if the county magistrate really has a way, the price of food will not be the same every day. It will go up by three to five cents every day. Moreover, the food in the hands of the big grain merchants will be tight. If you don't wait until you are hungry, Dead people, they won’t buy food.”

Ripples broke Song Dachuan's fantasy.

"But where are you going to escape?"

This was what Mrs. Zhang asked. After all, she had stayed in Zhangjiacun all her life and had only been to the county once. She had never been to any place further away. She felt at a loss to leave here.

"Escape to a place where there are no disasters. Only there will be a way to survive."

Ripple said directly.

"This is a big deal, we need to discuss it carefully."

Although Old Man Zhang disapproved, he also knew the principle of moving people away from work, so he wanted to hear Lianyi's opinion. After all, she was the one who proposed this matter.

"Sir, there are many people who think the same as you. They think they can wait for relief from the government. However, once the food reserves are used up and the government does not act, there will definitely be a large number of fleeing teams. At that time, we will have no advantage if we set off again. .

Huzhou is the closest to our Liangzhou. Their boundaries are smaller than ours. They cannot accommodate so many people fleeing famine. Conflicts are inevitable. "

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