Chapter 130: It's just a matter of time

Whether or not to kill these people, Kuang San didn't feel much. It is basically impossible for the army to retaliate that Li Jiayu is worried about.

It is still up to them to relocate the main force of Yongcheng. The large army will always lead the way, and there is no time to take care of these "ordinary people."

Whether it can be found or not is another matter, not to mention the deepening contradiction between ordinary soldiers and the inheritors. Over time, it has almost reached the point of irreconcilability.

It is the best choice to fish and make jokes in this kind of battlefield.

The power of the anti-tank grenade naturally need not be said, even if it is only broken by the fragments, it will not be long. The scene was quite bloody, and even the people who passed by were trembling between the two, for fear that Li Jiayu would kill them if they were unhappy!

Yes, they didn't see Kurumi, only the white hair made them memorable.

"Crying Law~"

After finishing everything, Li Jiayu summoned the underworld war horse, patted the horse on the back and smiled at Kuang San. As for what it means, it is self-evident.

"I ride, you walk?"

Li Jiayu's face stiffened, but he knew Kuangsan's speed. If he was allowed to run this far, then... he wouldn't have to shoot when encountering bugs.

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, "Let's go, the space crack has been opened, and if it's later... it won't be so easy to get out!"

The last sentence disappeared along with the wind, and Kurumi had already turned into a black shadow and shot out.

He sighed helplessly, looking at the back of the horse that he slapped just now, obviously still want to hug Kuang San... Feel the soft body, but unfortunately...

Before he could finish thinking, the underworld warhorse ran after Kuang San! Li Jiayu grabbed the reins in an instant, or he would be thrown off by his own summoned beast, which would really lose the face of his great dark summoner.

There were many calls for help along the way, and the remaining two defense lines of the army had been glued together with the Zerg. But as time went by, those second-order bugs kept invading... The fate of the troops left behind can be imagined.

Suddenly, space cracks of different sizes burst out in the air, as if they were connected to the sea of ​​insects on the unknown plane.

The second-order insects have completely poured in! Except for those "old and mature insects," others like colorful centipedes, flying dragon lice, Canglei poisonous scorpions, and corpse poisonous spiders invaded!

Where there are many people, they will drill there!

Now the inheritors,

In addition to being able to defeat the second-order bugs by very few tricks, isn't the rest honestly their lunch?

Not to mention the corpse poisonous spider, which is comparable to the advanced venomous spider, its size alone is enough to suffocate ordinary people! Can you imagine that a spider is the size of a van?

They released cobwebs, and even some Sun Soul inheritors couldn't break free! In the end, they watched as they were swallowed up bit by bit by that hideous poisonous mouth, and the screams were endless!

At this time, the crowd wanted their parents to give them two more legs. Their speed was too slow! If there were people behind them who were constantly being preyed on by bugs, they would be caught up and eaten by those monsters in an instant!

There was a mess on the street, the underworld warhorse carrying Li Jiayu galloped fast, even those worms could easily jump past! Then the cobwebs were dodged, and the worms screamed!

As if he was very satisfied with his performance, there was a squeal of excitement in his nostrils. Two puffs of white smoke rushed out. If Li Jiayu hadn't had an experience, he might have turned pale with fright at this time!

There are fewer and fewer bugs on the road ahead, and the underworld warhorse begins to run with its hooves. In its strange eyes, it can faintly see the dark shadow in front of it, it is Kurumi!

A familiar voice came from his ear, causing Li Jiayu to turn his head unconsciously, isn't it Yang Xuyan, the Lightning Mage he rescued before?

"Crazy Three! Wait!"

Excessive speed caused the emergency stop to be unsatisfactory. Taking advantage of the dust, I could see Li Jiayu's situation clearly. Several huge bugs have surrounded him! Especially the colorful centipede!

The body is about 20 meters long! If it weren't for the weak breath, Kuang San would have thought it was a third-order insect!

(He still saves people? This is also a plot? Why can't I remember?) Many thoughts flashed through my mind, and before the dust completely dissipated, the black figure disappeared.

Approaching the tall building, this commercial building has long been empty, the Twilight Morning Star is held in his hand, and the sight in the sniper mirror has been locked on the flying dragon louse in the air!

The weak enchantment of the 'armor breaking' attribute entered the bullet, and in the next instant, it penetrated the flying dragon louse that was showing off its power and wanted to attack the little girl!

Just as Yang Xuyan was about to protect his sister, he found that the danger had been lifted, and he finally saw the figure of Siye Sisi that day.

The misunderstanding caused by Li Jiayu to him is not too deep, but all these premise are to solve the bug.

Just the twenty-meter-long colorful centipede was enough to give Kuangsan a headache. Even if a few shots were fired in the head and the bullets penetrated, it still had no effect.

That head is so big! Enraged, it looked for the murderer everywhere, and finally locked on Li Jiayu not far away! In its perception, only this human can bring a sense of danger to itself!

The speed of the huge figure is also extremely fast. Dozens of pairs of joints are inserted on the concrete floor, and the gravel suddenly cracks, leaving one small hole after another!

The pretty face was pressed against the Twilight Morning Star's jet-black gun, and the long black hair slanted down. If that's the case, then bombard every part of your head!

The colorful centipede is about to pounce in front of Li Jiayu! At this time, his summoned beasts have all been dispatched to fight with other insects, and they have no ability to return to help!

Even so, Li Jiayu is confident that he can kill it! Even with a body length of up to 20 meters, it cannot change the fact that it is only a second-order intermediate insect!

The carapace seems to be hard, but it looks fragile under the blade of the ice wheel pill! The unique gunshot sounded, but this time it was continuous, one shot after another, mixed with the heart-piercing screams of insects! tingling.

The colorful centipede that is invincible in the eyes of people, the high-raised upper body just fell to the ground! The carapace and the ground impacted together, it seems... they have sunk a lot!

Some people have excellent eyesight, and can clearly see that the head of the colorful centipede is full of green insect blood, and even the color of the original carapace has been covered up.

There are more than a dozen fist-sized holes mixed with white and yellow brains! the hell is this done?

Kuang San and Li Jiayu both exerted their strength to ease the street, and the crowd accelerated to escape from here.

The bullet pierced through several corpse poisonous spiders, and the whole street had long since become full of potholes. Of course, the one that contributed the most was the colorful centipede.

The size of this bug was only slightly smaller than the one in Yingzhou at the beginning. If it weren't for its body full of toxins, these insects alone would be enough to support the escape team for a long time.

Thanks to "MoeMoon" for the reward of 500 starting coins.

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