Chapter 174

Judging from the letter sent, Xiao Qicai's body has been refined according to Kuang San's various requirements, and the elites of the Black Tan army who were transferred away are also looking for the remnants of the Jinglian demon fire near Zhongzhou.

Everything is going towards the blueprint that Kuang San envisioned.

At night, after Medusa left, Xiao Qicai yawned and burrowed into the bed with a tired face. Kuang San finished his meditation and took out the "remote control" in the ring.

This is what she opened from the dark gold treasure box that she dropped after defeating the plague.

Name: bullet launcher

Type: technology side

Effect: It can control the Tsar Bomb with an equivalent of 50 million tnt, and provide protection time for 20 minutes.

Side effect: After the launcher is damaged, the Tsar Bomb will explode directly in the nearest space! Note that many unlucky people have already been recruited!

Remarks: The magically modified version of Ivan the Great has the power to shock countless ordinary creatures. The body and soul are double-killed, and the enemy will regret challenging your majesty! Friendly reminder: Please be sure to put the transmitter in a place where the bear kids can't find it.

Kuang San was speechless, what looked like an ordinary plastic remote control in his hand, there was only a big red button in the center. It seems that as long as one exerts force, this thing will be broken.

Kuang San couldn't guarantee the quality of this thing, so she put the launcher in the box.

Moreover, she did not find the big Ivan from the interlayer of the nearby space.

The explosive strength of that ghost thing... Kuang San didn't want to try it himself.

A lot of things were opened from the dark gold box, including Jiuyou Fengyan, who was forcibly cut off before, and Huoyun Shuiyan, who was originally controlled by Huoxuan.

There is also a trace of the origin of Eight Desolation and Mie Yan.

The first two types were absorbed by Kuang San's movement, but she didn't take this trace of black flame into her body.

Always feel weird.

Kuang San knows that Huo Ao is not dead, he is still the real master of Ba Huang Po Mie Yan. If she absorbs this sliver of the essence, when she fights against Huo Ao in the future, she will accidentally riot...

It's almost impossible, but it's better to be careful.

Reincarnated and rebuilt, Kurumi doesn't want to do it all over again.

Exhaling, Kuangsan took out the last item from the dark gold box from the ring.

Name: Dead Qi Source Essence

Type: technology side

Effect: After taking it, it will have the power to generate and control dead energy, with a certain failure rate.

Side effects: After failing to take it, the soul melts, and there is no chance of reincarnation and reconstruction. Those who succeed will have a certain chance of losing consciousness after completely transforming into the source soul of death energy.

Remarks: From death to life! Can you reach that level? If you believe in yourself, please drink the source essence, I will wait for your return at the end of death! ...Oh~ By the way, a little reminder, after taking the source of death energy, you will be rejected by all conscious bodies except the fallen plane. Can you still make up your mind?

At the bottom, there is a line of petty words explaining death, the plague guy has only evolved to the second stage, far from the point where he can control life and death.

Kuang San rubbed his soft chin, the black liquid in the test tube was very pure, and it didn't feel disgusted by the corroded blood in the dead body. On the contrary, it is extremely attractive and wants to be drunk into the body.

Whoever worked out this guy must be a lunatic.

It's not that no one has tried to break life from death, but too many people have tried!

Being able to hide the secret key of comprehension and evolution in this small test tube... Even the strong who have already survived life and death can't do it, right?

Judging from the introduction in small print at the end, the lunatic who researched this thing also failed to evolve to the final state he imagined.

It is easy to destroy a plane in the blink of an eye, but what about resurrecting a plane in the blink of an eye...

This is not just as simple as going back in time, what's more, Kuang San has never heard of a strong man who is full and has nothing to do, who defies the long river of time to revive a plane.

I have heard a lot about going back in time and resurrecting creatures, but reviving the plane...the consciousness body of the plane will also be revived.

But the "dead" conscious body has long been sucked out by the void! Even if time is reversed, can the consciousness that dissolves in the void be transformed?

Kuang San shook his head, "From death to life" sounds very powerful, such a risky job, only reincarnated people dare to choose desperately.

She'd rather take Cause of Infinity than use it.

Throwing it back into the ring, although the thing is temporarily useless to him, Kuang San is not lost.

It would be pretty scary if everything could easily correspond to itself.

Invincible Liulong Aotian naturally doesn't care, he just thinks that he is very lucky and must be the chosen one.

Along the way, you only need to flirt with your sisters, slap your younger brothers in the face, and you can do whatever you want, and finally reach the pinnacle of life.

Kurumi doesn't think so.

If everything is in order, it is bound to happen. Then what is the use of her efforts?

Being pushed forward by an invisible pusher, everything I do is planned by the people behind the scenes...

Isn't it scary?

Everything was arranged clearly and clearly.

Eating and sleeping, wounded in battle, talents and opportunities... and a series of things.

Small colorful, suppressing the beast domain, reincarnation of alien beasts, infinite cause, the blood of the colorful python swallowing the sky... one after another, as if it had been arranged in advance.

coincide? Or is it his own luck against the sky?

It wasn't until the appearance of the "Death Qi Source Essence" that Kuang San finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But then she thought, what if this is also arranged by the mastermind behind the scenes?

Even my own imagination is also in the other party's design, so what should I do?

Shaking his little head hastily, Kuangsan took a deep breath, and patted his slightly hot cheek with his small hand.

What is she thinking so much about? Persecution paranoia?

"Hehehe" laughed awkwardly, and Kuangsan threw the "paranoia of persecution" out of his head, closed his eyes and began to condense his blood.

The bright golden liquid was condensed and suppressed by fighting energy, continuously baked by different fires, and finally flowed into his own blood.

The bones absorb the medicine in the remaining body, while the bone marrow produces blood frantically.

The created nine-rank blood was compressed by battle qi, roasted by different fires, and the soul power was adjusted accordingly.

A set of procedures has long been explored and understood by Kuang San, and there is no secret at all.


The Great Tagore Desert, the capital city of snake people, night.

The sudden buzzing in the sky attracted the attention of the soldiers on duty of the Black Annihilation Army.

The second level of security sounded, and the entire capital of the snake people panicked.

They only heard this kind of siren when the dead attacked the city more than half a year ago. Haven't all the dead been wiped out? how......

Xun'er flew high into the sky, and the pitch-black teleportation channel bursting out of the space felt strangely familiar.

‘Isn’t that the space channel where my sister received strange energy when I was a child? '

Xun'er frowned and looked down, it was her sister's room.

Waving his hand, he took out the bloody jade token from the ring, and his pretty face was full of evil, "Heiyi army here, I will take over with full authority!"

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