Latent Syndrome

Chapter 245 244 Infinite Tribulation

Chapter 245 244. Infinite Tribulation

Colin breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, I finally found this guy and avoided the matter being exposed. That situation was worse than facing the combat catalog personnel directly.

The moment he got off the driving position, the train returned to its original shape, but it had been tortured to a critical point. As Colin got off the train, it suddenly deformed and collapsed, turning into piles of twisted scrap metal.

Colin came to the main road, and the blood-red blood of the dusk sunset made the shadows extremely long.

The call from the first department almost blew up the communication terminal.

The consequences of Colin's move were far-reaching, not only accelerating the collapse of the symbolic world, but also causing extremely huge losses. With SCT's eye on Liberty City, the situation became even more uncontrollable.

Even if it is to deal with the top ten extraordinary people in the combat catalog, the gain outweighs the loss.

The call from Section 1 came again. Colin no longer had any worries. He believed that Irina would be responsible for his wife. All he had to do was kill this madman. Even if it was only for a short time, he could usher in a period of stability. .

He directly crushed the communication terminal, and eyes grew on the back of his hand, projecting bloody light, reflecting on White, just like seeing through Hugo, he tried to see through White's secret.


There are no secrets, there is nothing about him, there is nothing special about him...but how to do it, it seems beyond the dimensions.

Colin's expression became more solemn. The more people are at the forefront of the catalog, the less simple they are.

"I do not know what to say."

"You are more SCT than SCT."

"Even McConaughey, who has been in Liberty City for so long, has not done one percent of the damage you have caused."

White was a little hot, so he took off his coat and threw it on the ground casually. The floral shirt looked like he was on a beach vacation and was extremely eye-catching.

Hearing this, Colin's eyes froze. McConaughey... this name seemed a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Colin suddenly thought that it was the man he met at the convenience store, the new taxi industry tycoon in Liberty City. He should have killed him, he should have killed him.

That person is not only a member of SCT, but also... the highest cadre of SCT.

White suddenly thought of something and felt that what he said was wrong.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You just hold the title of Section 1, but you are actually...the truth sect."

"You are different from those hypocritical people."

"We're the same kind of people."

"Even though I've reached this point, I don't want to kill you that much anymore."

"Through this gem..."

"I glimpsed the mystery of truth."

White's expression was a little fanatical. Although he was unhappy about what was about to happen, neither the Countermeasures Bureau nor the SCT would be able to protect themselves.

Colin learned from all the previous battles with madmen that there is no need to talk nonsense to them.

Under the light of blood, in order to see through White's secret, the Death Suggestion was activated, and the wire blades swept out from his arms. These sharp and interlaced blades flashed with cold light, like electricity in the dark night, and penetrated White directly in an instant.

The setting sun was like blood, and people on both sides of the block were exhausted. They had already evacuated urgently when they heard the steel chariot. The fourth department also cooperated with the first department to conduct a short blockade.

The first contact person before Colin arrived in Liberty City instructed Harris to send ace agents with a field index of 2 or above to support Colin.

According to common sense, in order to counter the SCT's violent terrorist actions, many strong men have been lurking in Liberty City, fighting hand to hand. Support should have arrived, but in fact it has.

Colin was alone and no one else came.

The evil eye field, in conjunction with the hint of death, penetrated through, trying to detect White's secret, but the sharp blade just passed through it, like passing through the void. This vision that transcended spirit and matter was unable to hurt him.

The strangest thing is that, unlike the Pope, although Colin noticed that White was using visions, nothing appeared or happened.

What the hell does this happen?

Colin took out the pistol from the holster on his waist. The blood vessels spread on it. The muzzle was burning with blood-red fire. The bullets were also specialized and there was no ammunition limit.

He wanted to use indiscriminate attacks to kill White to a pulp.

boom! boom! boom!

Colin fired three shots in a row. The sound was not like a pistol, nor any large-caliber firearm, but like a turret.

Each bullet has the power of no less than half a ton of TNT explosive, enough to destroy a two- or three-story house.


Three times in a row, the ground under White's feet was exploded, and a small, blood-red, howling mushroom cloud rose up, but after the smoke cleared, the ground exploded.

White still stands unscathed.

Colin was confused. The evil eye could see through everything, but it couldn't see what happened to White.

He poured out ammunition like crazy, but it had no effect on White at all.

"Just like I said."

"You can't even hurt a hair on my head."

"This is unsolvable."

"There's no skill involved, just luck."

"Even the concept of so-called force, which allows objects to gain acceleration or deformation, is completely useless."

"Quantum tunneling effect, everything will bypass me beyond probability."

"Even if a planet with a diameter of one kilometer hits the earth, even if the earth is smashed to pieces, it is meaningless."

"You're just wasting your own strength."

White's face was expressionless, just playful, watching Colin's performance.

"Is this your famous skill?"

"It's atrocious."

White saw a huge gap between Colin's fingers, and blood mixed with bone sand rushed out. It was like a water jet in the aerospace industry, more ferocious, and the wind pressure alone could cut a person into pieces.

Cutting randomly at White, everything around him, including street lights, vehicles, and buildings, was cut to pieces as if passed through by a laser net.

But White remained unscathed, not even a finger could touch him.

After a violent outburst, Colin was stunned. How could this be possible? A feeling of powerlessness gradually arose, and under the violent consumption of strength, the ringworm on his arms became even more frozen. The coldness of winter ran up Colin's spine and reached into his soul.


"Actually, I am a very weak person. Although my index is close to 3, in terms of combat ability..."

"I can't even deal with some A-level infected people."

"So I don't have any technical components, it's just based on luck and turn-based."

"Now it's my turn..."

For strange reasons, the curse cannot be placed on Colin.

But in the case of a head-on battle, applying good luck to oneself has the same effect.

After some kind of blessing from the strange insect, White's power became even stronger, pushing the suggestion to a very high level.

Earth's magnetic field, ocean monsoons, planetary orbits.


An ultimate... an astronomical number. I don't know how many parts.

Beyond probability.

In an instant, the sky changes drastically, the stars move, the sun and the moon shine together, and the thunder clouds are dense, like countless catastrophes.

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